The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 122: Gathering, Sabretooth Mercenaries

Because of Knight Stone's little gossip, Luther took a special look when he entered the door. Apart from the Tomahawk Knight, he actually saw a girl.

But this chick is not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

Although the knight can't tell what state he is in unless he takes action. But there are still big differences between ordinary people and knights. The knight's heartbeat is slower, his breathing is calmer, and his steps look more powerful.

Luther saw at a glance that this girl was a serious female knight.

Because it was the first time for Luther to see a female knight, he looked at her a few more times. Yeah, she has a good figure, with the front and back curved.

The skin color is a very healthy wheat color.

Her face, well, her face is just average, not comparable to beauties like Miss Ruth.

Because of Luther's gaze, the female knight glanced at Luther with a sharp look, so Luther honestly withdrew her gaze and followed her father.

Anyway, he didn't have any ideas, he was just curious.

At this moment, Old Sol has been arranged to sit down at the desk. The Tomahawk Knight had already read the letter of introduction from the Stone Knight, with a look of surprise on his face.

Of course, the letter did not say that Pompeii and his son had prepared 100,000 gold coins, but as a battle-hardened mercenary, the Tomahawk Knight knew that if he wanted to annihilate a band of thieves, the price would be at least 70,000. This was definitely a big deal. .

After reading the letter, the Tomahawk Knight paid much more attention to the father and son in front of him. This is not because the Tomahawk Knight has a narrow vision. As the deputy leader of the Sabretooth Tiger mercenary group, he is a senior knight.

The Tomahawk Knight's vision was above average. How could he care about Pompeii and his son when they didn't come up with a letter of introduction.

The lords of the little country knights, there are countless such lords in the whole of Orange.

But now with this letter of introduction it’s different.

"Knight Pompeii, may I ask Knight Ston how he is?" The Tomahawk Knight showed a proper smile on his face. Instead of talking about business, he asked about Knight Ston.

"Big business?" The female knight next to the Tomahawk Knight felt it immediately, and reached out to quietly poke the Tomahawk Knight's lower back. The Tomahawk Knight calmly handed the letter of introduction to the woman. knight.

The female knight glanced hastily, with a look of surprise on her face.

Randomly take out tens of thousands of gold coins and wipe out a country lord of a band of thieves.


The golden color is the world's hard currency. Having gold coins is equivalent to a premium membership card, and you are welcomed wherever you go.

Old Sol didn't care. He had already arrived in the Golden City anyway. Since the other party wanted to get closer, he should just say a few words.

"He is very good. He is currently the knight commander in our territory. But he dotes on his daughter too much and is often bossed around by her daughter." Old Sol said with a smile.

The Tomahawk Knight is obviously impressed by the Stone Knight. After all, the Stone Knight is a powerful intermediate knight.

"Lily, that little girl is naughty and tight." The Tomahawk Knight nodded with deep approval.

After talking about their mutual friend, Knight Ston, the Tomahawk Knight changed the subject and said, "I already know your purpose, but your matter is very big. Although I am the deputy leader, I cannot make the decision. Where should I go?" The leader will report it and come up with a reasonable price that is acceptable to both parties.”

"I understand very well." Old Sol nodded and said.

Immediately, the Tomahawk Knight got up and left the office. Before leaving, he asked his assistant to have a part-time job. The married female knight entertained the father and son.

Pompeii and his son had nothing to do, so they chatted casually with the female knight.

Of course, it was mainly Old Sol and the female knight who were chatting. Luther looked more like a little kid. The female knight didn't pay much attention to Luther.

Of course Luther didn't care. He took the opportunity to recall the introduction of the Sabretooth Tiger mercenary group by Knight Ston.

The most important, official and formal military force in the entire Orange is of course the military force of the nobles. But because the entire kingdom and even the continent are in turmoil, mercenary groups and thieves groups are also prosperous.

In addition, the new party's secret military power cannot be ignored.

The Sabretooth Tiger Mercenary Group is one of the largest large-scale mercenary groups in Orange. Its leader is a mysterious knight who rarely appears, but occasionally takes action.

This leader is an authentic great knight.

The Grand Knight was considered a big shot in the entire Kingdom of Prussia.

The combat power can be imagined.

Followed by senior knights, a total of more than a dozen.

There are about fifty or sixty intermediate knights, and there are as many as one or two hundred junior knights. The number of ordinary soldiers is relatively small, only three to four hundred.

The mercenary group is not a noble territory. The noble territory needs to rely on ordinary guards to maintain order. The biggest role of the ordinary soldiers in the mercenary group is to help the knights set up tents and other logistical work. As long as the number is enough.

But no matter what, in terms of military strength, the military strength of the Sabretooth Tiger Mercenary Group is comparable to that of a noble territory like Orange, and because the mercenaries often fight, their combat effectiveness is probably higher.

But even such powerful mercenaries and thieves groups can only survive in the cracks of the nobles. There has never been an incident where a mercenary group or a thieves group planned to attack and occupy the territory of the nobles.

Because the power of the nobles is powerful.

The consul of Orange, the Earl of Libya, is the maintainer of order in Orange and the backing of the great nobles on the ground.

Not long after, the Tomahawk Knight came back. He returned to his desk and sat down. He said to Old Sol: "Pompei Knight, I have already discussed it with the leader. We will accept it at a price of ninety-eight thousand." This time the mission is to destroy the Qiufeng bandits."

After a pause, the Tomahawk Knight said apologetically: "What I want to declare is that this is the lowest price. Even if it is one less gold coin, we will not accept this mission."

Old Sol and Luther looked at each other. They wanted to haggle over the price, but gave up the idea after hearing what the Tomahawk Knight said.

After all, their plan was to spend 100,000 gold coins to do this, and the price given by the Saber-Tooth Tiger Mercenary Group was 98,000 gold coins.

There are no issues beyond the scope of the plan.

But the cunning old Sol still pretended to think about it, and then nodded and said: "Ninety-eight thousand gold coins, very reasonable. This time I brought 3,000 gold coins as a deposit, and the remaining gold coins will be collected at Excelle after the task is completed. City delivered.”

"Okay." The battle ax knight nodded.

"When do you plan to leave?" Luther asked at this time.

The Tomahawk Knight glanced at Luther and regarded Luther as a little brat, but for the sake of the gold coins, he reluctantly answered.

"Ten days later, because we need to collect detailed information about the Qiu Feng Thieves Group, carefully find out the potential hidden strength of the Qiu Feng Thieves Group, and prepare the number of knights and members according to the intelligence."

said the battle-axe knight.

Luther nodded and thought to himself.

As expected, he is professional and works very carefully and carefully.

There is a saying in China that is good.

"Know yourself and your enemy and you will never be in danger of a hundred battles."

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