"...As the most loyal ally of your country, even in the far north, we still care about the war situation in your country. I heard that the war in your country is very unfavorable. The withered land on the battlefield is amazing, the arrogance of evil spirits.嚣 一 I, as the most impetuous to take a series of actions, I hope to communicate with your country, Sandron and I have personal relationships..."

This is a stinking and long letter, full of boring diplomatic words, but the translation is very simple. "I heard that you were miserable by the undead. Hahaha shame, but as an ally, I privately searched for the other party's ace to communicate, and then he promised to put the water on the fake ball. How are you going to thank me?"

Considering that the letter written to Bayer's emperor Helente Milan may be put forward in the future, as a formal record, it may even be used as evidence of Sandro's whitewashing. The simple and straightforward private message on weekdays is too rude. This rhetorical technique of turning around makes this piece of paper clear, and it takes ten times more time and energy to spend ten sheets of paper.

But I know that this kind of effort is necessary and cost-effective.

"...It’s really slippery. It’s obviously that you want to reconcile with the undead. It’s like writing for you to persuade Sandra to betray the undead emperor and join the living.”

"Oh, from the results, it is one thing. But in this way, it is not that I ask them, but they ask me, and they are owed to them."

This is like when the two countries are engaged in a war, when one of the secret weapons kills the other party, there is no way, the third party intervenes, saying that I can help you get the other party’s secret weapon, and if it is done, this is at the national level. With a lot of assistance, it’s not a little bit.

And with this as a key point to intervene, I also want to wash the white for Sand, a war butcher who was defeated will only be thrown into prison, but a "butcher" who wakes up on time and abandons the darkness in the battlefield, but can make people for the future Selectively forget his past. Instead, it became a story.

"...the undead double emperors are happy to meet each other, and they laugh at each other and succumb to the enemies. If they fail to do so, they will become a classic story in the epic story."

It sounds like a nonsense. This possibility is really high. At least from Bayer's point of view, I am a heart-warming person who helped them lift the threat of cursing the top of the head. Anyway, what happened really, only we know.

"Can you be more shameless?"

"...can! I can still be twice as shameless."

then. In order to express my lower limit, I took the pen paper without hesitation and began to write another letter.

"Dear Truth, the parliamentary compatriots, as an honorary member, heard that the parliament had encountered difficulties in the war in Bayer. As a necromancer and a monk who was a monk, I had a little personal relationship with the death master Sandru. Maybe, I can Do something, of course. Peer exchange is the basic rule of the magic world..."

It’s more shameless than eating and repurchasing on both sides. It’s just selling one room and two at the same time and eating three at the same time...

I believe that with these foreshadowings, as long as Sandru slightly expresses his negative work, whether it is Bayer, who is a big family, or the Master, will give me a very satisfactory return.

And this is not just for myself, but also to give Sandru a chance to whitewash, and his camp is in the forefront, and the future Republic of Ta Li can be accepted by the world. At the very least, promptly abandon the dark and say good things.

And after finishing these things, I have to give an account to Renee and Grein, at least to inform me of the secret results of my conversation with Sand. Avoid going back and forth.... Well, definitely not to explain to not participating in winter hunting, jokes, I need to explain to the two little girls.

"...More and more like a lazy father who is not reliable, after escaping from class, find a reason to smother a serious daughter. If you can't find a reason, you can put a parental prestige, especially like this."

"...dead cat. I have a very interesting spring in my hand. Would you like to try it?"

"You, you, you, you...what do you want to do to me, no wonder you are not interested in women. You like cute boys! Actually, in fact... this kind of gameplay is not unacceptable, but you have to wear Women's, peach princess, what...."

Looking at the cheeky dead cat, I finally have nothing to say, throwing the neck directly to the dead cat's neck.

"Give me a cool snow!"

My head is hot, and the soul link actually tells me that she was not kidding, what the ghost elf queen is thinking in her mind!

Stained, too dirty! Anything that is dirty can come out of the book.

However, when I mentioned the book... I mean male 溺泉, I can't help but think of Kolos, who hasn't seen it for a long time. Although she has written to ask her to come, but she is far away from Bayer, it is not a half-time to come here. Things will happen.

Every time I saw two bottles of spring water in the space bag, I felt instinctively wrong. I have been told by the experience of the pit for many years that I don’t hurry to hang other people... I consume the two bottles of spring water, and most of the trouble will come to me.

It is a pity that the tragic wind as a key target is still not in the abyss. From the letter, his work is very smooth and should be able to come back.

When I think of the rewards on him, and his going to the abyss is a disaster, it is understandable that he is hiding, but...

"I want him to die, never come back, I have to find a way to find him back, so I am going crazy..."

[...The primate can usually be divided into the more primitive monkey suborders and the more progressive anthropoids, in which the original monkey suborder can be divided into a lemur-type lowering and a marmoset-type lower..."

Probably with the eccentric creatures that are about to appear in the world, the system has become more and more uninformed recently, and I am chanting in my head the animal encyclopedia from which I don’t know...

[...Spring is here, everything is recovering, this is a season of mating...]

Well, this time has become an animal world again. I have been nervous for a while, and I have even begun to miss the days when I used to do the potholes.

The repeated chanting of these days also made me know what the tragic wind is doing.

The current races are, in a sense, descendants of the Creator.

The Titans of the Golden Race have spawned giants and dwarves. The descendants of the Golden Elves have appeared all kinds of elves, even the trolls, and are descendants of the original blood.

Even if there are mixed-race descendants, they are descendants of two humanoid races, and the genetic abilities of such half-elves and half-orcs are often poor, even if they have descendants. It is also often attributed to a certain race. For example, three-quarters of the half-elf offspring of human blood is actually a human with a sharp ear.

After two generations, the mixed-race descendants have no meaning. Finally, it is still classified in the ethnic society.

For the goddess of order, the order between races is the foundation of everything. The diversity of races constitutes the cornerstone of this fantasy world. This is why she went crazy and planned to arrange destiny and vocation for each race.

"Every race has its own responsibilities. The dexterity dwarves and giants are craftsmen, angels are government officials and waiters, elves are scholars and teachers, demons are guards and soldiers, Titans are masters of architecture, dragons can use powerful body and flying ability to act as Transportation of all races..."

Let's not mention how much this "order" is, but at least initially, this is indeed the perfect society in the eyes of the creator.

At least, before the invasion of the outer crystal wall system (another universe), the smashing of this perfect society, it is indeed the world of creator that both goddesses can accept.

As a result of the defeat, the two men joined forces to close the gap in the outer crystal wall system and disagreed on the path of evolution.

The goddess of order adheres to past views, then strengthens order and racial roles, allowing them to specialize in their vocation. Both ethnic groups and individuals have become the gears of the new era, strengthening the power of the whole society, while the goddess of chaos, with the devil's group, embarked on the path of self-evolution.

For the goddess of order, such a scene is unacceptable, but the only joy is that most of the races have not changed as chaotic, and the ethnic "order" as the cornerstone already exists.

Now, this "order" has not only been broken. Even the most basic racial purity is gone. Those mixed-race descendants are not only half-human and half-human, but each has no unity in race, and they all inherit the power of the father. Reproductive power. And it can be more exotic with other races.

This seems to be nothing for others. In the eyes of the goddess of order, it is a supernormal phenomenon that destroys the world view. Soon, the whole world will be full of strange creatures. The original and harmonious ethnic world will be broken.

By the time. Not to mention the animal encyclopedia, the mother of the beast is possible.

[...In the name of the goddess of order, you will not give me the source of pollution, I will find ways to destroy the mothers of the beasts...]

"Calm down, at least those mothers of the beasts are innocent, perhaps, not so innocent, but those children... well, I don't mention those children!"

In the cold wind, a virtual shadow is slowly rotating. If I am not mistaken, it is the ancient nuclear bomb Sharon crystal nucleus that has been consumed once!

I don't want to try to see if the system has the ability to redeem this stuff. I quickly yelled and stopped, and the illusion returned to nothingness, but this is no longer a joke.

Even if it is cold winter, the sweat between my forehead still can't stop dropping. This is the first time I saw the system become like this. It can make the goddess of order crazy. This is the first place in someone's natural disaster list.

At this point, I was a little worried that if the guy appeared in front of me, the system would suddenly come to a blast.

And soon, I didn't have the leisure time to idle.

"The ability to change the color? That is, they have been mixed into the city-state of the North."

"The sorcerers' views, this camouflage ability is very strong, and the possibility of being mixed in is very great. Also, from the anatomy of the brain, they should have intelligence beyond ordinary people."

What surprised me was a report that had just been sent, which was an anatomical report made by the evil magician hired by the court for those “noodles without face devil”.

Generally speaking, the demon fighting power of the same order is stronger than that of the devil. One of the reasons is that the devil's ability is ever-changing, which is an advantage in individual combat.

The devils are relatively fixed in advance, and even in order to obtain a certain level of ability and selectivity, artificially manufacturing special arms, which has obvious advantages in the army and special warfare.

These "weak" devils are not strong in combat power, but they have the ability to corrupt and demonize themselves, as well as the spiritual ability of hypnosis and animal training. They should be special devils that are biased towards spirit and magic.

Now, the anatomical report of the evil magician puts forward that they have the ability to reshape their faces without face, and their mental ability is simply a natural spy, infiltrating arms. Then, it is very likely that there have been many mixed in the northern city-states. Such a spy.

The missing beasts and the spies who are good at infiltrating the city pool, these two together add a feeling of uneasiness. The current enemy of the northern city-state is only a herd. If these spies disguise themselves as human soldiers, they will count the city directors. Open the gate and let the beasts enter the city...

"Did you announce the Northland countries?"

"No, Your Excellency Renee is still asking for your opinion."

"...Is there any opinion, please inform the countries quickly. It seems that this time the devil wants to play a big one."

Originally, my evaluation of this kind of devil was very general, thinking that even if they had the ability to demonize and corrode, but in the abyss, it can only be regarded as low-level cannon fodder, but now with the ability to change the color, as well as the need for spies. Language, customs, then, his wisdom is certainly not low, there should be a certain ability to cast.

"...The original evaluation was wrong. The guy we caught at that time must deliberately pretend to be a low IQ. This is not a low-level devil. This is a group of high-ranking goods! It is a group of intelligent devils who are biased towards magic and strategy."

A group of low-end goods, and perhaps a personal revenge that a lord sees me uncomfortable, this casually throws thousands of high-level devils, seemingly a one-off product of orientation, which is a big deal, and a big hand naturally It is for the sake of a bumper harvest. This picture is definitely not small.

In my mind, not only recalls the friendship with the devil, but considering the experience of the past pits, it is possible for the devil king to be hands-on.

"What's wrong? Frown."

"Well, it was pitted by your brothers."


There was snow on the head of the heroes that had just flown back from the window sill, but then I read the report and remembered the twisted noodle geeks, and I was furious.

"Slim and noodles are not brothers... Hey, I am not a slime, I am an elf!"

I grabbed the dead cat that the bird had bitten and threw it on the wooden table.

"Don't make trouble, I am bothered. I remembered that there was such a thing mixed into Dieffend. I couldn't handle the spies of these devils around us. I was bored."

Hearing, Hellois was a glimpse first, then he laughed.

"Oh, they can't enter Diventer. Even if they come in, they can't be qualified spies."

This time, it is my turn to believe.

“Why? I don’t think those ordinary city guards can distinguish the devil from the crowd.”

"Have you forgotten? Dieffen is a city of sinlessness, and the devil... Can you find a devil who does not sin for 24 hours? Especially when they enter a strange city without a penny."

No penny? I think about it, indeed, the devils don't have the habit of carrying gold coins at any time. Their catastrophes can't be used in the main plane, and they do have the ability to "make money," but the way they make money... stealing, scamming Speculation, the vast majority of qualified devils are extremely good liar.

What they are going to do, they must have the lead, know the plan, and such high-level leaders will naturally not blow in the snow outside. They are most likely to have already arrived at Dieffen.

The devil also wants to eat, and in order to inquire about intelligence, large sums of money have to be spent, then, when they return to the old business, a red light falls, two justice knights fall, and then they directly grabbed... ...the big spy was caught by the traffic police, and the picture was too sensational.

"Maybe, I can look for it in Dieffen Prison. Those tramps who have just committed crimes without a penny may be the target we are looking for!" (~^~)

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