The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 274 I sat on the throne

"According to intelligence, the great knight, General Saul Pompeii of the Mountains, established a knighthood in Pompeii City, but did not do anything. This time, only the kid, two senior knights, and ten intermediate knights came to Silver Wing City. And some junior knights.”

Fortunately, Alton looked a little lucky.

Everyone else present also breathed a sigh of relief and felt refreshed.

"As long as it's not Thor who comes, it's Pompeii. If he comes, then we don't have to do anything. But Luther, that kid from Pompeii is different, and he doesn't bring many knights, no. It is possible to defeat us. As long as we hold on to Silver Wing City and survive the threat posed by the new party, when order is restored in Orange, I believe we can obtain the title of viscount from the Count of Libya again. "

An official who once governed a city, Hansa, Smith said.

"That's right, as long as we can survive and wait until the order in Orange is restored and the glory of the great nobles is restored, a knight family like the Pompeii family will be nothing at all."

Darren Smith stood up, very excited.

The crowd was excited to have sex with Luther and Pompeii.

Three hours later, they got their wish.

Luther, Pompeii is coming.

Silver Wing City.

The city was rectangular in design with four gates. At this moment, the south city gate was tightly closed, and the city was filled with knights and guards.

There are more than a hundred knights such as Bixing, Alton, Darren, and Smith.

In order to highlight the family's presence, they also planted pennants embroidered with the Silver Wings family emblem on the city walls.

Under the city, Pompeii's team arrived and stopped. A knight opened the door of the carriage, and Luther, Rebekah, Kintlen and others stepped out of the carriage.

Luther glanced at Knight Rebeca, who nodded, took out his knight's sword and walked out, and said loudly to the knights on the city: "The Consul of Orange, the silver appointed by His Excellency the Earl of Libya, Governor Wing, Luther, Your Excellency Pompeii is here, please open the city gate."

Knight Rebeca's voice was very loud and reached everyone's ears immediately.

There was a commotion among the ordinary guards, but the knights remained motionless.

Knight Rebecca waited for a minute and saw that the city gate had not yet opened, so she sneered: "Darren Smith, Hansa Smith, Bixun Alton."

Knight Rebeca read the names of many people, all of whom were the main players in this rebellion, as well as the contemporary knights of the Silver Wing family's vassals.

After finishing reading, Knight Rebeca said loudly: "If you resist, you are resisting the Count of Libya. The Governor will set a bounty of 10,000 to 30,000 gold coins on your heads. We won't need to do anything by then. Orange's mercenaries, adventurers, and killers will swarm in and take your heads, and then the Governor will hang all your children."

Threat, serious threat.

Some of the knights who participated in the rebellion were loyal to the Silver Wing Smith family, but most of them were coerced by public sentiment.

My blood surged up and I followed suit.

Knight Rebeca's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on them, causing many knights to wake up.

The people who come are very weak, and if they go together, they can kill the people in the future without leaving any trace behind.

But the opponent's backing is really terrifying, they are the Count of Libya and the great nobles.

No need to kill, just post a bounty to take care of them.

"Hmph." Sensing the commotion on the top of the city, Knight Rebeca snorted lightly and raised the knight's sword in his hand. After a burst of red light that shot into the sky, the entire city gate immediately exploded.

Rebecca and Knight Kintlen walked in with their heads held high, while Luther and Mr. Oreo also returned to the carriage, and the team continued to move forward.

He walked in grandly and swaggering.

The knights on the city were silent for a while, and then the most powerful and courageous knight, Darren Smith, roared: "Come on, for the glory of the Silver Wing family."

But few responded.

Darren, Smith's heart immediately went cold. This is different from what he said.

After that, the Pompeii family's team continued to advance into the city, while the rebel knights hesitated and followed behind the Pompeii family's team.

Soon after, the team arrived at Silver Wing Castle. Luther asked the junior knights to line up outside the castle and led the officials, senior knights, and intermediate knights inside.

Walking on the red carpet, he came to the throne against the wall. Then he looked up at the oil painting of the first Silver Winged Viscount hanging on the wall, and reached out to pick it off.

There was no humiliation, but he seriously handed the oil painting to the knight commander, Knight Rebeca. Then he sat down on the throne.

At this time, the rebel knights also came in. They looked at Luther sitting on the throne, either looking pale or looking miserable.

"The rule of the Smith family in Silver Wing Territory is over, and Silver Wing will enter the Pompeii era. However, based on the basic respect for the nobility, I allow you to leave with this oil painting, and I recognize your villa property in Silver Wing City. I will not confiscate it, but the Silver Wing Castle left by the former Silver Wing Viscount and the property belonging to him will become my property. But I know that your family still has a family cemetery in the territory, as well as one outside the cemetery. A castle, I allow you to inherit the castle and cemetery. Now those members of the Smith family who plan to stay should return to your home. Those who do not plan to stay should get out of the Silver Wing Territory and do not let me see it again. you."

Luther said calmly but extremely lethally and aggressively.

After a long silence, the members of the Smith family were divided into two groups. Hansa Smith, Darren Smith, Oren Smith, and many other members chose to leave. They took their family's first-generation Viscount oil painting with them and left.

But the number of Smith family members who left was only a small part, because more Smith family members grew up and lived in this city.

So more members bowed to Luther, the new governor of Pompeii, expressed their respect for the ruler, and then left sadly.

Luther and Pompeii easily gained control of the territory without doing anything, not even killing anyone.

Even Luther did not use the power of the Eagle King.

Just in response to those words, I came and sat on the throne.

Now Luther Pompeo is so tyrannical.

In the entire territory of Orange, except for the Earl of Libya, the Duke of Ferg, and a few first-class nobles, Luther could fight anyone he saw.

But the clever Luther only had trouble with his enemies.

If you quarrel with someone, you will be hated by others.

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