The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 636: More deteriorating situation

Even on the road, even if the weapons and equipment are changing, we don't have the rest of the rest. N∈,

The frontline war reports are continuously transmitted like snowflakes, the diplomatic front is generally no, the intelligence gathering work is still not stagnant, and the diplomatic workers of the Northland League are working hard with those messy countries to obtain a safe retreat permit. .

And compared to the conventional sources of intelligence, those goblins who are not afraid of death are everywhere and are the best intelligence dealers, and...

"Hey, your vip account has been recharged.... This time you have to collect money, this **** cosmic goblin."

"It's not bad, everyone else gives you two folds. It's good to have a new source of information at this time, at least..."

"...indicating that they are on our side."

The salesmen of the goblins automatically find the door, and we naturally will not refuse. Any war, intelligence is the first priority, and now the behavior of the goblins also indicates that they still have a position.

The collection of front-line warfare is dangerous and inefficient, and it also ensures the rapid delivery of timeliness. According to the calculation method of these little guys, the intelligence costs will naturally go up. Even if you make a two-fold discount, it will still be expensive, but for me. Nothing, because... you can find reimbursement.

The scale of the space crack is recorded in the war report, which is directly labeled as “semi-permanent”, and it is known that there is no way to stop the invasion of the abyss.

The two sides have already played against each other and should be in the probationary period. The elves have suffered a loss, but they are still within the acceptable range.

The war has developed to the outer wall, but the general metropolitan cities have several layers of walls. From the intelligence point of view, the moonlight should be a super city with five floors. Can only say that it has not really started.

Unsurprisingly, the magic tide on the abyss side has begun to spread to the surrounding, although the moon is like a nail in front of the magic tide, but the nail can not stop the tide, countless demons, abyss monsters directly Ignore the obstruction and begin to spread throughout the Elven Kingdom.

they. It is a beast from the abyss. Without the control of the driver, it is the ruthless destroyer. They will destroy everything in front of them like a locust.

The sprawling ancient forest will be corrupted into the forest of the devil, the mountains will be flattened, most of the life will be eaten or killed in the first time, survivors who can survive will also evolve into a part of the abyss.

The magical Warcraft, the devil is not afraid of sacrifice, and even eager to die. When they die on this land, their bodies will merge into the earth, and the entire area will be polluted by chaos and abyss.

The abyss breaths the sky and the earth, and the death of the abyss begins directly to pollute the deeper natural circulation. Soon, it will become a real abyss and become the front line of the entire abyss.

The corpse of the creature is an important part of the natural circulation. But driven by the power of the abyss, the speed of this cycle will be more than a hundred times normal.

Above this abyss. The beast will naturally become World of Warcraft, and the residents will be naturally demonized. Even the crops in the farmer's field will become cannibal plants. After the new food chain and natural circulation are solidified, ordinary people cannot survive.

Moonlight Elf Empire? It has been destined to become history, even if it can survive from this war. This territory will not belong to them.

In a sense, the territory is equal to the population, equal to the potential of a racial future, and for the gods, the population is equal to the number of potential beliefs. When the territory is greatly reduced, the population will also drop sharply. That is to say, when they lose their territory, it is also the declaration of the fall of the elf faith god.

The intelligence and timeliness of the goblins are not questioned. I suspect that they are not creatures of this dimension. As time goes by, the elves are getting worse and worse.

So far, the established abyss side is indeed led by Danatis, but he now has no intention of personally shooting, but only let those abyss and slaves attack freely, and the elves have signs that they can't keep the first-line walls.

The loss of the tree people who first contacted was very miserable. Although the ancient trees of the war and the trees of the hundred years can be regenerated, the speed of regeneration is not different from that of non-renewable resources. If the whole jihad is finished, it will not be replenished. It can be said that A handed-up elf ate a big loss.

In order to curb the situation on the battlefield, the elite Knights of the Silver Elf have been charged twice. This is the biggest highlight in the battle report.

Even in the era of the ancient elf empire, the professional silver elf knights are also top-notch combat, their mounts can be at least high-level Warcraft, the unicorns such a rare thing to grab a lot, plus the secret of driving the mount and The power of the silver elf knight itself, once the group charge is launched, the orc's Bimeng army will be defeated.

I have seen a team of Silver Elf Knights desperately charge, the silver knights in the team constantly summon various magical techniques, from morale gain to power increase, you can also use the silver elf's racial talent to bless the power of weapons and equipment, mount exclusive The beast is also blessing various kinds of gain magic, especially various acceleration spells and healing spells. When the rushing to the front, more than a dozen kinds of gain magic stacks, the impact power is at least ten times better than the starting time.

And their racial talent can give the armor a defense, and increase the sharpness of the weapon. Under the faint silver light, the rifle will become strong and sharp, and the power is terrible.

If you use the pre-war logo to evaluate, the Silver Elf Knights, once they give them enough distance and time to charge, the average legendary combat power is expected.

In the historical record, there is a record of the Silver Elf Knights rushing to the wall. Considering the team I met, it should be true.

But the more powerful the troops, the more expensive, the equipment is difficult to carry, the mount is difficult to raise, the knight is difficult to train, the group of silver elves that I saw that year, is already the prince of the unfortunate elf kingdom plus all the royal guards.

The silver elves are as scarce as the other upper elves. It can be said that each silver elf is an aristocratic class. After entering a new era, the mounts such as the exclusive beast are more difficult to train, but the established knights have power and the number is small. Not yet, most countries think that the Silver Elf Knights have become history. I didn't expect the elves to keep this trump card.

"Two thousand six hundred or so silver elf knights, this is really a trump card, maybe the prince, the patriarch or something is personally on the .... strange, how the intelligence said that many mounts are on the belly of the battlefield, actually like this I’m abusive mounts, and the elves are too kind!”

As a senior knight. I express a strong indignation at this abuse of mounts and take care of further complaints... oh? Many mounts are the beasts of the holy lake? The case that the legend recently committed? I... still said that I didn’t see anything.

Looking at the battle report, I frowned, and the other side was out of cannon fodder. I had to make a trump card here, and whoever suffered a loss had said differently.

The cavalry charge has always been synonymous with high loss rate. Two rounds of assaults, although rich in results, have also damaged more than two hundred silver elves. Most of them are dragged down by the cannon fodder at all costs, and falling into the horse in the charge is tantamount to death.

The assault achieved the results, the tree people entered the outer wall, and encouraged the morale of the defenders. The silver elf retreated without hesitation, and it seems that it cannot withstand such losses.

The latter situation is in a stalemate, even if it is a magic tide. It’s not a day’s work to eat the Elf Emperor... There is no need for Da Natis to worry, and there will be more and more reinforcements in the abyss. Time is standing on their side.

The magic tide spreads, and some of them are besieged under the command of Danatis, and the cannon fodder is constantly impacting the city wall. The ordinary guards of the elves are not afraid to face the battle. If not the elves have started the Master Tower and the Masters. , for remote magic bombing support. I am afraid that the outer walls have fallen.

"Start using the mage so soon..."

"It seems that the magic tide is more difficult to deal with than expected, and the elves are even stronger than expected."

Herois and I reached an agreement. We all predicted that the elf would start using the power of the caster on the third night. I didn't expect it to be used the first night. This is not a good sign.

The arrival of the magic tide brought about the replacement of the elements of the tide. Although the power of magic has soared, this surge also means that the casters are more difficult to control. They need time to adapt to the changing high-devil environment. Now they are sent to the battlefield. If they are nervous, they will get out of control and blew themselves up.

The magic is not the more the better, the spell model is exquisite design, every point can not lose balance, a fireball suddenly turned into a fire wall or even a blast, not necessarily a good thing on the battlefield, too inflated elements and magic, It is extremely dangerous for the caster.

Just like a child suddenly becomes an adult level, the first injury is definitely his own, but giving him a few days to adapt, re-mastering through various trainings and games, there should be no problem, magic and elements. The huge increase is the same reason.

Forty-eight hours in two days is the time node that our mage speculates. For the common mages, even if meditation adjustments are started now, it is only then that the magic of losing control can be initially controlled.

It is the caster of the main plane that enters a new plane, and it must take several days to adapt to the environment. It is also the common sense of the Master. When it comes up, it is very likely to become a dead man.

The skill and experience of the caster are not necessary to make this judgment. The instinct and experience of the caster will warn of the danger caused by the out-of-control magic. The wizard wizards can naturally make judgments. Now they are on the battlefield, either they are looking for death, or they must There is a reason for the shot.

“There is a gap in the outer wall? Is it just that the cannon ash blew out the gap? Is this wall used for second-hand subcontracting?”

Of course, I know that the Moon Elf will not hand over the important wall of the imperial capital to the irresponsible construction subcontractors, but it can resist the siege fire and the walls of the chariots. This is a gap, it is a physical wall breaking, it is a bit too exaggeration.

Even if the ruler needs time to adapt to the environment, let the mages participate in the war ahead of time, there are other hidden concerns.

The magic power of the mage is limited. The magic pool of the Master Tower is even more limited. Entering the battlefield early is equivalent to exhausting the magic power in advance. Good steel should be used on the blade, and the magic of the elite caster is exchanged for the extinction of some cannon fodder. .

"It seems that the elves don't want to lose the first outer wall."

The first day to throw away the outer wall, perhaps strategically normal, but the morale loss has to be considered, the elves are now on the four sides of the road, there is no desperate hope of saving the soldiers, the maintenance of the morale of the defenders must be careful, so to say Come, the charge of the Silver Elves is also no way.

"The elves are supposed to intervene.... How long will we have?"

"If you can complete the modification on the road tonight, the fastest night after tomorrow, but if you want all the weapons and equipment, the Master to adapt, I am afraid it will take another day."

It seems that it is still too late, and I hope that the elves will give a little strength. If even the Lord God Danatis does not need to personally release the elf, it will be too shameful.

And if Danatis personally shot....... I really can't figure out how to deal with the elves.

"There are not so simple rebellious, just watch the show."

The smiling elf queen spits out the vicious venom, but the person who knows you the most is often your enemy. Her words are really convincing.

"Well, tell the Masters, give priority to adjusting the strategic planner tower of the new Northern Lights, complete the conversion plan, maybe it will come in handy." (To be continued...)

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