Returning from death, Cavans was still pale in front of his eyes, and his ears were slightly tinnitus. For some reason, the strange and violent vomiting made him sick.

Vision is not restored. It is expected. Just beginning to use the eyeball that has not returned to normal function, it still needs time to warm up. This has been prepared for *, has been dormant for nearly a month.

There is no single drop of water for a month, and the physical condition is special. The body of the mortal has reached its limit.

If it is not because of this excellent swordsman who is very basic, I am afraid that the first thing he will do now is to recover for half a year.

"Brother, I have to go out to play."

The hoarse words are squeezed out of the dry lips, and the words just spoken on the body reappear again. This is the performance of the soul and the * synchronization.

"Not allowed!"

When Cavans woke up from a deep sleep, when he had not adapted to the changes of the two flesh, the welcoming "he" was a low-pitched slogan.

The construction of the abyss pool is not expected to be seen in the heat of construction, the servants have no welcome, how can the unbelievable malicious people get here.


The demonic elites that they personally selected have become a piece of minced meat. In a pool of blood, the blond paladin squats on the neck of the beautiful devil.

"Hahaha, I really don't think it is Roland. I didn't expect you to appear here."

Cavens was a glimpse, then he laughed.

At this time, I am also very aggressive.

Familiar blonde, familiar blue pupil, familiar face, but completely unfamiliar....and gender.

"Cavens? Leona?"

I can't ask for it. Even if it is obvious that the person in front of me is my **** brother, even if I have already anticipated the possibility of this scene, it is really shocking when it comes to my eyes.

"My stupid brother... sister! Cough, sure enough, from the beginning, Leiona is your back!"

The body that Cavans attached to is the sacred Leona of the church of Thunder and Sword!

The woman who escaped the abyss of the slain, such as the sacrifice, was usually set on the altar of the plane, and all this is for this time.

The blonde woman looked at me unbelievably, and the weak body could not even stand up well. The raised belly was very eye-catching, but in a sense, this is indeed the root of the development of this situation.

"For the devil, the offspring are a kind of property, but it is really mad to do it to you."

Just as Cavens used to be attached to Renee, for the demon nobles and the abyss lords, the blood connection also represents the descendants being controlled by their ancestors.

For the semi-devil ethnic group, it is nothing to be called by the blood to become a labor force. One of the most sad endings is probably to be a reserve for the ancestors*.

Consciousness is erased, knowledge and power become the food of the ancestors, everything that has been painstakingly obtained is swallowed up, and the traces of its existence are erased.

Many powerful demon gods and demon lords, after the death of the war, have recovered from the flesh of their descendants, but this is often a backup choice. As a result, they will lose everything in the past and start all over again.

And those bloodlines of the offspring, after all, only get a part of the blood of the mixed blood, in the blood capacity, the upper limit of the ability is often the difference between the original demon, the demon lord, the ultimate strength limit is also difficult to surpass the past, not to be unacceptable, the big devils are not Will choose this trick.

But Cavans is different and very different.

From the beginning, I discovered that this magic tire is not right.

"The blood of such a powerful and pure high demon is enough to shake the roots of the gods. It cannot be the product of an accident. And the most crucial thing is that he has no possibility of a soul."

In private, I did a series of anatomical tests on Leiona... I said that after the inspection, I was surprised to find that my future "scorpion" was actually a deadborn without soul.

It is the crystallization of chaotic power. Although Leona is his mother, in a sense it is only a carrier. What really made him is the Cavans who split a small half of himself.

Once the fetus matures and grows, even if it can't reach the height of Cavans quickly, it is only a matter of time to become a powerful god-level.

To pay so much, naturally, because of the expectation of gaining more, the cost of damaging a Lord God, what I hope to gain is already in front of me.

Now, Cavans possesses this fetus, and then the purpose of controlling the mother through the fetus is also placed in front of me.

"Cavens, have you abandoned the existence of the Lord God level, just to pass the wall?"

After the altar, it was a dark wall with no bounds, and from the murals related to the Chaos Goddess above, I also know what to do here.

"...only the daughter of Chaos can become Cynthia, only Cynthia can pass this wall and reach the sleeping place of Cynthia..."

This is the root setting of the goddess of creation, the ultimate insurance to protect one's body. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to pass, but Cavans has found a bug in this rule.

A fetus, a fetus that is parasitic in the female body of chaos, can naturally enter it and acquire the body, strength, and power of Cynthia!

Then, Cynthia's flesh came to the world, and opened the door of the plane with her own creation sovereignty. This is the ultimate plan of Cavans!

At this time, Cavans did not panic at all, because the altar was next to the wall, and the wall door that the mortal could not pass was already open for him.

"Hah, Roland, I will talk again."

"She" turned and wanted to walk into the wall, but I said coldly that there was no such thing as a threat.

"Cavens, you better go back, unless you don't want her life."

I mentioned Imimisia in the hands of the hand, and the slender ice blade directly draws a blood red on the slender neck.

"....... You are not like a positive role at all. Have you said that the contradictions that threaten the hostages are all super-low-level villains who fight the streets."

Cavans paused, but then, telling the past words that I don't remember, I thought he would at least hesitate for a moment, but the next one, the "Leona" who turned back, turned a blind eye, and then no heart The lungs are laughing.

"If you want to kill, you will kill it. Anyway, there are a lot of people who die. It is not bad. Once the door of the plane is opened, the dead will be more. Hehe."

Obviously speaking the general facts of the end, but the tone of contempt and expectation is like the urchin of expecting birthday.

The "big elimination" after the opening of the plane of the plane is the festival he longed for. All the sacrifices and deaths before this are just the warmth before the festival.

That glimpse, I understand, Imimissia is meaningless to him, he does not care at all, he does not even care about what he will encounter in the doomsday catastrophe.

destroy? evolution? In fact, it doesn't matter, it's fun to play.

But I know what he cares about.

So, I took a deep breath and slowly removed the blade from the neck of Imimisia, then turned into a short blade and resisted my chest.

"Cavens, you and me are born with the same origin, I don't die, you don't die, you don't die, I don't die, but maybe it's time to die together."

The blade itself does not make sense, but it is only a determination and a statement.

Cavens turned back again, this time, finally tightened.

"Eliza did not make a mistake. Sure enough, after you know our immortality, once I have a great advantage, I will use this jade to burn. Really, what is sympathy with a man, super disgusting...."

At that moment, I was also disgusted....

"It is obviously a noble self-sacrifice. Even if it is bad, it can be regarded as the responsibility of being a brother. Can you not be so disgusting?"

My goose bumps are all up, obviously a battlefield, obviously related to the survival of the whole world, can you be a little more serious.

"Sacrifice? For those who renounce our mortals? Or the church of our family and the country? Feeding, can you not be such a Madonna, such a guy is not going to end, it will definitely hit the street."

This time, I stopped again. He said that it makes sense. I am speechless, how to break, online, etc., very urgent... (to be continued.)

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