What is the Undead Emperor?

I am afraid that it is no longer necessary to repeat the appearance and unbelievable of the undead emperor, let alone explain what this level represents. Our group of transcenders is not just to brush the two undead emperors.

Although the way to rank the strong is very stupid, but the most unclassified, it is impossible to assess the degree of danger, probably the emperor of the undead.

The supreme majesty is the reverence of the intelligent undead to the Lord of the Undead who stepped on the throne.

The difficulty that cannot be crossed is the view of the undead monarchs who have become the road to the sky.

Of course, the most relevant facts are the definitions given to them by the world.

Natural disaster

Except in rare cases, every time the undead emperor appears on the mainland, it is the catastrophe of all living beings.

The undead, who is in the position of God, will summon the undead monarchs who are in the dark to form a new undead army, sweeping the whole world.

Then, it is a world-scale war. Unlike the holy war, the intensity of the natural disaster war is slightly lower, but the area spread is wider. If it cannot be killed in time in the cradle, the loss is absolutely astronomical.

If you open a history book, such examples abound.

The final result is often ended by the defeat of the Undead Emperor, but the undead Emperor who was directly killed was a minority, and many of them fled to other planes, and the negative energy, ice cold, and poisonous fog planes that the living beings could not reach gradually. Become a plane dedicated to the dead.

Is there an undead emperor who does not make trouble?

As far as I know, except for the undead republic, the situation is really special, the others are not.......

This reason. Half is determined by the status of the undead in the main plane. Simultaneously. Undead creatures are born paranoid, and after they have arrived, there are few that are slightly normal.

Then, when there was an undead emperor, the undead monarchs had been waiting for decades, hundreds of years, how could they miss such a good opportunity.

It is because the Undead Emperor is the essence of the rule of the undead, and the vocation of the celestial beings of the undead kings, the name of the "Great Emperor". Only let all the undead be honored as a sire.

On the other hand, the respect for the undead emperor also reflects the irreconcilable contradiction between the perpetuary and the deceased.

The dead are also eager to be redeemed, eager to have their own country, and they are eager for the existence of the undead emperor.

Only the Emperor of the Undead appeared, and they began to lead them to the order of the gods, the chaotic evil spirits, and build their own country.

Although nominally only a semi-god transcend, even the new undead emperor, no one can not hang low-level gods, in the non-jihad period. The new undead emperor is also the super-power of crushing the ordinary demigod, and is the great demon who must challenge the group.

Every time there is the Undead Emperor. It also means that the contradiction between the living and the dead has entered a climax, and the time to periodically harvest the soul of the living begins.

The last time, more than a hundred years ago, even defeated the coalition church of the Church, almost destroyed the world of the living, even after the defeat, the forces were not damaged, successfully established the country of the undead, also ranked in the forefront of history ... cough, the specific situation will not need to mention, the hero does not mention the courage of the year.

"Just a little, next time, we must make the whole world a country of the undead!"

In fact, only the undead emperors themselves knew that the worse point was the gap that was almost impossible to cross.

Unless the car turns over the order and chaos, it is impossible for a country that belongs only to the undead. It also represents a reversal of the meaning of the reincarnation. What is the meaning of the country that has been stagnant?

There were no idiots in the Undead Emperor. After all these things were figured out, some of them were desperately hiding in their own death planes, and some began to concentrate on their own research and undead breeding.

But in a sense, as long as the undead still exists in this world, unwillingness and resentment will also produce intelligent souls, wicked people also need their own redeemers, and the undead also need their own Lord.

The danger of each undead natural disaster, in addition to the strength of the undead emperor itself, but also the time of the last undead emperor.

It is puzzling to say, but the longer you are separated, the more the remaining undead monarchs. Each undead monarch is a group army, big or small, and it becomes more and more terrible to accumulate.

The catastrophe of the night can almost destroy the world. In addition to my own special reasons, more of the last undead emperor has been separated for more than five hundred years and accumulated for too long.

Although the undead emperor used to have the most humans, the worst victims were trolls and elves. After all, the life and history of human beings are not too long compared to those of longevity....

Less than two thousand years of history, for humans, it is a grand epic of four or fifty generations. The genealogy can be long and unreliable. For the long-lived elf, it is a realistic story that an individual can read.

They hate and fear the most, probably because there is a new undead emperor in a certain place.......

"Undead Emperor? How is it possible that the last natural disaster was only a hundred years."

The people around me are very interesting, fearful, prepared, and ready to go to war.

Although it is the expected goal for me to expose the strength of Herois, it is still a bit uncomfortable to watch the dead cat so proud.

"Why did it become like this... For the first time, with a pet, I also got a confidant for a lifetime, and the two joys overlap each other. This double joy brings more and more joy, which should have been obtained. Dreamy happy time, however, why, it will become like this


"It's me, it's me first, obviously I came first... The advanced undead emperor, the fear of cursing, or the focus of the world.... I don't have to fight, I go out."

I can't edit it. This is really not done by humans. The white scientists should have been dragged out to kill.

And looking at the appearance of Emily, and then dragging on for a long time, maybe it is really pulling out the heroes out of the coffin.

The scene was in a mess, but I laughed.

The current situation is indeed good. Helent summoned the strong countries to attack the undead emperor. He is also demonstrating his appeal and emboldenedness. As the principal and host, he must also show the superior strength, otherwise the invisible position in the alliance will be Will fall.

This is a crisis, an opportunity to restore reputation and improve status.

And other franchisees, sending so many strong people is not to fight soy sauce, in a sense, this is the first collective action of our pan-alliance, the right to speak will be supported by strength and record, the status of big power is not Blow it out, it’s played out.

Allies' joint action is to show their strength.

In addition to the support of intelligence, the several undead monarchs of Silo are absolutely inferior to the undead emperor on the battlefield, and may even become a flaw, but I still want them to come, because this is the sphere of influence of the alliance.

It turned out that I still don't understand. The country of the Master sent an ultra-luxury Grand Masters group. Muling is also personally led by Amyla, which explains the problem.

This is a silent peace contest. During the jihad, we are likely to engage in large-scale joint operations at any time. The first joint battle results and strength are directly related to the future voice and command. No one will be stupid to save strength at this time.

At this time, light up the muscles, and facilitate the subsequent international exchanges, lest some people give face shame, let him, and think that you are afraid of him.

Together with Bayer during the war, the troops were drawn, but their fleet was still on the road.

I know that the host Helente is definitely prepared for the super trump card in the town, but I also have confidence that no matter what he puts out, it is impossible for two undead emperors to attract soy sauce with several peak undead monarchs. This is still the first card in my hand.

Sure enough, when he heard that the Elf Queen of the Alliance had successfully advanced into the Undead Emperor, Helen's face became a bit strange, but the next one, but returned to the usual smile.

In ten years, a purely military man who was already enough to evolve into a qualified politician.

And the scene is so big, this war Bayer can not afford to lose, and then lose, not only lose the national expectations and substantive interests, but also greatly damage the political status of Bayer's super empire .

"It's still too tender, it's like a hairy kid who got a boutique toy eager to show up with his friends. Faces worth a few dollars, Bayer has no need to do anything like this, the status is there, why bother to come out Gambling. If I am in his position, I will finish the war silently and say it. If I win, I will publicize it. If I lose, I will think of a solution, and the effect will not be much worse."

"Oh, the onlookers said it is easy, in fact, it is your fault."

The word of the soul of Herois gives me a glimpse. Is this related to me?

"You haven't thought about the progress of the alliance and your progress over the years. How much pressure has been given to him. When the alliance was formed, Bayer was the leading brother. The alliance was a small country in a remote area. What is the alliance now? What is Bayer? It is indeed very pleasant to catch up with others. It is not necessarily the case that someone is overtaken. As the helm of Bayer, as the heir to the drug lord, the burden on his shoulder, how can you know the professional shopkeeper?"

The dead cat said that it makes sense. I can't refute how to break it.

But looking at the sight of the strong in front of the cloud, I am more and more optimistic.

The previous defeat seems to have passed the decades and the medals and medals discussed now.

Only the Undead Emperor knows how outrageous the Undead Emperor is. These guys already think they have won? Is it a little bit of an opponent?

There is absolutely in this world. I think that I will win before the expedition. I have seen more of a loss of light.

"Maybe, I should find a reason to drag on for a few more days."

"Don't tell me, your crow's mouth is open, I am definitely not going to the front line."

Herois is so confident to me, cough, I mean no confidence, this time, I am very confident.

“Is there an unexpected confidence?”

Ok, she guessed it right now. Now, what reason should I find a way to delay it? (To be continued.)

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