Before the holy war, the demigod was the top character of the whole world, and the meaning of the demigod itself represented the existence of transcending mortals, but not gods.

Ordinary strong people tend to think that half-god is not like a god, but in fact there is no essential difference between the two sides. In a sense, the gods are only half-gods with duties, and the priesthood will bring them huge Gain, but it also brings various constraints.

It can be said that the demigods are not capped, even the demon princes, demonic lords, and undead empires of the main gods can be called demigods without the priesthood and the godhead.

In the past, the grading mechanism of the main plane, even to show the various stages of the practice, is to give the mortal a rough hint, "this level of opponents, we need a few hands above **** level to be able to cope", but now But it is not enough.

In the past, black iron, brass, silver... The semi-divine grading mechanism worked well because most of the main plane's magic and strong can be divided into lower and medium levels, although the difference between the gods and the gods Local, but the number of demigods is not much. If a large main plane is only a few hundred and a half gods, each demigod is the national treasure of a big country, and there is really no need to grade them.

The system exists for the sake of reality. The reality that most warriors have been spinning around silver and gold all the time, so that this grading mechanism pays special attention to the low-rankers and the middle-rankers, and with the advent of the magic tide and jihad, the advanced becomes It is easier, the so-called quasi-legendary, quasi-gold, and pseudo-sacred orders appear in large numbers.

The most obvious, the former gold-level powerhouse is called the "master", which is beyond the limits of mortal people. Whenever you go, you can get respect and high treatment. During the holy war, advanced gold and the past In the order of silver, as long as there is perseverance and excellent training skills, 100% can be advanced, and even pseudo-legends can be regarded as the limit of "mortal". If the gold step is still regarded as the "master", the water is too much.

Moreover, in the face of the powerful demon army, the difference between gold and silver is not obvious... three seconds of dead cannon fodder and ten seconds of dead cannon fodder. There is really no need for grading.

It is foreseeable that in less than ten years, "pseudo-half gods" will appear in large numbers, but the difference in combat power will be even more outrageous than it is now, regardless of low-level or high-order. If it still follows the set of evaluation mechanisms of the past millennium, then it is impossible to evaluate the existence of transcendence, and the classification system itself has become meaningless.

Therefore, when the magic tide officially came, the Masters of the Mage, the Adventurist Guild, and the Goblin re-established a grading mechanism with reference to the experience of past jihad. The core is probably the difference between the fuzzy low-level professionals. Divide the top powers beyond epic and demigod. Let the grading system have practical guiding significance.

Such a thing will happen once during each jihad, but this time, because the jihad broke out too fast, it came a little early.

The new first order, including the original black iron, bronze, silver, gold, can be said to cross the great, and because of the lower level, there is not even a separate name, at this stage. The mortal is still tapping the potential of self-declaration. The warrior profession does not even have supernatural ability. If it is necessary to set a name, it is probably appropriate for “the mortal peak” and the “artisan”.

Second order. It is a "master" that is uncompromising. The scope of the generalization includes "legendary" and "holy order". In fact, the two are not very different in actual combat. At this stage, the strong people began to look for their own path. The caster begins to make initial contact with the great magic of borrowing natural elements. The heart like the world and the seal of the soul are the embodiment of the "self" at this stage.

The third order is the "legend" order. The past "epics" and "first-time half-god" are within the scope of this concept. The strongmen of this period have sublimated their own path into a unique way of fighting and philosophy of life. They will integrate everything in the past into legendary weapons (past weapon of the past).

Due to the existence of the epic three levels in the past, this stage will be unusually cardic, but once crossed, it is qualitatively different.

The fourth order is the "transcender" of the original demigod. The strongmen at this stage are unique. The talents and efforts are also gone to the extreme. Their ability is also different, and the roads are different. Naturally. It is not possible to grade according to how far you go, but it can be assessed based on the strength of their performance.

Because it is based on the record and the strength of the game, a few wonderful low-level people can also enter into it with the record, such as the curse mage, such as the low-order beastmaster with the outrageous beast battle group.

They are divided into twenty stars based on their demonstrated strength (risk).

The five-star is a benchmark. The normal weak and other gods are in this position. The ten-star is another benchmark. The powerful **** is in this position. The twenty-star is still the peak of the whole world. The main gods are This position, going up, is not divided.

Just as a powerful demigod can slap weak gods, the signs of the main gods are also swaying powerful gods. Now, in the early days of jihad, the vast majority of "surpasses" should be rotated below Samsung. But I know that with the progress of the holy war, "the demigod is not as good as the dog", the era of the strong stars of more than a dozen stars will eventually come.

As for the goddess of creation who will brush out more than 30 stars in the end, I am afraid that no one can guarantee it.

Obviously, this revision is that the lower-ranking powers have no human rights, and the transcendents above the demigod must be subdivided.

The term "transcender" may imply that they transcend contempt, that is, the gods in the past, and the weak gods are not as good as dogs, and may be coming soon.

The first-order unnamed, second-order master, third-order legend, and fourth-order transcender, the new division brings new meaning and brings a new...reward!

Yes, the contractual brave system has been recognized by the whole world. The justice point has become a hard currency that is more useful than the official currency, and the one-star invaders represent a huge amount of wealth.

At that time, the **** of the moon and the **** of destiny paid the price of their own reduction, and built a network of stars and fates, marking one plane intruder, and today's evaluation mechanism will give strength and danger according to the opponent. Give a relatively fixed bounty.

"Hey, can't you pay? Are you sure you are teasing me?"

On playing money.... brushing the number, that profession is comparable to the mage who can throw a curse, a curse to go down, how many abyss demon eternal ice. This should be replaced by justice points, how many should be.

My contract wrist wheel has already recorded my results. Now I am asking for redemption points and I was rejected.

The little goblin in front of him was sweating. They are simply ubiquitous, and they have already contracted the exchange of justice points, but he counts it with pen and paper, but finds that no matter how it is calculated, the other party’s request exceeds the limit of his hand. .

"Sorry. Sorry, I need to ask my superior."

When I found out that my arm was able to act, I found someone to redeem points and asked for my justice points to be cashed out as soon as possible...

"Sorry, His Royal Highness Roland has just asked the superiors to make certain adjustments to the rules for the exchange of justice points. The maximum prize for a single battle is 200,000 points. The massacre of the same kind of demon and intruder will be sharply reduced..."

Jumped out of a little goblin. I’ve said a lot of patches, and the words can be omitted. The conclusion is that it’s very likely that millions of dollars and millions of justice points will not be thought of, and up to 200,000 in the future, but I’ve seen you hard to mention this time. The system finds bugs, and rewards a little, up to 200,000.

"... It sounds like how to think of some unscrupulous game makers, such as big q goose, big snow owl and so on."

I have some helplessness, I want to marry my mother and I don’t know who I am. When I asked for the exchange of points for the first time, I was worried about this move. It was me who proposed the compensation mechanism at that time... Should I give myself two fists?

What is policy, it can never be perfect. In order to avoid being maliciously brushed, I proposed that in the event of obvious loopholes, it would be revised at that time and given "appropriate" additional compensation.

What? Is this not a loophole? Is it not a loophole to spend a lot of money at one time? As long as the stability and impact of the stability of the entire system, for whatever reason, it is enough to deal with it.

indeed. Regardless of the reason, if I really give me tens of millions of points, I can directly exchange a dozen artifacts, and I can probably force some gods to jump off the building. The financial system of the whole point is naturally collapsed.

How to properly compensate? "Well, anyway, no matter how many things can't be satisfied, just a little bit of it, give it one percent, one thousandth is almost the same."... I thought of my own original words, I want to fan myself. It seems that I have lifted my own stone.

I don't worry about the rebellion and troubles of the pits... Of course I don't worry. At that time, I referenced some of the contracts of the Earth. When I received the wrist wheel, I also signed a series of "Dear Contract Warrior System users, I am you." The contract (the **** of the contract of the sleepless guarantee), not to mention not only can not say, once spit out, causing bad reputational impact, but also lose money.

I was silent. In the past, my own contract for the King’s hegemony contracted a lot of classic contracts. I really didn’t have any loopholes to drill. But my family’s big business has a lot of expenses. So much wealth has flown me. Also very unwilling.

"...In fact, my relationship with your upper class is very good, especially behind the justice point system, maybe I can talk to him."

Well, since you can't play the contract, try the human condition. I am familiar with the behind-the-scenes boss of the justice system. It is the entire Hades and related ground forces including the sleepless, financial management is the goddess of wealth, guarantee authority. It’s a sleepless person, I can count it myself, but I don’t have any dividends.

"... In fact, what brought me is the boss behind the scenes. His original words 'You can stop, up to 200,000, enough for you to take what you want.', and the blessing of His Royal Highness, "Don't be too much." , the old lady has not eaten your kickback, cough, done too much you know..."

"Cough, 200,000 is 200,000."

I interrupted the rest of the words, not to mention the understanding of Iyer, if the careful goddess of wealth hates coming up, I don't want to go through a period of money and throwing a failure.

Some time ago, I didn't know where to offend the big sister. As a result, I was going to go out and lose money. The family was always stolen, improving my diet. Finally, I found that eating other people’s homes would not trigger the curse of the poor gods, and I began to eat cheeky. Mix and drink, and finally pour into the bar to go to Barton to mix and drink.

[I have said it a few times, you will not be cursed at all, it is purely your own luck...]

"Shut up, nonsense, I was only temporarily cursed, and there is hope in my life! It’s a big deal to really send a rebate to Beyana... I mean donate something to the goddess of wealth and change it."

"Isn't the Goddess of Wealth already banned you from entering? Since you last mixed and drinking for half a year, you are idle, mixed and drunk, and you are also the first one..."

"Cough, black history is all right."

After the Battle of the Hades, when I was wandering in the main plane, I had neither pressure nor responsibility. It was the most enjoyable day, but it was separated from the personal life of the organization, but it exposed my lack of fortune and living ability... Well, in order to live, I have done a little bit of no skin, but Hellos, you will give me a black history, buy cosmetics, do you want to pay dividends?

Not to mention, this time, not only do I count on the points to redeem the baby, but also the heroes, the system is also staring at my wallet, they are already prepared how to sweep the goods at the end of the year.

"Right, according to the new mechanism, you are rated as the transcendent seven stars, refer to your usual performance and camp tendencies, you can also make overdraft consumption here."

I am not surprised that I have been overrated. Although I have not yet entered the realm of demigod, the destructive power of the curse of the light has far surpassed the so-called god.

I heard that I can overdraw, I laughed.

"Can you overdraft? Come back 100,000!"

The goblins are not as good as the goblins, and the interest-free loans are naturally not credited.

"That, your limit is one thousand..."

Ok, finally turned around, or twenty-one thousand, it has already been seen.

But don't look at this. In fact, it is still a great fortune. At that time, it was only 50,000 points for rewarding me. Maybe it is not enough to change the artifacts that are tailored (there is no exchange list). But it is also enough to buy what I need.

"The fruit of the dusk of five years, I remember it is 500 points, first exchange 100, even if it is a double diamond blood, five hundred years of this **** blood should be able to adulthood or even into the prime of life. And the ancient swords The martial arts atlas, etc., check the inventory for me, mainly the ice system......."

Spending money is always enjoyable, and the wallet is always empty, especially when the shopping cart is full when there is no money to pay the bill. Now the funds are available, the fruit of the dusk is purchased, I personally need it. The magic martial arts and so on, spent nearly 100,000 points in one breath.

The rest of me is not saving. It is the first priority to turn resources into real combat power. It’s just the things I name, need time to mobilize, or buy from the kingdoms of the main planes, or with other gods. Exchange, which can now be finalized, only those treasures that have been stored.

At this time, the floating fleet suddenly stopped and looked out the window. It was not the snow and ice of the sky. For the elves, the cruel migration was just beginning. (To be continued.)

Ps: There was a mistake in the last chapter, missing a battle of the abyss, the **** of the abyss, who lacked the sense of existence. Now the abyss should be twelve, revised.

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