The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 229 Mr. Al (eighth update)

After returning to the castle, Luther found two people.

Dad and Mom.

Then let the little dragon Alena make her debut. When Alena came on the stage, Mrs. Sophie almost fainted. Oh my god, what did I see?

A dragon?

Old Sol also stumbled and almost fell.

As a great knight, he almost fell down, which shows the seriousness of this matter.

"Luther, didn't you just bring two hundred thousand gold coins with you to meet the red dragon with the Eagle King? Why did you bring back a young dragon?" Old Sol asked hurriedly.

Now Old Thor's mind is in a mess. Could it be that his weird son teamed up with the Eagle King to rob a red dragon?

But this is impossible.

The Eagle King is a lawful creature and cannot rob. Besides, if the Eagle King could defeat the red dragon, he would not give in and pay the protection fee.

But so what?

How could their son get a baby dragon? What about the female dragon? Was he killed, or was he defeated and escaped?

You must know that dragons are very vengeful creatures, and they will definitely take revenge if they escape.

Old Sol's mind was as chaotic as a hundred thousand bees buzzing.

Luther scratched his head, organized his words, and then told his father and mother what happened. After hearing this, Mrs. Sophie shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Five million gold coins bought a baby dragon, Luther."

She no longer knew what to say.

What a prodigal.

"Blood, flesh, scales, teeth, this young dragon is not worth five million gold coins at all." Old Sol also nodded, with his sharp eyes as if he was going to dissect the young dragon Alena, and then commented .

Under that look, Aliena's entire dragon body trembled, and she quickly hid behind Luther.

This human being is so scary, he wants to dissect me.

Alena roared in her heart, wishing to tear Old Sol into pieces. But her forelimbs tightly grasped Luther's pants, as helpless as a human child.

But Luther will not be deceived by her. The red dragon is a cunning and cruel creature.

Luther kicked Alena and chewed the shit out of the dog she kicked. Then he said to his father: "Dad, I don't plan to dissect her. I want to raise her."

"You want to raise a dragon?"

Old Sol and Mrs. Sophie both exclaimed, and Mrs. Sophie covered her mouth as if she had heard the most incredible thing.

Alena breathed a sigh of relief, you can raise me and I will eat your whole family.

"I know that raising a dragon will be troublesome, but I can't bear to lose five million gold coins in vain, and I can't make any money back by dissecting it. It's better to raise her and make money for me when she grows up."

Luther said seriously.

"The growth of a dragon is measured in hundreds of years. If you raise her, you will have turned into a skeleton long ago." Old Sol couldn't laugh or cry.

Is this weird son crazy?

"Then find a way to ripen her. You must find a way to earn back my five million gold coins." Luther said fiercely.

In the end, no matter how old Sol or Mrs. Sophie persuaded her, Luther insisted on raising Alena.

Losing money is too much to swallow.

And now no one in the Pompeii family can do anything to Luther, not even his father and mother. So the end result was that Luther succeeded.

He left the little dragon Aliena at Pompeii Castle and let his father watch her in person. Then Luther took four family knights with him and headed to the Golden City again.


It is a creature that cannot be tamed, and the red dragon is the most difficult of them all. They are cunning and cruel by nature, and they are the most powerful existence among the five-colored dragons.

They may surrender temporarily, but they will never surrender forever.

And they are born knowing it.

Very very scary.

Raising dragons is a very troublesome thing. They must be controlled with fear and harm, so that they can be dominated at any time.

To ensure nothing goes wrong.

Therefore, Luther needs to purchase a certain item to control the little dragon. Such roads are very expensive and difficult to buy. Luther estimates that they are only available in big cities like Golden City.

That's a lot of money.

What's even more frightening is that the growth of a dragon requires a lot of food, ordinary meat, high-quality monster meat, and even magic potions for the dragon.

Although dragons have time to grow, they usually grow faster the more they eat.

In order to raise a dragon, Luther would most likely pay hundreds of thousands of gold coins every year. The dragon's growth cycle is extremely slow.

Maybe it won't be until Luther dies that the little dragon will grow into a young dragon.

A young dragon is of no use at all.

Therefore, raising a dragon is an extremely troublesome matter. Except for some very knowledgeable and ancient families in this world, they may raise a dragon.

But Luther still decided to raise it, so he embarked on the road to the Golden City to buy an item that could control the dragon.

But Luther still planned to keep the matter of the dragon in Pompeii's family as secret as possible. Therefore, after Luther came to the Golden City this time, he did not find Mr. Al first, nor did he find the rich people he had met before.

He came to the station of the Sabretooth Tiger Mercenary Group and found Mr. Al, whom he had fought side by side with and whom Luther had saved his life.

Luther's arrival was very coincidental, because Mr. Al happened to be there and would be leaving for a mission in a few days. If Luther had come a few days later, he would not have seen Mr. Al.

"Luther, I heard that you came to the Golden City not long ago, but I happened to be on a mission. It's a shame that I couldn't see you. This time I will definitely treat you to a good meal and play in this Golden City. One play.”

Mr. Al was very enthusiastic and pulled Luther to his tent to sit down.

Mr. Al is actually a very calm person and seldom speaks. Luther initially thought that Mr. Al might be mute.

But since the last incident with the Autumn Wind Thieves, Mr. Al has been very grateful to Luther, and he has also been very polite and enthusiastic towards Luther.

He is obviously a mage who looks cold on the outside, but is actually very passionate and affectionate in his heart.

It is said that the Tomahawk Knight, the Orleans Knight, and Mr. Al that Luther met in the Sabre-Tooth Tiger Mercenary Group were all very affectionate and righteous.

I don’t know if it’s because people are divided into groups.

"I also like to eat and play, but let's talk about it next time. This time I come to you, but I want your help to find out something."

Luther said seriously.

Mr. Al also became serious and said in his deep voice: "Luther, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

He has always been grateful for Luther's life-saving grace and tried his best to repay Luther.

Just like he said.

If he could do it, he would definitely do it, but if he couldn't do it, there was nothing he could do. He is just a junior wizard, and there are too many things he cannot do.

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