When the latest information was handed in front of me and said that the Bayer Empire rainy night fortress had suffered the fierce attack of the Undead Legion, I personally was not surprised at all. After all, this was the expected thing from the beginning, when the magic wave When it comes to the real, it also means that the outposts of the jihad and the trials are coming to an end, and the next is a hard battle of real swords. △↗,.

But when I heard that there were five undead emperors on the battlefield, no matter who they were, they took a sigh of relief.

After all, after so many years, the undead emperor in front of the world is one, but the natural night disaster of the year directly affected the population crisis of the whole world, but it also reminded the leaders and immortals of all ethnic groups. The name of the bit.

The more you understand the high-level existence of undead magic, the more you understand what it means to be the undead emperor.

The natural soul of the deceased is incomplete, and the advanced "miraculous transcendence" becomes impossible. The key step is to make your soul condense into a unique brilliance, but even if the soul is incomplete, advanced in theory It is impossible.

However, there are always people who can make the impossible possible...

"...In the end, there are five permanent nights?"

In a sense, this evaluation is really not overestimated, but underestimated.

On the pure power of paper, Roland hits any undead emperor who is slammed. After all, his qualifications are the shortest, and the short is only a fraction of other undead emperors.

To see the strength of a Necromancer is to count his army and his own power. These ancient undead empires, even if they are not the masters of a dead plane, occupy at least one place of death, their death. The legion is countless.

Esso took his army to fight hard. Roland had no chance of winning. If Ren was not eager to enter the main plane, waiting for the jihad to enter with all the regiments, Roland could not beat it, even if it was an individual. If it weren't for the limitations of the bug world, Roland would still be unable to beat the Legion.

Due to the incompleteness of the soul, the road to the undead is probably the most difficult to enter the "middle God transcendence", but once it breaks through. It is also equivalent to getting rid of the innate limitations, in some respects beyond the authority of the Creator, it is impossible to think of it.

Roland is an expert in dissecting the soul. Heng has the only understanding of the energy field. Esso is good at it...has no chance to play. But these undead emperors are intrinsically different from the ordinary undead lords, but they all have the power to make miracles impossible.

They did not choose to add oil tactics to gradually exert pressure on the human front, but at the beginning they invested all their efforts and appeared in the attack and defense of the rainy night fortress.

The result... It was the defeat of the Bayer army, the rainy night fortress lost, the twelve dragons and their dragon knights fell off at one time, and now there are dozens of new bone dragons in the sky over the rainy night fortress.

The undead emperors were still the temperament of the ancient undead kings. They did not regard the living beings as the same habit. In the battle, they used a lot of extremely evil biochemical fog and death enslavement, summoning, and then they did not hesitate to use the curse of the undead natural disaster after the city was broken, a large number of civilians and prisoners were transformed, The dead souls like the sea rushed to the next battlefield.

This is the undead sea tactics that the undead is really a headache. Although there is not much intention in thousands of years, but it is easy to use, there is really no good way to deal with the bigger and more undead sea.

And because of the hands and feet of a certain undead emperor. The body of the Bayer is generally negatively energetic. It is very suitable for the practice of the undead magic. It is also an excellent material for the undead. In the undead natural disaster, there are high-ranking undead and elite units that are not intelligent. Greatly improved the quality of the Undead Legion.

The death plane is constantly transmitting troops, and once the next fortress is broken, it is rolled up by snowballs, and the number of undead naturally has to be turned over. The situation of sudden deterioration has shocked Bayer. The gorgeous lineup of the other five undead emperors at the same time made the world fear and fear.

The things of the undead natural disasters are more difficult to get to the later stage. When the undead emperor summoned enough of his death corps, a large number of low-level undead bases gave birth to enough elite undead commanders, and a sufficient number of undead also represented the undead emperor. With enough cannon fodder and experimental materials, more powerful undead creatures will gradually appear, and the grassroots undead will be renewed. With the "evolution" of the entire undead army, the situation develops to a certain extent, and the whole world is swept by it. It should be.

In the first month of the jihad, Bayer will face the most serious challenges, and their experiences are not unique.

San Antonio and the trolls and demons also suffered huge setbacks, and the striker’s defeat of the Church of St. Church and San Antonio’s joint defense was the chief of the ancient troll leader Jurkin.

Voodoo's spear directly plunged the whole city into a pale green quagmire. The four-meter-tall troll hero alone destroyed the angelic corps of the church and the human ranger. In front of him, there was no resistance. The lively ride of a thousand has made many of the big tick trolls stunned.

Modern people may have forgotten this name, but he used to be the hero of the ancient troll empire, and the strength he showed when he shot was recorded. The temporary evaluation of the goblins is 17 stars, that is, the extraordinary. It is said that even if it is not possible to prove that he is the existence of the main **** level, it is definitely not far behind.

And the trolls who came together with the devil also showed their true strength. Unlike the delicate elf magic, they used the arousal will to summon the power of the elements, and the corrupted elemental creatures appeared in the battlefield, and the trolls They can be assimilated with them and turned into a deformed half-element and semi-biological monster. I don't know how to fatigue, I don't know how to live and die, I don't know the pain. It is a live meat grinder on the battlefield.

Obviously, the troll's witchcraft and magic have their own unique features, which are completely unrecognized by the current magic system. The troll's shots also show the determination and heritage of this ancient family. They have the strength to challenge the new one. The master of the times, to regain the glory of his past.

The experience of the trolls and the undead fronts is not all. In the first month of the magic tide, the powerful countries on the mainland have encountered their own opponents. Hundreds of wars have been simultaneously opened, and countless old antiques from the historical garbage dump. The middle climbed out, but the battle line that was already on the battle, but it was even more fierce. The battle reports were like snowflakes, and it seemed that overnight, the whole world was completely ignited.

"So, does Bayer ask for help?"

Renee’s little girl is getting more and more excessive. What government affairs have been sent to me, but I am really interested in military matters, and I have saved the trouble of finding information after myself.

"No, no, Helente is a hard-pressed cockroach. I have been asking for help at the beginning. It is not a big country style. Moreover, their family is also very thick and not so easy to lose. His envoy has just arrived, you have to talk to him. Chat?"

Just think about the terrible land area and the potential of war in the Bayer Empire. I know that this battle is not rushing, and Bayer’s neighbor is the country of the Master. There is also Muling within the land, even if it is required. Assistance will not come to the far north.

By the way, there are Southern sects. Once they are on the scene, they are the real natural enemies of the undead. Bayer does not have to ask for help.

However, the other party took the initiative to send a war report, sent a diplomatic envoy to report the war report, and the performance was like a model ally. This is not a super-empire style that is used to being overbearing. It is certainly diligent and certainly desirable.

"The ambassador mentioned that the strange sacred light that you used before in the Principality of Sarah, twice, seems to be deliberate."

"... Holy Light? Is he a pastor of the Southern sect?"


"Oh, I understand."

The derivative power of the curse is too great. The improved outbreak of the "species of the light of the light" is not the eyes and ears of those big countries. The southern sect is the original researcher of this technique, but they can exert such powerful power, they must do Not enough, now facing the undead, this spell is indeed extremely effective, it is a different way to find me to assist.

"It doesn't matter if the model is given to them. It is the prototype that they got from them. They can spend more time and can do something similar, but my kind of light has this power, but it is caused by many reasons. As the source of the law, the elves of the ancient tree, the increase of the Master's Tower, the Archmage who used to practice the curse, the Lord of the Holy Land, and the resources of its artifacts, except the Master Tower and the Cursed Master, they have nothing else... ."

Although this is the case, it is only a matter of fact, but I have no plans to refuse. As for what they finally made, they have little to do with me.

The big country people at this time, but very valuable, and since they do not intend to go to the official channel to lose face, the sealing fee is very expensive ... I handwritten a list, wait for the ambassador to bring back, the express should be soon It will be more convenient than online shopping.

"Right, why didn't you see your two women in these two days?"

I was very surprised. Whenever I saw Renee, there was always at least one thing around her. It was always strange to see my eyes. These two days are gone, and I am still not used to it.

"Helen's country has encountered such a big trouble. These two days are very anxious. I want her to go out and distract her heart. Ivy... Ivy is hit hard by you, probably working overtime in politics."

"Blow? Oh."

I was a glimpse first, then I understood.

San Antonio has encountered the attack of the main **** trolls and demons, and the grain production will definitely be affected. In the past few days, hundreds of battle reports have directly destroyed the optimistic expectations of the future. They probably have no time to regret it, and now they are busy looking for ways to collect food. (To be continued.)

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