The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 633: Dusk is coming

In a certain sense, Renee was born as a boy who succeeded to the throne. After the death of the first king, she basically used men's clothing and knights to see people. The commonly used words were also masculine.

Coupled with the knight temperament that has been honed in the long-term military life, it can be said that if you cover your face, I am afraid that you will be a man more than a man...

Originally a neutral face, masculine behavior, heroic and sturdy military temperament, the daunting great record of peers, is regarded as the white horse princess in the eyes of your ladies... Prince Charming, not too easy .

For the two emperors, from disgusting political marriage to mutual understanding, when they finally ignore gender mourning and then desperate fascination, this is enough for many books... I mean drama and opera.

Needless to say, considering their identity, as long as they are processed a little, no, they don't need to be processed. As long as the original story is spread out, there will be many versions of novels, operas, dramas, rumors and so on.

People are always interested in the emperor's love affairs, and the more popular and novel, the more popular, considering the legendary degree of "Lily Princess Baihua Chuan", maybe there are many artists who can make a living by this. .

What? The story is already named? Of course, I think this subject has great potential to be tapped. The next novel with a few paragraphs is so fixed, and the story of this real story is written.

Of course, now the readers are hard to serve, all I have to expand the harem a hundred times, beat and kill more than ten times, bullying two young masters every day to collect the harem, and then hang a few historical celebrities to walk through the scene, now people like Look at these, it will definitely sell.

Wait, Renee, how do you pull the sword? I accidentally said it? Hey, it’s all jokes, jokes, how do you count as my descendants, will I tarnish my family’s reputation casually? I am like a person who is not light and heavy?

Much like? Don't say it. Look straight at my pure eyes, which one is dirty... Hey, all are dirty and ghostly? Oh, it must be your eyes.

In order not to stage the fierce granddaughter, the sword is chasing the young grandfather's farce. I still pulled the topic back to the current business and asked Linni's demon blood.

I have checked Renee's physical condition before, although she apparently touched the power of chaos and became a knightly profession that harnessed the power of chaos, but with so many years of continuous exchange of blood. Among them, the chaotic blood of Cavens should have been replaced by the blood of my partial neutrality.

It is said that Renee has lost the order because of the weakening of blood power. After all, if it is the blood of the main **** of Cavans, according to the rules of the blood of the abyss, it can also borrow from the source of the abyss. Of course, it will be restricted. But my blood... can only rely on myself.

Moreover, the instability of the blood seems to have caused her to suffer from intermittent migraine. The temper is also a lot more violent than in the past.

In the long run, this should be a good thing. After all, what is completely your own is the most real. The blood of the Dai people after the deep processing of the system should not be much worse than the blood of the abyss, and at least it will be more suitable for the main plane.

With the purification of the blood, Renee's potential will be higher, but in a short period of time, the strength will definitely decrease. For the professional characteristics of her Chaos Knight, the demon and abyss creatures summoned are certainly not as obedient as before. Come. After all, there used to be a big cover.

Of course, the arrival of the magic tide represents the opening of the abyss, the occupation of the abyss. For example, chaotic knights, black knights, cultists, evil magicians, will enhance a wave.

But she does not need to rely on individual strength now. It is worth mentioning that it is the success of Greiner's blood-changing ceremony earlier, but like Renee, as a big engineer and queen, she does not have to rely on the blood of the abyss.

I originally thought that Cavans would do something before the blood was completely reversed. But it is very strange, after the Hades world, he is not in contact with me, whether it is positive or indirect, even at the expense of Renee, this very important piece.

But now, the door to the abyss is about to open, and it is obvious that Cavans is intervening. What is his purpose? Why did you risk being traumatized at this time and personally shot Ansolo in the other's domain?

Just for a wizard? Completely extermination of the elves? Is there such a big hatred?

I am not afraid of a stronger opponent than me, but I am really worried about opponents who cannot even know their strategic goals.

"Cavens, have you been in contact recently?"

Since there are doubts, I will ask directly. Renee and Cavans have a soul connection with each other. If he really has any movements, he may well know.

Perhaps it is a word, perhaps an idea, no one can completely control his brain, and the connection of the soul is possible. This is the root of the year when I completely excluded Renee and Grena from the Hades plan.

Wen Yan, Lei Ni fell into meditation, half a ring, seems to think of something, and then, but hesitated.

"I don't want to be wrong when I think about it, I just ask."

"The ancestor... the ancestors he seems to be looking for, it seems to be important to him."


This answer makes me a bit surprised, not for the jihad itself? Still looking for a place? What is so important?

I shook my head and didn't plan to dig deeper. The accuracy of the intelligence itself was not high. It was also the smoke bomb that the other party took out. It was only used as a reference. It was too careless and was led by the nose.

The other two pairs filled with hostility and alertness, let me give up the intention to chat with Renee, directly ignore Renee's pleading eyes, and leave.

Since I know that I have to face the magic tide, no amount of preparation is too much. I still have to hurry and do something right.

"There should be a shipborne mages here, go find him to talk about the improvement and preparation of the Master Tower, maybe it might be used...."

The seven floating warships formed a fleet of ships and did not choose to fly above the clouds. The roads were also selected as densely populated areas. This was not only military action but also political action, and the attention they attracted all the way also allowed Witnesses felt the urgency and tension of the winter.

In the capital of the moon, the situation is getting more and more tense.

Most of the elves have entered the city of the moon capital, but the sturdy walls and magic towers did not give them much security. The thick clouds on the top of the head, the huge lightning that flashed, all pressed. On their heads.

The result of the deeper abyss is that not only a few young elves have begun to mutate, but even many beasts have begun to develop discomfort and disease.

Of course, not all bad news.

The good news is that the tides of the elements are rising at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The magic towers of the wizard's mage tower and the magic pool are all inexplicably full, and the effects of each magic defense array are also significantly enhanced, and their magic power. It is actually increasing.

Every day, you can hear the good news of a sudden cast of a spellcaster or magic knight who has not advanced for a certain number of years. It seems that the progress of each day is worth the past year, but this makes the elf executives more scared. Because such an increase is two-way, and how to think, it is still more expensive to use the abyss creatures of the high magic environment.

Another mixed news is that there are news of the miraculous signs of the gods from time to time. The priests and sacrifices of the elves are swimming in the crowd to appease the people. The sedentary Templars and the Knights of the Rangers are out of the forest to participate in the Guards. Among them, even the incarnation of the true **** has been witnessed.

"At least, the elf gods are on our side..."

The reason why this news is mixed is because some people have already seen the problem.

God is unknowable, distance brings worship, worship brings faith, faith God will carefully maintain the distance from his followers, there are not many miracles, not because of excessive consumption of power, but because it will consume The mystery of faith.

This frequent miracle shows both the elves' gods' care for the moon elves and their emphasis on the magic tide, but it also shows that even the elf gods have been forced into a dead end.

In fact, as long as you analyze it, you can understand the current dilemma of the elves, and they are more anxious than mortals.

The current elves are already the third generation of elves. Most of them are believers. More than 80% of believers are elves. The greatest faith in the moon and the elves will be destroyed in the magic tide. I am afraid there will be A large number of elf gods either descended or fell into sleep.

The Northern Elf Empire has clearly declared that its backstage is the gods of the Hades.

The rise of an empire is often related to the rise of a **** and a god. It is not important that the gods of the Hades do not need the faith of the elves. What is important is that the elves are in great need.

No faith, no believers, even a god-level **** who has propped up the gods, as long as the new elf empire is destroyed, the elves are really finished.

But these things can't be said to mortal believers...

"The frequent involvement of the gods only shows that they have no grasp of the next magic tide..."

I am afraid that this magic wave will inevitably have the interference of the **** level, and with the official arrival of the holy war, the surge of elemental tides and the direct connection of the abyss, the gods may not only be incarnations.

The gods who meet with each other? Something funny, even more tragic, from when, the elf gods who ruled the whole world have fallen to the first wave of magical waves to go in person, and it is very likely to defeat.

And often bad luck is accompanied by one after another, afraid of what comes, when the last space crack is broken, the demon army has come.

Perhaps the dusk of the gods of the elves is coming soon... (~^~)

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