The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 670: The least reliable alliance

Still a familiar small building, still an unsolicited visitor, but this time the guests have made me a little urge to save lives.

Opposite the coffee table is a sleepy old man. The white beard has been resting on the soles of his feet. The untrimmed appearance is similar to the tramp, but the magic under the old body is as deep as the sea.

Sitting across from me can feel the endless magic, and there is no trace of anything outside the room.

"...forever night? It's a perfect life form."

The old man put down the teacup and slowly looked at the cup in his hand. It seemed to be very satisfied with the tea, but I knew that there were countless pairs of eyes, staring at me.

"The Lord of the Withering" Sandru, the master of the bones, is also the old undead emperor of Esso, the former chief executive of the Republic of Tali, and this time, he is also the undead emperor who came to this plane. One of the most prestigious ones.

Not long ago, in front of the sorcerers in the country of the Master, he showed an incredible curse of forcing, and only the people who knew his field of study knew that it was not a curse, but a ban. The magic of the power of the curse.

He should now be on the front line of Bayer, confronting the sorcerer and the dragon. At this time, it appeared in front of me quietly. I only received the report in the first two days. He seems to be on the front line. It seems that he is either It is a wide range of teleporting ability, or it is deceiving ▼ everyone.

The eyes of the old eyes have never been opened, but the eyes of the soul have seen everything. The "perfect life form" is probably not only the flesh but also the soul.

And when he looked at me. I am also trying to resolve the existence of each other.

"Withered", "waterless dust", "the bones of the spider emperor." The maturity of each undead emperor. They are all coming from countless bones. In the face of such an opponent, I dare not slack off.

"...what is the old man coming for? Resurrection?"

Sandro is also a member of the natural undead. If he came for this, he could explain it.

But Sandro shook his head, did not speak, but there was an inexplicable ridicule on the expression of laughter and laughter, as if I had just stunned him.

"The living are in the sunshine. The deceased is in the dust. I am not the junior who mourns the past. How do I cling to life and death? I am looking for you, but it is for the reasons you mentioned before."

promise? I am stunned, but it is not that I have not taken care of it, but that there are too many messy things. The basic promises to the opponents on the battlefield are the nonsense of shaking the opponent. When expressing goodwill to the Republic of Ta Li, the white strips are not played less. This time I asked, I don't know which one.

But very soon. A turn of the head can make Sandru’s hands drop things in the hands, the grade is naturally higher, then there is only one possibility...


And Sander slowly nodded, no doubt proved my guess, I was a little surprised.

What I am proposing is only a plane outside the main plane. For the undead emperors of the main plane, it should be an alternative. I expect them to talk to me after being frustrated. Now the undead army is in full force. Sheng, I started looking for a way out?

I did not hide my surprise, because I also need the other party to give an explanation.

" did a good job, really, so good, we all have differences."

I think I need an interpreter. The old man just likes to say something that has no head and tail, and then people make guesses. It’s right to guess it. If you guess wrong, you are stupid.


OK, old man, I will accompany you to play, everyone guess together, I said the interjection with a calm face, then shut up, and the room was in a strange silence.

"Cough, Phil, you can help the old man."

It seems that this big-eyed situation can't stand him anymore. He walked out of his shadow with his subordinates. It was a middle-aged gentleman dressed up... Mummy?

"Your night, hello, my master has not spoken for too many years, please allow me to express his words."

Didn't talk for too long? It is indeed understandable. After all, it is enough to use the lower-order undead to directly use the idea to issue orders. Is it the same level and higher? No, it is to communicate with other undead emperors, I am afraid I can also send my men directly.

It seems that I don't like to play riddles, but there are too few opportunities for speech, which leads to a decline in speech ability. This is really a luxury problem, I nodded and gestured to the guests.

"My Lord's meaning, you have done a great job. We can't believe that the undead can live so harmoniously with the living, reminding us of the Republic's heyday, all, in dealing with the living. Onwards, several undead emperors have disagreed...."

The mummies called Phil are not like his family, and their mouths are very fast. In his description, I gradually understand the situation of the other side.

The difference between me and the previous guess is endless. For the return, the governors of the Republic of Tali have differences from the beginning. Some undead empires are eager for the reconstruction of the Republic of Ta Li, and some just want to come to the main plane to harvest the soul and flesh and blood, and some I didn’t plan to move the nest at all, and I didn’t come directly.

Even if it is a reconstructionist, the attitude towards the living can be completely different, then the style of action is completely different...

Let's take the example of the individual. Esso is the backbone of the returning party, but his attitude toward the living is relatively moderate. He hopes to build a new Tali Republic that will be shared by the living and the dead, and realize the return of civilization, and he is also old-fashioned. The Archd's Emperor Sander also came from the years of life and the deceased. In this respect, the political views are similar and almost the same.

But even Esso's very close "Heng" is also a hard-core return, but it is full of hostility to the living, she was not strong in returning desire, but some time ago, but revenge, and intends The country that established the deceased in the main plane, with its substantial individual strength, has become a leader of the killings.

After entering the main plane, whether to use the undead natural disasters to kill all the way, transforming all the living into the dead, directly led to the concept of the opposite.

"Only a few people, there are so many factions and differences. You are also working hard..."

Phil, who tied the cloth, couldn’t see his expression. Laoshan Drew showed a weak look. It seems to be a headache.

"No way, those few are unique sire..."

I nodded. Of course I can understand that I can become the undead emperor beyond the theoretical limits. Those guys are paranoid, and one of the characteristics of paranoia is self-centered and extremely difficult to compromise.

Moreover, these undead emperors are the supreme beings who ruled a plane and a continent alone, and they are still the priests who despise the gods. After so many years have passed, it is strange to deal with it very well.

I have made speculations that since they are all from the birth of the Master, the way the undead emperors get along should be similar to the joint mechanism of the Truth Council. Everyone is an authority in their own field. Naturally, they are the paranoia of the group. They can only act together in the common interest, what do not think about the lower and upper levels, what to reason about. No one can convince anyone.

Other powerful existences can also use strength to distinguish between high and low, and the status of the same class is not high. Who is the strength of the water as the boss? It's not like the barbarians they despise the most!

Moreover, many times the result of a spell war is not only a force war but also a mental war. The luck component is also very important. The result of the move is not the same as the result of the change. The two players who have little difference will try again and the result will be completely different. The possibility is great.

And even if you use strength to compete, you can break through a bottleneck in your field, and then the strength will increase, and the result will change. The ever-changing ranking can only become a joke.

"The worst thing in the world to deal with is probably the one-of-a-kind dictator and the crazy paranoid scientist. The undead emperors are both, and they can get along with each other. It is already a miracle. Perhaps the compatriots in the past are also very heavy... But there seems to be a gap in it."

Based on the above speculation, the undead unification is bound to be an extremely loose alliance. All the undead emperors are almost when I heard that they actually united and pushed Bayer, they could not believe it.

"Five of me and Hylois combined to play mahjong? Is it possible to live in harmony? Dream."

My prediction is that each of them will lead an army, open a plane of the plane to fight a country, and count on their own, this is the war strategy that is most suitable for them.

"Esso and under the shackles are not there, just assigning the main attack position, and all of you have been unable to reach an agreement. Therefore, under the suggestion of His Majesty, the five men decided to make a joint attempt.... This is The first time, but from the results, I am afraid it is the last time."

It turns out that these years the spies of the Republic of Ta Li have been wandering in the north, and the mode of getting along with the undead and the living beings made the old undead emperors very excited. They suggested that they should not bear blood and reconcile with the living at the beginning. Room for it.

But when the violent Shunus opened, he lost the undead natural disaster and then rolled up the snowball.

He also sees the standard. He knows that once something goes wrong, he can't look back. The undead emperors of the harmonious school have seen things so helpless, they are not good men and women, they will not show their love to the enemy, so everyone is together. Pushed flat.

It’s cool to push the road all the way, but when it’s halfway through, the team has begun to split.

That is enough to think that it is enough to ask for a hard bone like Bayer, to go to other weak countries to reap the soul, to represent the Anina Emperor who is the black side. Her qualifications can only be regarded as general in the crowd. A massive soul to strengthen oneself, in a sense, she is also the only undead emperor who has a realistic desire for war.

It was said that the troll empire was actually revived, and the anger of the fire was three feet to turn around and the troll was desperate. It was also the marshal of the dead bones who had experienced the troll empire era.

He and Esso are from the same position. In a sense, they are both Esso's brothers and his subordinates. It is worth mentioning that Sandru also wants to find the trolls. The old governor of the Tali Republic, who did not climb out of the **** battles of humans and trolls, could not resolve the **** enemies, or even the obsession with their resurrection.

The sorcerer from the fog of the dead face, Punos, is not only the youngest from the outside or the inside. He can't understand the attachment of the old antiques to the trolls. He has a good relationship with Heng in the second full. With the goal of establishing a country of the deceased, his current goal is to hit the King of Bayer all the way.

Sonoma, the emperor of the blood level, is probably the most wonderful one. No one knows what he is thinking. He will not say goodbye on the road, leaving only one avatar, but also because of his Leaving alone, led to the loss of the spells of the undead emperors.

And the last one is the grandfather of Sandro, his choice... He has already arrived in front of me, and with his identity as a harmonious person, it has undoubtedly explained everything.

"They are all too personal..."

Although I still have no expression, I heard the cry from Phil's voice.

Yes, the five people are divided into five factions, and they are completely ignorant of their own allies. This **** is too strong to be evaluated.

In fact, I have already felt that it is estimated that when they come to a few undead emperors, they will split up a few factions, and there is no difference in the final outcome.

"You, it’s really hard..."

When the subordinates of this group of extremely self-adults are simply horrible, my words are very sincere, full of sympathy and understanding.

"You, you know it. It is the only new saga in modern times."

Mummy Feier was moved with a face and seemed to see the dawn of the future.

" finally know our hard work? Remember the sulphur mountain of the year?"

The words of Herois are passed from the spiritual link. Do you not vomit and die, I am better than this group of guys...

Recalling the past Sulphur Mountain City, all kinds of pits and explosions have been crossed from the mind, adding trouble to the subordinates? The scene of Diana's vomiting blood was reminded again and again, and the more I said the more vocal, the more I said the less emboldened.

"Cough, if Heng and Esso are there... As long as Esso is still there, we should still be able to sit down and talk."

It seems that I feel a little embarrassed. Sandru’s words are full of helplessness. In a sense, this can’t blame the undead emperor’s poor coordination. This undead emperor’s union is organized by Esso, now organized. No one is there, there is no way to make this happen.

I finally understood that the original undead emperors were not decisive when they came up, but they also had a lot of thoughts. After a long period of time, this loose alliance would collapse, and they could still fight, and they came to a whole family. The opponent can't stop it and wins, and blocks it.

Now that Bayer has just blocked this wave, the five emperors have five ideas, five actions, what will happen next, and even the **** of destiny can't see it.

I saw that Silud, who was silent in front of him, became more and more friendly. Obviously, he does not represent the Alliance of the Undead, but represents himself.

He said that the model of living and living with the deceased is very good, and it has undoubtedly already indicated his attitude.

Perhaps this is a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough... (to be continued.)

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