I decided to go to the southwestern San Antonio to find advanced materials, not impulsive.

With the advent of a strong ectopic face, the legend is not as good as a dog, and the phenomenon of semi-god is getting more and more popular. The undead emperor and the main **** have already seen several.

It is impossible for people to always be so lucky, to complete the advance as soon as possible, in order to live long enough.

At this time, I encountered a small obstacle.

"I am going with you."

Leiona’s will is very firm, but she really does not want her to follow.

San Antonio is now a war zone, fighting every day, the danger is not generally high.

Hey, is Bayer the same? That's really different. Bayer's empire, the Undead Legion, the Mage's Country, and the Mulings are either my allies on the bright side or my private allies, as long as I don't touch the undead emperor to find me personally. Talk about it, there should be no problem.

And the San Antonio Theater.... Devils, trolls, churches, St. Antonio, and the Angels, it seems that every party wants to kill me.

Anyway, I have the confidence to beat but run, but if I bring this oil bottle...

"Actually, you can go to Bayer and wait for me."

But no matter what I said, she said that she did not agree to life and death, it seems that I am lying to her.

I have some headaches. Now it’s still short during pregnancy. If it’s five or six months, can I go on the road with a big belly?

Many old movies always have this opening bridge section. A middle-aged uncle/young knight escapes with a pregnant woman, but is blocked by the chase. For the safety of the child, the uncle intercepts the chase and fights. This uncle is often a child. Father/uncle/grandfather, etc., then the pregnant woman succeeded in giving birth to the child and died.

The next story is that the child grows up to learn the truth, is determined to take revenge for the mother / uncle / boss / father, and embark on the road of Long Aotian, but it seems that the role I assigned is a bit miserable, the first words will be convenient. And that Dragon Aotian is not a bit of a squat, but still kills the whole family in the stomach.

"It seems that this background and this identity are really in line with each other..."

While sighing this subtle lag and the world's lazy writers. In order to avoid becoming the "protagonist" pedal and background... cough, for the mother and daughter to be safe, I made up my mind.


When I practiced the sword every day, I added a little strength and I knocked Leona out.

Although the sword is really good. But when my sword skills are still leading, the difference in strength is absolute.

"Xunlong Express, Yunzhong Tower Truth Council sign, delivery within fifteen days, three times after the loss?"

With the blue dragon knight who thundered and landed, I couldn't help but smile. I still don't know how to answer my boring words.

"Smile, smile."

In order to avoid causing diplomatic disputes, the female knight tried to squeeze out the crying smile, but I frowned. This little girl can't understand the jokes.

"Name? Yours?"

"Luna. Helen."

I feel that this familiar dragon vein Longwei seems to be the Princess of the Royal Highness.

This is of course not a courier, but the high-end dragon knight of Bayer's Dragon Knights. After they received my notice, they quickly rushed over and also asked women to come.

"His Royal Highness, I will send this lady to the Cloud Tower, you can rest assured."

The two "arms knights" whose arms are thicker than my thighs acted, and tied Leona to the shelves of the dragon's back. I hope she will be happy when she wakes up in the air.

Next. Is...

"Trolls? It's really old. There is something wrong with it."

The history of the troll family is too "long", it is an ancient civilization that is comparable to the elf empire, a super race that once dominated the whole world.

Like today's human beings, in its most powerful era. There are also plural main gods and countless kingdoms, and the whole world is their hunting ground.

Well, the hunting ground is different from the human-dominated human countries. The troll civilization is a primitive group that favors hunting and grazing, and their hunting and grazing lifestyle. But they decided that they were the deadly enemies of other races on their pastures. Humans used to be just a fertile livestock.

The tribal system, the tribal leader elects the emperors of the entire race, slavery, feeds on other intelligent races, and the original shamanism of the Spirit of Nature is a common feature of this race.

Even think that eating the powerful trolls of the same kind, but also the strength of the other side, although the original and bloody, but can be excusable, their talent ability, magic can indeed achieve the power of prey.

Many people regard trolls as a kind of creature, which is actually a misunderstanding. As a former hegemonic race, it is actually a collection of countless branches.

The elves have four upper elves and countless branches. The orcs are divided into strong warfare groups and weaker groups according to their individual combat power. Humans also have many subspecies. The subspecies of the trolls cannot be calculated from the beginning.

Forest trolls, grassland trolls, ice trolls, fire trolls, etc., are different in size and appearance, and their ethnic talents are also different.

The most obvious commonality is probably the fangs and strong body that highlight the corners of the mouth. Compared with other races, their vitality and recovery ability are not normal.

Although they are called demons, they have no blood relationship with the devil and the devil, but they are the hats that other races have buckled after the defeat.

There is no magic in their blood. On the contrary, there are elemental powers. Many of the troll's racial talents are transformed into certain elemental creatures, absorbing/releasing elemental forces, which fully demonstrates that they are inextricably linked with elemental creatures and elemental planes. Awkward relationship.

It is also the natural elemental blood, the long history of the magic, the wizard inheritance, so that the number of casters in this creature is quite high, coupled with the natural strong body, and the special ability to "eat and supplement" In ancient times, trolls were so powerful that they could easily crush races.

I have studied the materials. When the rule of the troll empire was overthrown, humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs were all part of it. It can be said that the three major order races and the orcs joined together to gather the power of half a plane. The **** war of consumption has turned over the troll civilization that is biased towards chaos.

It is worth mentioning that the current orcs are also part of the troll empire, and they come down in one continuous line. Many of the troll's legacy was taken away by the orcs, and the later Orc Empire was born.

"The human undead mage and the black knight, the orc's magician warrior, the elf wizard and the magic warrior, the dwarf's king of the hills and the gryphon knight, these were actually in the same trench, it was incredible..."

Trolls hate humans. Because these meat animals are the main force against them, those undead magic are the natural enemies of the troll sacrifice and the magician.

The trolls hate the elves, because of the sly ears, connecting the races behind the scenes and giving other races power. It is the most insidious blackmail behind the scenes.

The troll is most hated by the orcs, because the betrayers are always the most hated.

The trolls don't hate the dwarves very much. The powerful individual strength of the ancient dwarf is enough to compare with the trolls. It is in the hands of powerful warriors. It is also a glory in the troll culture, but...

The dwarf hates the troll!

Elf blackmail always hides behind the scenes, the orc breeds strong and not afraid of loss, human **** and fertility is also strong, the worst loss in the troll war, or dwarf.

Several powerful ancient dwarven races were extinct in the troll war, and the **** cleansing slaughter caused the sons of the mountains to suffer heavy losses. It is the most hurtful that the massacre is passed down.

In the tough war of attrition, the whole soldier and the dwarf who did not know the retreat were greatly hurt, and the reality that the upper dwarf was almost extinct also led to the postwar dwarf civil war.

The massive loss of the population and the loss of inheritance have made the dwarves with weak fertility gradually become second-rate races.

I heard that there are now the front lines of San Antonio and the volunteers composed of dwarves.

The trolls hate the current races, and now the dominant races, but only the dwarves are still full of hatred, and the short-lived species have long forgotten.

That year. The four races that succeeded in "rebellion" could turn to the "owner" of the year. For a long time, the troll's head is equal to huge wealth. In that cruel living environment, most of the troll populations disappeared without a trace, or they were completely degraded into wild beasts in the deep forests.

Even the main ideas of historical scholars are that the wisdom trolls have died, but this jihad is open. Not only did the troll population reappear in front of the world, but also the main god-level scorpion of the year.

There is only one explanation. They left behind the road. Since their ethnic groups have been replaced and eliminated, they have left the seeds waiting for a chance to re-emerge. Now, it is probably the last time when the "opportunity" arrives. .

"It’s really hard to do..."

In the early days of the holy war, the trolls who returned to Aich changed their past cruel style and were quite friendly to the aliens. Later, it was to let the demons of the allies come to the world and tear off the false friendly face.

The news of the existence of trolls in the abyss has long been recorded in the history books. It seems that a large number of trolls fled into the abyss in the past, and their alliance with the devil can be said to be quite a hardcore.

Since the "big brother" of the year was still in the ethnic group, the inheritance and civilization were not cut off, and the ancient hatreds naturally continued to this day, even as the human races that dominated the race had long forgotten, only the Undead Republic. The solitary ghosts still remember clearly.

In the jihad, it is difficult to have a right or wrong war between races. It is nothing more than the jungle rule that the winner lives and the losers are extinct.

I hate this kind of rule, but as a member of humanity, I am the beneficiary of this rule, so I think that my mood is always very contradictory, but at least, I will not be stupid enough to say that my ancestors did wrong. Long live peace, human beings should be domesticated as slaves and food as second-class races.

However, the current troll camp, there is such a rape, it is so stupid that people can not be evaluated, dirty people can not look directly.

With the appearance of the ancient trolls, the trolls have long been thrown in the clouds, and now the San Antono East line battlefield, more and more meat grinder atmosphere.

Unfortunately, with the analysis of the map, I am more and more convinced that the ancient relics I want to explore are within the territory that the trolls now occupy. (~^~)

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