"It turned out that from the beginning, I was only outside the situation..."

Perhaps even Adam and Margaret are more clear than I am, but there is a question, where did they know the key to defeating Cavans and the secret of my immortality.

Eliza knew this, and Cavens told her, but how did Adam know it? In fact, a little reasoning, I know the answer, because there is not much in this world.

"Dead cat...."

"You should thank me instead of asking me. According to your logic, as long as the results are good, it doesn't matter. What do you think will happen if I don't do these arrangements?"

What is the ending? I tried my best to kill Eliza? Or did Eliza kneel down and kill me, let me go back to the river to read the article? I am afraid that no matter what kind of result, I can't accept it.

So I…….

"Hellois, this time, thank you very much."

Well, this is indeed the best result. I sincerely thank Hilois.


The black cat fell from the top of my head. It looked like my face was horrified and unbelievable. It was like seeing a ghost.

"You, you, you... is Camens disguised!? That cold-blooded abhorrent neuroticism, too many ghosts, fathers, maids, and arrogant Roland, would actually thank people!"

My eyebrows are probably not wrinkled but distorted. This is all awkward and awkward. Is this my image in the center of the dead cat?

"Cough, anyway, I am very grateful to you this time, even if I am cold-blooded and nervous, I think too many ghosts and fathers, the maids control the death and arrogance, and I know how good. As for what you just said, I don’t hate it, um, all at all. Do not remember, is not cold-blooded, awkward, nervous, self-destructive, too many ghosts, fathers, maids, control, arrogance, and cat abuse? Rest assured, I have forgotten."

"You don't remember this very clearly! Wait a minute, how come a cat abuse, what are you going to do to me!?"

The scream of the dead cat is still in my ear, but I let go of my right arm and let go of the long ruin of the elemental lord like the dead lizard king.

Behind us, the sea of ​​fire is chasing, and Eliza was stopped by Adam, but under the call of the Lord of the Elements, countless flame creatures and elemental lords flocked, and they did not hesitate to stop me.


The cold long knife is held in the right hand, accumulating, rushing in, pulling out the knife, sheathing, in front of the magic blade of the ice and snow, strengthening the sturdy body of the armored lava giant, but like the butter cut by the knife, Easily break open, dissolve, and turn into pieces and debris.

In my surroundings, the field of ice and snow has been covered, although the North Sword does not launch its extremely strange and powerful special effects, but only as a pure demigod sword, it is already destined to be a flame elemental creature. Natural enemy.

In a sense, this long knife is not easy to use. Although it is strictly according to Ai Xi’s standard, this single-edged sword is also a sword, but this length of sword is absolutely not suitable for normal use of infantry. .

The long sword body, although it looks very handsome, it is easy to hit some extra objects, it is extremely inconvenient to use. If you play the knife, you will find that your knife tip has been inserted into the ground. When you come out, let the opponent laugh at it.... This is just an analogy. It is definitely not a personal experience!

It’s too stupid to pull out the knife because the sword is too long to be inserted into the ground. It’s definitely not something I can make.

Although the large-scale lava giants, fire dragons and other large monsters are very cool, but once the opponent is close, the long sword body is made to hinder, but the small and medium-sized opponents are the mainstream.

I have some headaches. I haven't practiced a long knife before, and gave me half a month to practice. I probably can play very well, but now the most precious thing is the time.

But now facing the flame lord, I need the ice and snow power of this magic sword.

"If it can be short, it will be fine... eh?"

What surprised me was that when this thought only appeared for a moment, the magic sword suddenly shortened.

I kicked the flame dwarf close to me and looked at the short knife in my hand. I thought about it.

"It seems that this is a better use of the magic sword, and has more potential to dig. But I am afraid I need a lot of practice to be familiar."

I looked at the high-end flame creatures in front of me.

"...Isn't there so many live targets for me to practice? Shoot it, shoot a gun!"

The blade that suddenly stretched out instantly brought together the two flame elements 30 meters away, and while they returned to the source of the element, I jerked my hands together and slashed the sword with all my strength. The enemies around.

"Hah, it's fun, how to play the next move.... Scattered thousands of cherry blossoms? Sitting on the frosty day, the ice round pill? Forget it, it seems a bit difficult, still to be developed, or come to the most simple. Hey, red face in front Actually dare to stop me, why is the monster, eat Lao Luo a great!" -

I can feel that the fierce battlefield in the rear is constantly moving. It should be that Eliza moves forward with the battlefield, but from the magical fluctuations of Adam's overflowing, they should still be able to hold it.

On my side, the opponent is not very powerful. With my big killing, the elemental lords and magic creatures that were temporarily summoned quickly returned to the plane.

And when I saw the door of the one-off plane hidden in the cave, I still hesitated.

Margaret said, this is the door to the plane to the north of the mainland. If I go in, from the northern north to Bayer, I don’t know how long it will take, and it will take half a year if it’s not done. The wasted time may be worse than being left by Eliza.

If this is they limit me in another way...

"You want to be so tired and tired."

"Tired, no way, it is said that I am born to be cold-blooded, awkward, nervous, self-abuse, too many ghosts, fathers, maids, control, arrogance, cats, nature, so long ago, can't change."

"...you remember! I have never seen a man who is so careful!"

"Oh, that's why you haven't seen Roro and the Black Baron."

"........ don't fool me, I know it's your vest! You are careful"

While talking to the dead cat, I also made the final preparation for the plane transfer.

"There is no other way anyway, the dead cat is a live cat doctor."

Even so, I still feel that this time, Adam and Margaret will not hang me, just like the past.

"You always have inexplicable confidence in the people around you. Just before you were pitted, you can't have a long experience?"

"No way, nature is so, can't change."

Words are still echoing in the cave, and when everything returns to calm, there is no one here.

Five minutes later, in the hands of the **** of the raging fire element, the cave and the volcano were transformed into ashes. (To be continued.)

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