The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 657: Selection and positioning

Maybe I have repeated it many times, but some facts have repeatedly reminded us that no matter what the world is, there is no such thing as true fairness. It is very difficult to get close to the opportunity fairness. In essence, it is completely fair and can only appear in theory. Above.

In the world of Ai Xi, the rule of the jungle that the strong is respected is already used to it. The race without the peak of the strong can only become a vassal and a slave. The most obvious example is that the upper elves of the silver race surrendered to the golden race. The golden elf, and the lower elves of the bronze elders are the vassals of the upper elves.

Human beings are the exception? As a textbook, there is no history book, but in the memory of the ancients, mankind was once a vassal of the giant troll elves, but learned magic and martial arts from these races, in this cruel world, before the real rise The weak race has never been a grandson.

The natural inferiority of blood is always there, just as human beings can't always be like the giant wrench wrist, and some things can't be changed anyway.

But people who use tools don't know that the pioneers first came up with it, but the emergence of "epic legendary weapons" that merged their own roads did give the peaks the possibility of surpassing other races.

Targeting the choice of one's own fighting style, the most obvious creation of the division of combat division is the "combat occupation".

In the age of the wilderness, there was no division of warrior mages. Those powerful ancient creatures did not use the flesh to play casually, or attacked by instinctive elements. This is probably another meaning. "There is no way in this world. There are people who have a road."

The top of the profession is to condense one's own path and the past into a "tool" that only one can use.

Yes, human skin can't have the tough defense of dragon scales. But we can hunt the mighty epic behemoths and use their thick skins to create armor and wall shields that go beyond the wall's defense.

Yes, human magic perception and elemental affinity cannot be compared with elves. But I can use special artifacts as part of the body, blending into the core of a certain elemental creature or magical creature. Gain a certain aspect of elemental affinity, or a certain gain to a certain spell, to make up for the inadequacy of the ability to cast spells.

Yes, human beings can't compete with giants, but I can make an ogre glove and make me great...

Yes, human beings cannot fly, and physical strength is limited. But I can make light magic boots...

Yes, human beings can't shuttle time, so we have integrated the concept of time and made the sand of time...

Don't look at epic weapons too mysterious. It is only the extension and sublimation of the instinct of human use of tools. However, the "tools" of the peaks are recognized by the whole world, and such targeted roads have obvious advantages and disadvantages. .

Tools are characteristic, and they are created to make up for the insufficiency of nature. But the other side of the obvious feature is the lack of generality.

You can make a dragon shield, but the place without shield defense is fragile. And the whole body is always not part of the body. Excessive weight and discomfort, as well as the covered skin, will definitely affect your agility and perception.

There are gains and losses. When you decide to use foreign objects to gain the "physical" defects, it also means that the "body" has no growth, and the shortcomings in other places will become more obvious.

While deciding to use the "tools", the use of "tools" has also been determined, and where the "use" represents does gain gain. But in other respects, there is still no obvious change.

But sometimes the battle is not a simple bucket effect. Enhance the advantages as an advantage and avoid hidden weaknesses. It is the normal way to win.

"You don't need to be better than your opponent. It's the way to win when you choose the way to fight."

Of course, the easiest way to solve problems is that if a "tool" can't work, you can get a few more tools, but considering the difficulty of entering the transcendence, the hardship of building an epic weapon, the most important thing is that the blood itself cannot bear. For epic weapons, it seems that ordinary people do not have to think about it.

For the innately deficient human beings, the advanced transcendence is not as fast as possible. For most strong people, choosing their own "tools" is a chance of no remorse, it is a clear trading, and once Choosing mistakes is tantamount to actively limiting your own growth limit... To be fair, it is that this game character has been ruined, and the heroes have to reincarnate.

Often the formation of an epic weapon is the life-long effort and the cohesion of the past. Sometimes, if you are not fully prepared, you will advance the ranks, or you will be free to advance without any guidance. The final product can’t be picked. There are also many quite ridiculous existences among them.

For example, there is a strong person who is good at driving water. His epic weapon is to condense his understanding of the natural water cycle. It is an umbrella that brings rainstorm as long as he opens it, and he is therefore praised. As the "rain god", it has been welcomed by many drought-stricken areas.

But... this level of water master can always summon heavy rain, and there is no gain in combat ability. On the contrary, because the scope of the spread is too wide, each use will consume a huge amount of magic, once used, strength It is a lot weaker than it is in epic.

It becomes weaker after the advancement. Although it is ridiculous, it is definitely not one of him.

This is not just a choice of mistakes and stupidity. Sometimes, when disasters fall from the sky, there is really no way.

There is a teacher who is born with a weak and weak method of coughing blood. He is talented and talented. When he was 12 years old, he advanced gold. He studied the culmination in the field of time. The epic weapon is stronger to each side. It is said that it can directly reverse the time. It is a miracle. Creation.

But the miracle is a price to pay. This thing has to pay for vitality every time it is used. No one knows how much it needs to pay, because the teacher only hangs once.

Too strong will and belief will also produce erroneous results.

There is a transcendental paladin, he longs for the warmth of the sun, and the light is always with him. As a result, he did it, and the ending is dehydration and death... This guy is too hateful to the darkness, too deep in obsession with "forever" The result of not wanting the sun to go down is a long-term barbecue. It is said that this guy is not determined to be firm, but insisted on persisting for three months, and finally became a dried meat.

Excessively strong beliefs will affect the subconscious's subconscious choices. The pagans who are not determined by the faith are not far away. It is a lot of scorpio in the priesthood. Although there are not many roasting ones, they turn themselves into 24 The hourly bulbs are very common, until the Church of the Church finally puts these jokes that are laughable into the teachings, and the younger generations take it as a warning.

On the contrary, it is probably the undead emperors. Most of them were born by ancient humans. They have been stuck for a long time under the transcendence, but the accumulation will not be in vain. It is also a good thing to think carefully on the threshold of the transcendence. Once it breaks through, The future will be a smooth road.

I have a long history of coughing and coughing. In these respects, my advantage has been obvious because I have entered the experience of a transcender before. I not only have the knowledge of making multiple weapons, but also the soul that can carry multiple epic weapons. The transcendence can be described as extravagant.

But luxury, no waste, and the biggest difference with other transcendents, probably because they try to sum up what they have learned all their life, and when they strengthen their advantage through an epic weapon, I can think from the functional thinking of epic weapons, with plural Epic weapons to make up for the shortcomings and defects.

Holy Sword Dawn, his characteristic is the light of redemption. I am positioned for the chaos killer and the Holy Light Redeemer. He has two forms, which can weaken the devil and undead on the chaotic side in a wide range, and concentrate on it. The Holy Light kills the strong enemy and will be my most reliable helper in the prolonged battle with the abyss.

The original sin of the sword, or it can also be called the creation of the seven evil swords, it is derived from my strongest soul soul research. Although the design drawings and theories are the earliest, but the material is too difficult to do, it requires a huge soul soul. , molding time can not be expected.

But once it is born, from the design theory point of view, he will be a super killer for all the existence of the soul, it will be my strongest sword, but considering the material... probably also The latest molded epic weapon.

The epic weapon of the law, my thoughts have not been completed, but considering the special effects of the power of the law, and considering that the original sin of the sword once formed, I really do not need more melee killers, most will Make it a weapon that is biased towards restraint defense.

As for the ice, my research in this area is probably the worst, but when the other three epic weapons have been set to attack the defense to weaken the gain and other characteristics, at least in terms of function, I have been the sword of the ice system. Find out the location.

"A self-disciplined, or semi-automatic, sword can also surprise my opponent. If you are lucky, the upper limit is also very high."

"...The self-disciplined epic weapons are all attacked by the enemy and the enemy at the same time. For example, the sun that burns its own sun, other things that make people laugh and laugh. If the luck is bad, it will give the opponent gain to plug themselves and play. The upper limit is high, and the lower limit is also endless. Are you sure?"

The persuasion of Herois did not shake my determination. Since many self-disciplined weapons caused disasters for the enemy and me, they might be suitable for me who had been used to it.

"Determined, the disaster sword ... cold sword north even if it will only attract bad luck and natural disasters, but on the avoidance of the endless snow and ice disaster in the North, I think I can at least live longer than the opponent" is not yet to be continued.

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