The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 64: Holding up the throne

On the icy courtroom, on the big desk where the French and the books were stacked, there were hot meals.

And I, like those of my companions, are taking the time and enjoying the joy of Eliza.

Ok, don't think about it, just eat, you can understand the poor old bones that haven't enjoyed the taste for more than a hundred years.

There are not many dishes, such as sausage, butter bread, fruit salad, and vegetable soup. The taste is not comparable to that of the palace food in memory. It is obviously attached to the restaurant, but for the hungry ghosts who have not eaten in the past 100 years, It is to give a hard black bread to the court.

"Cough!" I ate too fast, accidentally stuck the card, and quickly licked my neck, slammed the table, indicating that Eliza had saved her life.

"It’s still a big child. Oh, you’re really a child now, and you have nothing else to say.” Eliza gave me the tea when I accidentally slammed it, and helped me shoot the back.

"Cough..... almost killed by cucumber. If you die from cucumber slices, you will laugh at all the people."

"Can the dead die again?"

"Of course, don't die to live tossing dozens of times how to calculate the final wave ss, others do not know, it is no difficulty to die a dozen times."

"Hey, die early and reincarnate, eat well and get on the road soon."

"Hey, that is, the death penalty is also the last feast. It’s too early to accept the bowl."

"Is there such a rule?"

"Oh, really, no, I forgot to add. Remember to tell Lilith, at the next legislative meeting, even if the judicial ruthless law enforcement is still a bit affectionate, give the death penalty the appropriate preferential treatment, this human feeling is still to talk about of."

"You can talk about it yourself."

"This, I am afraid it is difficult, time is not enough..."

"Let's leave a note."

Looking at this unhappy girl, she knows that she will not agree with her temper, but in desperation, I can only write a note and press it on the judge.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hospitality." I was satisfied with the nod.

"It’s just some bargains in the pub, the time is too hasty, it’s too late.” Eliza shook her head, but she was a little regretful and hesitant.

"Yeah, if you do it yourself."

"You know that I won't cook, if I do, you have to eat it all."

Indeed, Eliza, who has the versatility of family affairs, is obviously biased in this respect. Perhaps the taste caused by the demon bloodline is weird. Her own food is very flavorful, the beet is spicy, the spicy food is poisonous, maybe it is not poisonous, but The tongue swollen into a sausage, it is more miserable than poisoning.

But at this time, but inexplicably relieved, Lisa is the real omnipotence, the cooking is far better than the ordinary chef, but in the end, I still can not help but ask.

"Is it Eliza?"

"Well, Eliza, not Lisa, that's just awkward."

After a complete sigh of relief, I also laughed.

"I think Adam will figure it out soon."

"What about that? You didn't say that single love lasted only 36 days. It lasted for more than a hundred years and it just evaded. He needed to break the reason for avoiding and face the truth. Now he recognizes his present. Feelings, even if you figure it out in the future, you should only be stupid, will men not be stupid?"

After Eliza said that she was staring at me, she was still rereading under the words "Men will not be stupid." Obviously, she has already pointed.

"Haha, Adam is really stupid, not stupid." Well, a man is shot innocently and is trying to be stupid.

A woman continues to glare...

"Okay... sorry." In the end, I couldn't stand the condemnation of contempt, and a man couldn't help but bow down and apologize.

"What I need now is not to apologize!"

"...I can only give an apology."

Perhaps, it is not only Adam who evades, but also thinks about everything that is about to be faced. I am also lacking in confidence. Even if I know that Eliza wants it, it may be just a promise, but I dare not give it.

"Oh, fortunately, my aging mother, I have not expected the stone to be opened, and I have already prepared." The whisper of the teeth, I can't hear it.

"Well, if you have enough to eat, you should be on the road."

"Looking at the supreme glory of the throne as a punishment, are you not afraid of blasphemy?"

"Execution? For me, it is worse than being sentenced to death."

Become a god?

Sounds great, but it's actually not very good.

Since it is necessary to mention God, it is natural to say what God is. In fact, God also has many types, and it cannot be generalized at all. At least, the order gods and the chaotic evil spirits are completely two concepts.

Most of the order gods follow certain rules and concepts. This is often their priesthood and divine domain. Their existence is a collection of concepts. Most of them are the patron saints of a certain occupation and region, and they accept their faith and strengthen themselves.

But this also limits their behavior. They must follow their own rules and preach their own concepts. The most famous ones in this respect are the Mother Earth, the Holy Light, and the Magic Goddess. These three are absolutely powerful. It’s incredible, but it has lost its self and has been passed down into a concept.

Chaos evil spirits can also accept beliefs to strengthen themselves, but they are more free, seeing Rose in the underground world so hard, no one jumped out to give her a slap.

Even if this is a secret of the gods that no church can teach, it is still a blindness to me.

The most fundamental difference is that the order gods are mixed with the order goddess Aspenia, who sleeps in the order of order, but the chaotic evil spirits must offer loyalty to the chaotic goddess Cynthia who sleeps in the chaotic abyss.

Ok, it seems that I accidentally thrown away the big material. Now that I have said this, let him finish it.

Aspiria sleeps in the source of order, leading the top of the pillar of heaven that the souls of the faithful order are ascending to heaven, and each time the soul is unable to provide more faith and re-enter the reincarnation, the soul fragments of those who believe in order It will become a nutrient for Aspiria, so that it will wake up soon.

Cynthia is the same, the only difference, perhaps the soul that leads the chaotic soul is not the pillar of heaven but the river of silence. The place where she sleeps is not the source of order but the chaotic abyss.

This is also the reason why the "jihad" is never ending. Even if the two goddesses fall into a deep sleep, they still wake up instinctively expecting, and as long as the cycle lasts long enough, they always have a wake-up day, and the more devout the faith order The soul of chaotic self, the more nutritious supplies, and the brave warriors roaring souls and desperate anger, even more eutrophic.

Then, when the expectations of the two goddesses instinct are resurrected, the source of all life's source order and the chaotic abyss do not want to cease fighting, this recuperation, the cycle of jihad initiation will continue, and as long as the war continues, one day, get enough After the sacrifices, Aspiria and Cynthia will wake up from the eternal sleep, and eventually the **** war will be staged, once again returning the world to the original era.

In the "history", this **** catastrophe did happen. After the first six catastrophe rituals, the two creation goddesses finally woke up, and with the subordinate gods and mortal races, the catastrophe was broken. Finally, the ending and Like the original jihad, there were no winners, the two immortal goddesses once again slumbered, the gods fell, the mortal race was extinct, and the Aich world was destroyed. Perhaps, when civilization re-emerged, there would be another reincarnation.

This may be the ultimate secret that even the gods of the new era do not know, but for me, it is only the background information of the last expansion of the Raiders book.

"I am going to go, I know that the goddess of creation is very great. You have created so many races. It is really great. But can your sisters fight on their own, don't drag others into the water!" This is the first feeling I saw. If it is not a passer-by, I am afraid I should have been on the fire.

Therefore, from the very beginning, I was swaying on the side of the order and the side of chaos (I don’t think both sides are good things). I never recognize that chaos is evil, order is the mainstream view of kindness, and even on the side of order, there is no respect. The source of order that uses the roots of the world.

Well, exploding so much, then, the problem has come out, since the Styx is not only chaotic, this battle is definitely played by everyone, then, how to stop it.

Although it seems completely impossible to do, but the drill hole is a good thing, it took me many years, I did think, and this first step is to climb the throne and strengthen the power of the law.

The power of the law now counts as the subordinate force of the source of order. Although I say that the power of the law should be replaced by the power of the law, the power of the law is too fading, and the place without the artifact collection cannot be practiced. The power of the law, the artifact page is destined to be limited, want to really spread, and so on.

Therefore, it must be the same as the Holy Light, there is a **** of light, even if it is only a server of divine power, so that whenever and wherever the people who believe in the law can gain the power of realism, then the power of the law can be The possibility of truly replacing the light.

This is the premise of everything, and it is the initial and most fundamental step of my strategy...

Then, what is the **** clear, and the **** of the law must also have, then, how to become a god?

In fact, it is not difficult to be the **** of order. Except for those lucky people who have gained the power of God and the priesthood, as long as they develop new important concepts and priesthoods, they have reached the realm of semi-god (this is to be able to control the power of God and not be divine. If you are violent, you can declare the world, exalt the throne, spread the faith, and recruit the believers. At least, the **** of the light is like this. He should be the earliest pastor of the Holy Light.

Every new **** of order will greatly strengthen the power of the order side. All new concepts will be recognized and rewarded by the source of order, and will quickly become stronger.

This is also the reason why Kaya would see me as the future god, and this "future" should be that I have not yet reached the semi-god realm, and my sleepless Roland, the past half-dead undead, has actually already Reached the conditions for the gods,

But the true God has limited interference with the mortal world. If I am on the throne, I am afraid that the true God, who is controlled by the source of order, has not jumped out of the camp of the two sides, and my plan has been directly ruined. Now, I am again I found the loophole in this shrine system. At this time, I got all the chips, but it was time to start this crazy plan.

"I, the person who has no sleep, the discoverer and the user of the power of the law, in this sulphur mountain city of the Holy City, declares to the world that I will exalt the throne and perform the duties of the true God of the law!"

The source of order that has long been waiting for a long time has dropped a huge silver beam, in which the power of order is heavy and suffocating, and in the declaration of the gods spread throughout the world, all life stops its own pace, looking up piously. God.

Adam, who had just come down from the operating table, was with other people, and looked at the order light column outside the window with a shocked face, only knowing the whisper.

"Roland, you are really big enough to play, are you going to fool the gods?"


Ps1. Regardless of whether it was added yesterday or more, there is still a chapter today. The other sixty-two chapters have been changed into the new sixty-two chapters of the demon (new), book friends who have not read can go and see.

Ps2. This, thanks to the big eyeball's chapter push, the big eyeball's Heiling empire has been following, in fact, everyone knows that it is not recommended for me to turn around, but it is not wrong to push the book. Strongly recommended the Greek Empire.

Ps3. God war is not available for the time being, how can Roland, who is a professional digger, be honestly bound to be bound by God... is getting longer and longer how to break... Right, this week, strong push, Liuyi is on the shelves, ask for various tickets, support books with support votes...

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