"The traversor does not make a piece of glass to make a fortune, and it is not a poem to behave as a poetry sect. At the very least, I have to copy a book as a great writer."

That year may be the desire to improve my life, perhaps just a mockery of the wonderful fate, I really tried to do something that the traversal should do.

But it turns out that some things can only be enjoyed in the novel, and in reality, it is not reliable.

Yes, the world's technological civilization is still in the very primitive medieval stage, but others have magic and alchemy. Although the engineering achievements are not at all engineering, they are enough to meet the needs of life.

Glassmaking, I reluctantly racked my brains to create something similar, but I was told that other alchemists had produced higher quality and suffered physical and mental damage for a thousand years.

As for other equipment that must be built, such as coal, telescope, salt-salt method, steel-making method, cement, soap... I am a liberal arts student, or a civilian staff who has worked for many years. Chemistry and physics have long been given to teachers. Years, just remembering the recipes, it’s too hard for me.

Sometimes I feel very wonderful. How do the seniors of the passersby remember the knowledge? Even if you are an engineer technician, you won't remember the most basic and useless knowledge. It's just that I don't know the formula of toothpaste every day. When you cross, remember to carry a small formula with the periodic table and the daily necessities?

As for poetry and poetry, it is even more unreliable. Let's not talk about the problem of language barriers. There are indeed poems in this world, but they are not in a tune with you.

The only thing that can be used universally is that the "story" is a way of thinking. When the poverty is over, you can also make a story to sell money.... Well, I admit that income is part of the reason, mainly because of my own bad taste. It’s a rare attack, and I want to give something to the world.

Perhaps, I should be grateful to the past, I am a Chinese, we are probably the most ethnically unfamiliar race in the world. But we do have faith.

We believe in ancestors, believe in our own heritage culture, believe in moral laws, and the belief law network is unrelenting and not leaking. Believers are watching the sky. Belief in good and evil is always reported. These subtle ideas are not the worship of a certain personality, but they can constitute the most complete values.

and so. After the reincarnation, I can’t be a devout believer in the Light of the Holy Light. No, it should be said that I can’t trust my physique, the future, and my soul with a mortal being, even if I have a real existence. He is the supreme god.

Even when I was called the Son of Light, I only kept the most basic respect for the Lord of Light, just like treating a predecessor... a martyrs who only heard the name and great feats.

Carolan, the birthday is unknown. The great existence, his life dedicated to the greatest cause, for the liberation of all mankind .... I mean to fight for the security and stability of the entire ethnic group.

Starting from the original concept of light, he pursued all the way, eventually bringing sacred light to the mortal to expel chaos.

But then, he took the light to heaven, away from the world, and all those who longed for the light, actually wanted to believe in him and worship him.

I agree with his great achievements and sacrifices. But can not agree with his choice.

Worship is the farthest distance from reality. When a thing is put on the altar, it is changed and cannot be changed. Then, its practicality and functionality will be greatly reduced.

"You guessed it, the Holy Light is just an energy, an element."

Facing the Masters. I smiled and revealed the essence of the light.

Perhaps these thoughts have long been suspected, but the export is not being used as a madman, or being sent to a gallows, but private attempters, even if they have escaped the church and the world, have not gotten Persuasive results.

But I am different.

The Holy Light is indeed an energy, an element, but a very special element. It is not a natural creation, but an artificial product. It is impossible to control the result with the previous set of elemental theories. .

Pray to the Lord of Prayer = establish a link with the server of the Light of the Light.

Spiritual and magical = payment of network usage and resource usage fees.

The **** of the light gives strength = 叮咚, your courier has gone downstairs.... I cough, I mean that the light has been summoned successfully.

It’s no wonder that the Lord of Light is so powerful. It can be said that he has been doing monopoly trading. He is like a monopoly enterprise. He is the source of all the Light Light users. This is also on the plains of Bayer. The server title can be directly deprived of the light of Estrada.

Under normal circumstances, this is understandable.

But the Lord of Light has lost his self, he can't compromise, he can't change, the light will be the same, and once he has an accident.... Although it is ridiculous, but in my calculations, this It is extremely possible.

The server loses its response, all users lose the link......... Then all the Light Light users will lose the Holy Light!

This is extremely terrible. The monopoly only affects progress, and it can barely be tolerated. It is unacceptable that the "monopoly enterprise" has finished playing with the whole industry.

"The use of magic is not impossible to summon the light. He needs special skills and secrets. I have written it in this book. It will be released next month... In order to avoid (the church church is looking for trouble), it is still simple. It will be released tomorrow. If you can't summon the light for a while, please read the pure teachings of the Southern sects twice."

"If you still can't understand it, we have a spare light server here. You can still use the old-fashioned method to link. Please call Estrada, the pillar of the light of the house. Well, it is him, my mentor, who is now a **** in the Hades. ”

In the face of the Master and the top of the country, I threw these things out of my mind and fainted the two old pastors on the spot. Everyone looked at me with the look of the madman.

"You are crazy, even if this is the truth, are you turning your face at this time with the church?"

I laughed, and it is this time.

After the "Betrayal Covenant" was concluded, the sacred church that gave up San Antonio suffered a major blow in both prestige and essence. It can be said that it fell into the historical valley, and at this time, it was not given a knife. How can I claim revenge.... I mean the strongest ally.

Yes, we have a covenant and agreed that we cannot find the church in the San Antonio incident. I didn't find any trouble. I just launched my own research. The great thing is that there is a little academic disagreement on the perception of the Holy Light. Well, it’s amazing to be able to pull a little religion.

"....... The most disputed people in history are basically religious differences."

At other times, I was worried that the Church would come to me, but now the Church is in a hurry to get out of San Antonio. Even if you see it, you will pretend that you haven't seen it, although most of it will be settled afterwards... But I am not used to it. This is our consistent alliance (mutual backstab).

When the church is the weakest, the knife is absolutely embarrassing, but in a short time it will not shake the foundation of the church, because it can accept the new definition in a short time, and use the light to apply the angle. Absolutely It will not be a civilian who provides most of the faith to the Lord of Light.

But as long as the application of the new light application spreads everywhere, the church will want to put out the fire. It is impossible.

I am here, not so much as a knife behind it, it is better to say that it is a disease.

Although it is somewhat mean, it is extremely beneficial to the whole world.

I am not saying that the decline of religious authority in the Church of the Church is a good thing, but that it is purely technical, such as the prayers of the priests, the summoning of the Holy Light, and the jihad of the extreme lack of combat power, it is too wasteful. luxury.

"This is the Holy Light spell I have compiled. Well, you guessed it is right, it can be included in the magic system, and the Master learns through the study. Master the Holy Light spell."

The light of the original teachings is simply impossible to be directly controlled by the caster, but the pure light is ok, and the most obvious proof is the pastor and paladin of the Southern sect. There is no connection with the Lord of Light.

And I further sorted out their magical techniques and research results to form this series of Holy Light spells.

In this seemingly thick booklet, there are only three magical spells and models, but they cover the most basic applications and principles.

An arrow of light summons the Light to throw the Light to attack the opponent.

A shield of light, blessing armor and shield, and plating a layer of light film.

A weak sacred light, this needless explanation, a simplified treatment.

Although it is very simple, it provides a research direction and application examples of the Holy Light. This seems to be a book, but it is actually a brand new spell system. The Holy Light Master is very interesting.

"Interesting? It's terrible."

The Master is not a fool. After a brief shock, they also know what it means.

In front of me, whoever I look at, whoever is hiding from me, or cheeky turned around, or pretending to suddenly have an interest in the underground ant colony.

This may seem like a few small spells, but for these great wizards, a variety of spells can be formed. Just by deforming the existing spell model and applying other types of spell structures, you can easily generate a number. Ten Holy Light spells.

Exploring a new type of spell? It is indeed a great honor and unstoppable curiosity for the Master, but only if it survives under the hostility of the Church.

"Useless men."

Amara Auntie of the Star Revelation took a map cannon without a good breath, took the book directly, and carefully placed it in the robe.

I also breathed a sigh of relief. The revelation of the stars is one of the most powerful mage organizations in the cloud tower. This result is the best.

Now the Masters still have the wisdom to suppress the greed of new knowledge. After this spell system is formed, even if it does not take into account its advantages for the undead and the devil, it can only be treated as an emergency. Countless new generations will choose to learn. the study.

At that time, alchemy and engineering, which are deeply involved in modern magic, will be included. The Holy Light Alchemy Bomb and the Holy Light are as high as they are.

Once the trend of invention is opened, it will stop and stop. The pressure of chaotic jihad will promote the rapid sprouting of seeds.

If the magical technology brought by the Olivi Magic Box is the first industrial revolution, then the magic of the Holy Light, this is not a thick booklet, it is likely to bring a second industrial revolution, and give the Holy Light a new Annotation.

If the church is not so sloppy in San Antonio, I don’t know when I can take it out.

"At last, I can give Estrada an account..."

I sighed and licked my hand, but my heart was inexplicably relaxed.

In the end, all this, whether it is the establishment of pure light, or the grooming of the light system, thanks to the establishment of the pillar of the light of the sun, let the light have a new source (private service), let This is all possible.

"Because the light must be redeemed, Estrada must..."

Inexplicably remembered, in this land, countless paladins helplessly sigh, abandoned by the gods of their past beliefs, but ultimately chose the redemption from the heart.

"Holy Light, should be used to guard." (~^~)

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