The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 16 Leave it to Old Bob

Seeing Bob's excitement, Luther was speechless, and then he tried: "Uncle, what do you think? Can this plow be built?"

"Master Luther." Bob changed his excitement and looked at Luther seriously.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Bob so serious, Luther adjusted his posture subconsciously, and then asked doubtfully.

"Master Luther, although there is no physical object yet, this thing called "Plow" has been imprinted in Old Bob's mind. This thing is simply an artifact for pioneering wasteland. Now it is there. With it, the strong labor force of the people can save a lot of effort and cultivate more fields. This has fundamentally changed farming and the status of farmers. I want to go farming. With three men in our family, we will definitely be able to cultivate a lot of fields.”

Bob looked serious and vaguely yearning.

It is said that the reason why old Bob became a blacksmith was because of the family business passed down from his father. In fact, old Bob was not very passionate about the blacksmith career. His dream was to let his eldest son start training as soon as possible and inherit the position of blacksmith. The whole family went to farm.

Yes, old Bob's dream is to be a great farmer.

Therefore, Old Bob said intoxicatedly with praise and even more admiration: "I don't know which genius invented this thing. With it, farmers and farmland will change the inherent pattern, and even change the Kingdom of Prussia. Even the whole world.”

Having said this, Old Bob looked up at Luther enthusiastically and asked: "Master Luther, may I ask, who invented this "plow"? Old Bob must visit him if he has the chance."

Luther's expression was a little weird. Only a genius would know who invented it. If it is generalized, it should be the crystallization of Chinese wisdom.

In this world, only he can be regarded as inheriting China.

So, you can barely say that I invented it, right?

But by admitting it so generously, doesn’t it mean to put money in your own face?

Bob misunderstood, shook his head in disappointment and said, "Is he no longer alive? That's such a pity. This is a great work, a work that changed the world."

Speaking of this, Bob looked forward to it again: "Then can I know this person's name and where the cemetery is? It would be great if I have the opportunity to go to the tombstone to commemorate him."

Bob is an excellent blacksmith and a smart man. He deeply knows what this will bring. In addition, he has the dream of becoming a great farmer. Old Bob has become a fanatical star chaser.

At this time, Luther finally got over the awkwardness in his heart. Anyway, I am also a member of China, so it is not considered plagiarism.

Besides, if you admit that you made this plow yourself.

Coupled with manure fertilization, it can create huge prestige.

Not only Pompeii, but maybe even the peasants of the entire Kingdom of Prussia will praise me, which seems good.

Then, a faint smile appeared on Luther's face, and he said a little enigmatically: "Well, I invented this."

"What??!" Bob's eyes widened. His eyes were already very big. This widening immediately reached the extreme effect, as if they were two eggs.

The scene is a bit funny.

Bob was a little dazed. Such a good artifact, a farming artifact, was actually made by Master Luther. This teenage boy in front of him?

Heir to the Pompeii family, current knight, and future noble knight lord.

Invented the artifact for farming.

It's incredible.

Bob's head felt dizzy, as if there was a halo above his head, and two little birds were constantly circling and chirping.

"How about it? Can it be made?" It was a shameless plagiarism, but Luther had no intention of showing off further, so he returned to the topic and asked seriously.

Later, Luther explained: "What I drew is a sketch. This plow cannot be made entirely of iron. The upper part is a wooden frame, and the sharp soil-loosening thing below is the iron tool."

Bob was alert when he heard this, and then he patted his chest, as if he was doing a sacred thing.

"Don't worry, Master Luther, I will definitely build it for the sake of the great farmers." Bob said righteously.

"Okay, after you finish building it, come to the castle to see me immediately." Luther said.


Bob said.

After Luther left the matter to Bob, he quickly left the blacksmith shop. Plows were already being made, oxen were being brought in, plans were under way to fertilize the fields with manure, and work was being done to improve the roads.

Next, Luther will be the hands-off boss, leaving everything to his subordinates to solve.

Not entirely.

Although Luther was immersed in developing his territory, he never relaxed for a moment about his own strength. Exercise your body every day, practice fighting spirit, and swordsmanship.

Although the Pompeii family's fighting spirit is not a profound fighting spirit, the victory lies in a solid foundation.

Luther believed that sooner or later he would be able to obtain a better secret book of fighting spirit, take magic potions like crazy, and become a powerful knight. So it is necessary to lay a good foundation now.

Time flew by in a blink of an eye, and five days passed quickly.

In the morning, the sun is shining brightly, which is a weather that can put people in a good mood.

According to custom, Luther should be taking cultural classes at this time. But Luther has stopped going recently. Luther has almost absorbed all the knowledge in Teacher Qiao Xiu's head, leaving only useless things such as poetry.

However, according to Teacher Magellan, half a day per day is enough for knight training. Spending too much time training will damage the body.

So in the morning, Luther often had nothing to do.

No, this morning Luther rode a horse and took Xiu Xiuya to ride horses in the territory. After walking around for a while, Luther handed the horse to the guard and planned to go back to the room to drink water.

At this time, a guard told Luther that "Blacksmith Bob has been here for a while and is waiting for Master Luther."

Luther was refreshed and knew that the plow was there.

Although Luther knew that Bob could build it, he still couldn't guarantee it 100% until he saw the real thing. Now that the good news has come, I am naturally very happy.

Wealth, territory, strength, status.

It all starts here.

So, Luther hurriedly let Xiu Xiuya play alone and entered the castle to see Bob. In addition to the hall, there is a living room on the second floor of the castle.

When Luther came to the living room, he saw Bob sitting on a chair holding a huge plow, and there was a pot of water on the small table next to him.

Little Maya was standing next to Bob. She was small, wearing a maid uniform and round-toe shoes on her little feet, and she was happily talking to Bob.

Bob was talking to little Maya a little absent-mindedly, looking around from time to time.

Seeing Luther come in, Bob couldn't wait to stand up, excitedly showed off the "plow" in his hand, and said happily: "Master Luther, look, I made it, old Bob made it."

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