My script? In the face of the tide of the abyss, united countries, formed an unbreakable alliance, exchanged technology and resources, and synchronized into a new era of magic and magical technology development, and finally led the entire era on the technical level, forming a revolutionary wave, together I rushed the abyss back to my hometown... Well, I admit that all of the above are nonsense.

I mentioned it a long time ago. This is also my consistent thought. In the wave of change in the whole era, the power of the individual is negligible, and even can be said to be ignored.

"What I can do is to bury some seeds and then pray that the seeds will become towering trees and change the future of sadness."

I tried to switch to the rise of the Hades. It does not mean that the Hades can resist the abyss, but the existence of the Hades, so that the two goddesses wake up and avoid the worst ending.

others? I never thought about it...

When you are about to be expelled from school, will you consider what you will write tomorrow?

Looks like this metaphor is not very appropriate, then replace it with "When you are sure that you will be sent to the guillotine tomorrow, you will care about what is the dinner today.... Although I will probably care about dinner, there is no meat. But most people should be nervous enough to eat."

Cough, this can't blame me for not far away. It would have been impossible to establish a Hades and interrupt the creator's monopoly on reincarnation. When I really reached them, after I was so excited and excited, I could see it. Look at the new future that we have seized.

“The worst end of the annihilation has indeed changed, but the gap between the two sides of the jihad has not changed. Because of Cynthia’s divine, the unrestricted abyss side is more difficult to deal with than in ‘history’...”

The historical trend is very embarrassing. In fact, it is still the gap between the two sides. For example, when other objective conditions do not exist. There is a heavily armed big man who wants to bully an unarmed skinny boy. Because the physical gap between the two sides is too big, no matter how it is done, it is finally pressed to the ground and is a so-called "big trend."

And now. The side of the abyss is the big man. Ai Xi is the thin boy, but the inside of the "small boy" is still intriguing. I haven’t taken the opponent too seriously. How to see it is the end of the game.

In "History", in the early stage of the jihad, the order side was chased by the chaos side to find the ground, in the middle. The order side is still pressed on the ground. In the later period... I was accustomed to the ending of being pressed on the ground.

War is the embodiment of comprehensive strength, and the reality of all the soldiers on the abyss has further widened the gap. The new magic technology is indeed a life-saving straw, but to make it a towering tree, it still takes time, and there is no battle between the two sides. Under the "general trend" that changes in essence, how to see it, the pre-jihad period is also the end of being shackled on the ground.

"defensive counterattack", "consumption war", "post-enemy travel battle", "exchange space for time". These so-called strategies that sound so powerful, the premise of use is the reality that "the frontal battlefield is completely overdone." There is no way.

Ai Xi’s plane is not without odds. The magical technology and the long-term savings and potential that are dominated by the plane will gradually develop in the middle and late stages. In the “history”, there are also countless hero heroes, but in the early stage, in the big Some people are awakened, feared by the cruel facts, and even if they devote themselves to this war of death, they will still be killed on the ground.

I am not a saint, nor do I have the omnipotent and ignorant skills. The so-called strategy and ingenuity are ultimately the tricks of playing chess and the fraud and bluff outside the board. When the difference between the two sides is too big to play, when the other party directly When you crush it, even if you rack your brains, and think about how to overcome the myth of the opponent, it is better to think about how to lose less, and save enough seeds in the cold winter to prepare for the counterattack.

"Northland embraces the group, joins the winter, drags the whole continent into the counter-attack period... If there is no counter-attack period, how long it will last for a long time."

Extremely passive, short-sighted, and even now said, it will be used as a timid choice, but it is always a strategy that I like to actively create opportunities, and ultimately choose the strategy, which is really forced by the situation.

"It is really cool to be clear that the weak side is still in the past, but after the end, I am afraid that only gg will be played. It is the basic strategy to face the chosen opponent in the place of your choice."

As a veteran behind-the-scenes, I don’t need to say that this will definitely be subject to criticism and attack. I just need to be prepared, waiting for the passage of time, the worsening situation on the mainland, and the Northland people will naturally make The choice I expected.

Choosing the North as the last stronghold, in my opinion, is indeed the best choice.

Perhaps this is a barren land, the border of the whole world, but the other side of barrenness and marginalization is that no one will be interested in this backcountry before other rich land is robbed and occupied, especially the north. When the land is still not good.

Perhaps it is the snow and ice of the extreme north, and when most of the abyss demons are born with fire attributes and resistance, this glacial land is the best natural barrier, and no creature will be in the glacier area. It is good to say that low temperature will bring a series of troubles to the physical creatures. Only the undead can play beyond the conventional strength here. Once encountering the demon army, the snow and ice in the north will become our natural ally.

Moreover, this is not eight years ago, and there is nothing here.

Northland is not the borderland of that year, and the alliance with the northern kingdom of the elves, representing a rich plain, the forest area is integrated into the entire northern part of the plate, taming the northern orcs, also represents the Northland has The strong ice source and the potential of war, combined with the forces of the underground world, represent that the tentacles of its connection with the outside world cannot be cut off at all, and the northward movement of the undead Xiluo Empire has given it a quasi-super empire.

The Xiluo Empire, the underground forces, and the Yi people are the iron triangles of the Northern Alliance. Today, this triangle is not only military or political.

When a large number of gray dwarves and goblin craftsmen settled in the northern land, the magical ore and ordinary ore of the northern land have been extensively mined, and the addition of the Xiluo Empire has allowed it to further advance in enchantment and industry, plus Northland as The position of the origin of the magic technology, the arms trade every year. Both make the whole world stand out.

The presence of a church on the side of the Hades represents the fact that the gods are paying attention to this land. In this world, this also represents the stable priesthood, the output of high-level professionals, and the higher level of combat power. Strong. It also represents the stability of the human heart.

The individual northern countries of the human world are just the people of the border. The separate underground forces are only tyrannical tyrants. The separate Northland elves are lacking aggressive and courageous tortoises. The separate northern orcs are just a group of wounded beasts that have been interrupted by teeth and ambitions. It is only the public enemy of the living beings, but when we unite together, there is not enough complementarity, and a self-sufficient superpower is gradually maturing and rising.

Some things are on the surface. Perhaps the situation in these years is really good. When other countries began to pay tribute to the winter wolf in the north, the people and high-level officials of the League of Nations did have some fluttering.

But when the war broke out, the mainland’s super-states in the mainland were struggling, and the entire northern powers must warm up, and everything will develop as depicted in my script....

"The whole northland will be separated from the whole world and become a huge ice and snow fortress. Once it is invaded, this long ice and snow will become a natural wall. The strong industrial and magic industry will turn into the potential of war, not afraid. The Northlanders who live and die are the best warriors of the whole Ai Xi. The "guardian land" represented by the battle flag of Qiong will become a nightmare of the abyss."

Moreover, in this familiar land, there are many additional factors that the world does not understand, but I can call them, which can enhance the victory of the defensive war, and can also be used to clean up the gods beyond the border.

Of course, there are still many shortcomings in this land. The most obvious one is probably the shortage of food.

Humans are not enough to eat their own food. The northern orcs themselves are not enough to hunt themselves. The elves have food but immediately estimate that they are not enough. The superior food in the underground world has always been a valuable strategic resource. The special products are all kinds of sun-free products. Mushrooms, undead... Still forget, even if you promote the new grain of the Northland, but the land is too poor, the yield of mu is not going up, to achieve self-sufficiency, it is definitely not a matter of time... I want to go to the natural camp more inflection point Drew Yihe wood elf.

I said to Amira, I hope to move some wood spirits, but she refused without hesitation. The reason is that this land is too cold and too barren. The most annoying thing about demonized forests and demonized plants is In such a territory, a large number of demonized plants will directly sleep in such an environment, and the seeds are difficult to germinate. If there is a warm and rich territory, it can be tried.

The land of the Northland Elf is in line with their requirements. I also sent people to check it out, but the problem is that the four seasons of the North Elf territory are made by magical arrays, including the participation of the elves, and now The elf gods have already finished playing, even if their natural balance does not collapse, moving to a forest of dreams that have requirements for natural conditions, the two sides squeeze together, and certainly can not afford.

Well, this problem can't be solved for the time being. The only thing that can be done is that you can still collect food and collect more through cross-border trade.

Another problem, probably a population problem.

The northern land is very vast, but the natural environment is so harsh that most ordinary people choose to live in relatively safe and warm medium-sized and large towns. This is typical and sparsely populated, compared to those that are relatively safe. The vast empire's farms and villages bring a large population, and the relative lack of human resources in the North is obvious.

However, this problem is better solved. Perhaps it should be said that there is no need to solve it. As long as the war has been going on for a long time, a large number of refugees will naturally move to relatively safe areas. Such speculation has been proved by reality that the population of the Union is rising every year. Compared with the war, it is a little colder and a little bit poorer. It is really not a problem.

Then the industry is too thin. In this magical world, the industrial industry can be divided into two parts, one is the enchantment and alchemy related to unnatural and magic, and the other is the blacksmith, engineering and other industries.

The magic industry needs time and history to accumulate. Skilled craftsmen need resources and good masters. Even engineering tools and equipment require a large number of machines and raw materials to produce.

In this respect, the alliance is very important, but obviously it takes time and resources to accumulate. Some of the mysteries of technology and magic are not sold, or they can't be bought with money. I hope that the addition of the elves can improve a little. ....... It is worth mentioning. This is the forest dwarf of many vassals in the team, as well as a large number of elf craftsmen. Perhaps, the ability to eat the most noble and eclectic accumulation and heritage of the entire elves can fundamentally improve these problems.

The league is going too fast. There are many internal problems. But the most terrible thing is the small population, lack of food, and industrial weakness, but this can all be solved.

Of course, choosing a strategy to stick to the border does not mean abandoning the inland completely. The lonely fort has always been broken. The outside has the peace of mind that the reinforcements are guarded. There is an iron triangle inside the alliance. Actually between countries. Also faintly formed the Iron Triangle Alliance.

岚盟—Olan-Bayer, these three countries have no need to talk about the fact that the foundation is strong and strong, and the most important thing is that there is no conflict of interest, but there are complementary interests. Superpowers, the covenant with a room is not a waste paper.

Experienced a long war with the Hai people. For the Oran Empire, it may not be a good thing.

Enter the war ahead of time. Their national industry has long entered the war preparations, and the long-term confrontation with the Hai people has greatly expanded their own shipbuilding industry. This is the world's leading shipbuilding industry, once again, the development of China's power has reached the goal of letting everyone not The point to believe.

It is said that they can now launch 30 large warships and hundreds of medium-sized warships in two years. With the maturity of floating warship technology, the modification of floating warships by these surface warships is inevitable, earlier than "history". Oran already has the strongest and most numerous floating warships in the world.

Moreover, it can be expected that as long as the war is not over, the size of the fleet will be even more ridiculous, and then consider the accumulation of wealth and national strength for generations. The Oran of the quasi-super empire has become a real super empire unconsciously.

These floating ships have also become the executors among the three countries' covenants. Grains, minerals, weapons, and arms imports and exports are all expected, and this highly mobile fleet of floating fleets will be the most trustworthy. The reinforcements.

As the old super-empire of the Bayer Empire, it is not too much to let, after the dragon-riding Grand Duke of Helen became the dragon riding emperor, the relationship between the Dragon and the Bayer Empire is better.

This is the accident of the times, but it is also the result of the choice made by the wise in advance.

The dragons facing the jihad must make a choice. They must tide over the difficulties with the forces of the surface, and the Bayer Empire, where the same people are located, is the best choice.

Today's Bayer Empire has been fully supported by the Dragons. The sky can see the ups and downs of the dragons at any time. Helente himself became the agent of the dragons. When the fools chose the incredible choices of the new king, they won the unbelievable success.

And Bayer, naturally, has won the dragon riding team of the world's most powerful airpower.

Moreover, I learned from the gossip that the Southern sect actually got an angel battle group.... Angels with dragons, I am afraid that among the three countries, Bayer’s air mobility is the strongest.

Of course, the Alliance also has its own air power. Because of the sad shipbuilding industry, the new Northern Lights fleet is not enough compared to Bayer, which is a new ship under the dumplings. The young Black Dragon and Red Dragon are not comparable to Bayer. The old dragon and the ancient dragon, but the Aurora knight who is symbiotic with the hail is still the strongest knight in human beings. With the strengthening of the ice and snow elemental plane, the number is also increasing every year.

However, these ice knights can play the strongest strength in the northern snow, which is indeed a bit embarrassing, but for the defensive war, it may not be a good thing.

Moreover, the strongest maneuvering power of the League is not the conventional combat power. Perhaps, the person I have calculated in the medical room, after this release of the curse, has also been counted as the actual combat power in the covenant of the great powers.

The powerful air power of the three parties can be said to stand at the peak of the entire human world. This is also the foundation for the strategic alliance to play a practical role. The "alliance" between small countries and big powers is only the **** of the strong to the weak, and the strength of the three parties is strong enough. The airpower that can support each other is fundamental to the mutual assistance covenant.

The internal iron triangle, of course, may become iron and iron horns with the addition of the elf empire. The three foreign covenants will help each other and help each other. Sticking to the northern part of the map, I can do everything. If I still can’t get through the catastrophe, I have nothing. Say it.

Some things are on the table, others are just knowing what to say, but the marriage between Renee and Helen's sister is already the core of this strategy.

In the era of the dictatorship of the feudal era, there was nothing more than a marriage between the royal family, which showed the intimacy of the alliance.

Marrying the most beloved sister to a woman, no name is not included in the royal family tree, so ridiculous and even humiliating things, Bayer of the super empire has made it.

This undoubtedly reveals the determination and sincerity of Bayer's emperor Helente to the Alliance. If it wasn't for Oran's royal family to be cleaned by the lone emperor, and he himself was fascinated by his own empress, he insisted that he would not be jealous. The marriage with Oran is also inevitable.

At this time, I watched the harmonious interaction between Renee and her nephew Ai Wei, which showed that she was very happy with her smile, but she was watching the ghosts.

"....... There is no real relationship between this and there is no future generation. Without the descendants, the other party will not be dissatisfied. Renee’s little white face is really hearty, or else... I have to arrange several political marriages for her, which seems to be both internal and external. Great good thing, um, let her be a prince of the Baizu for the Yi and the Alliance!" (To be continued.)

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