On the third day of the assassination of Master Akama, the traitor of the country of the Master was found. +,

Trent Sodell, the master of black witch, is good at death summoning and spell casting, and probably only one convincing research result from the truth-level wizard.

He was found to have a direct connection with the abyss, accepted the drive of an abyss, and murdered his colleague Akama.

I don't know how to find out the spies. There are so many casters in the country of the Master, as well as Bayer's professional shots, and even commit crimes under the eyes of the Dragons. It is strange to find them.

Compared with the reasoning ability of the famous detective in the novel, the writing science is called the author's reasoning ability. The messy magic and supernatural ability are on the detective, but it is more direct and magical.

Prophecy, astrology, lie detection, no humanity, no evidence, no evidence, seize the suspect and take a half-death to interrogate, fans / illusion, spit the agent first fill the full, while hypnotizing while asking questions, unless directly blew the soul When you enter the cycle, no one can take it.

Too much efficiency, and many false and wrong cases have been created, but in this case, finding the spy at the fastest speed is undoubtedly the primary focus of appeasement.

The message was passed to me, but it was simple. It was probably that he admitted that he was confused by the abyss and attacked Master Akama.

The special attack on the Trant attack specializes in divination and prophecy of Akama. If the attack is sudden enough, it is indeed a hit, but such a conclusion is unacceptable to many people.

Who is the real culprit? Is there a companion behind? There are certainly many ideas, but the clues have been broken, before this war is over. In order not to shake the heart. Not suitable for big search.

And side effects. Probably after that, everyone will be careful to guard against each other.

Helen's request was very smooth, and the reinforcements arrived one by one, but I saw this situation. He probably only regarded it as a coalition war, but a demonstration of international status and sphere of influence.

"Look, this is our Bayer's ally."

In a sense, this is not a war, but a show. A must win, but also to win a gorgeous, compact large-scale commercial.

He used a huge amount of resources and funds in exchange for the real strong support of the major allies. It is not worthwhile to count afterwards. At least for now, this scene is very spectacular.

"The Truth Council has come to nine? The Akama that was counted before is a double-digit number. It is simply..."

Ten years ago, the Truth Council had a total of 28 truth-controllers. As the tide of elements rose, the biggest increase in theory should actually be the Master profession.

Many can only be used as a study of paper theory. With the activation of elemental tides, it becomes a reality. The result is that several ** divisions not only control the truth in one step, but also increase their strength.

Today's Truth Council, thirty truth masters, it seems that the number has not soared, but actually changed twelve new people....... Do not think wrong, the Master is not a gladiator, the retreating Master is just trying to shirk I am responsible for myself as a member of Parliament.

The members of the Truth Council are the supreme powers of the country of the Master, but for many Masters who study monographs, they are only endless troubles. They must spend the time of research to deal with boring government affairs, although they can take the opportunity to study the funds. But in general it is not very cost-effective.

In addition to the ** divisions whose research expenses are particularly expensive, other ** divisions do not pay much attention to this position. Since there are younger generations who are willing to top, they are naturally willing to give up their position. Many people even give the next generation and disciples the next set. Let them take over.

But there are some things that are recognized. The total combat power of Ain Rodant, the country of the Master, has doubled at least ten years ago. They are the most abundant in the tide of elements.

Not only is the growth of high-level combat power, the master's career advancement that is the power of the elements is the most difficult. After the tidal surge of elements, the advanced difficulty of the wizards is the most outrageous, and even hundreds of people are progressing at the same time. Strange status.

On the other hand, the other side of the skyrocketing power of elements is that many taboos and imaginary structures on ancient drawings can be turned into reality. Those alchemists and magical masters go through the carnival every day, and the summoned creatures summoned by the summoner Even if you can't get it yourself, it is the taboo of the Necromancer who has grown tremendously with the establishment of the Hades.

The land of the country that was originally a superpower's mage was small and poor. The strength of the war relied on the mages. Now the strength of the mages is soaring, and the national strength is naturally increasing. It is said to be twice as many as ten years ago.

But unfortunately, some things have not changed, such as the organization of the scattered sand...

According to the latest assessment records, after so many years of accumulation, the number of casters who actually reach the truth level in the Master’s country should exceed 200, but in fact, they can find contact information, but no more than 50 people can be dispatched and dispatched. It probably won't be more than 30 people, and it's also driven by human transactions and knowledge exchange.

Under this circumstance, ten members of the parliament were dispatched at once, and there were several truth-level mages who did not become parliamentarians. It can be said that they have sent more than half of the highest combat power.

"So generous, what benefits does Helen franchise for them? It will not cede the country. No, the land is only a burden to the country of the Master, and most of it is ancient knowledge. It can let these old guys rush out. Not a good good."

As I squatted, I looked at the faculty in front of me.

It is now a court dinner hosted by Helen, and foreign guests have come.

Because of some past events, such as several times in the Truth Council, ... cough, I mean that there has been friendly exchanges with the Truth Council, many of whom are old acquaintances.

Arosa, the blade of the Austrian law, the ice master, the rare old man in the faculty, with a big belly, is seriously taking the strawberry-flavored ice cream of Bayer.... I saw him looking at him, old face The child was red, turned to the fat body, and continued to bow.

Margaret's mentor is always accustomed to the aura of the tender star. Amara Auntie... I mean the young and beautiful Amara sister, please take back the magic in the shadows.

The unidentified white beard old mage is smiling at me, and proudly pointing to the truth badge on the chest...

"Who are you? Don't be so familiar."

"You, you, Roland, I am Kayd, the soil sergeant Kayd, how many years old classmates have you been with me!"

"...Loli control Kayd? Are you still alive? Are you coming back to me 100,000 gold coins?"

"Of course I am still alive! I will not die if you turn into ash. No, the wool, it is only 100 gold coins, oh, no, obviously you owe me money, I was almost taken by you, ah ah, you Come here. The old man, I am not a loli, I like what a little girl is wrong! No, I am not changing, I am!"

"This familiar chain spit, it really is Lolita Kayid."

I looked at the white-bearded old man with sympathy, and then handed him a drink with kindness.

At a young age, he said too much in one breath, and he continued to cough, but did not find his colleagues in the silence to stay away from him. After he returned, I am afraid that all the little girls would walk around him.

"Oh, oh, you still have some conscience... Hey, what is this!"

When the words were not finished, they fell down directly. When they fell, the old face was still red and hot.

Looked at the label, hey, dwarf Ente wine? Famous dragon killing wine? Who dropped this stuff at the dinner party.

Looking at the lying on the ground, revealing the mysterious smile, and constantly reaching out to become the old Master of the Nether, and the strange look of the people around me, I think from tomorrow, not only all the little girls, little girls will stay away from Kay. De, that is, all women will stay away from him.

"Poor Cayed..."

I hit a cross on my chest and it was a prayer.

"He is the poorest person who knows you."

The dead cat spit in the same time as before, but today she is a lot different from the past.

With a smug smile on his face, the blond hair of the waist is silky and smooth, and the black dress and the golden moon earrings are very matching, making it look noble and mysterious.

As the elf's female emperor and truth-level clerk, she is undoubtedly the focus of everyone, and she is concerned that the diplomatic impression of the elf country, in public, she can only use such a gesture.

But no doubt, adulthood is more likely to get the attention of others.

If it comes to me, only a part of the Truth Masters are acquaintances. For Heroes, I am afraid that there are only a few people she is not very familiar with.

She can freely call out the nickname of the sorcerer, talk about the scandals of their apprenticeship, but not hurt the facial expressions of the people around them.

It’s not the old fritters that have been mixed in the Master’s country for many years. She adjusted her age and played the advantage of the past. Soon, the Truth Masters became a piece. The amazing erudition and connections made people very lamented. It’s already a circle around her.

This is a very special good for most mages who are very "special".

In fact, my popularity in the Masters is not low. I don’t talk about the identity of the undead masters and the masters of the ice, and predict the dangers of jihad and promote the magical technology in the open air of the tower, which leaves the mages very Deep impression.

And with the confirmation of the prophecy, there is also the infinite possibility that the magical guidance technology is gradually proved. As a remarkable foreseeer, I naturally gain the proper reputation.

After I "killed" Kayd, the sergeant who was going to chat with me was very sensible and kept a distance... In this year, pets are more than the owner.

In the rare sneak peek, a familiar child voice, but behind the back, makes my scalp numb.

"Dad, my mother asked you to go." (To be continued.)

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