The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 535 Picking up a Luther

Dragon Keep is a temporary gathering place, not the stronghold of the Wizarding Kingdom. Because Dragon Castle has gathered a large number of people who want to kill the blue dragon, the blue dragon will occasionally go crazy and attack Dragon Castle.

Humans and blue dragons are fighting in the Gobi Desert in the north.

Because it is an unofficial event, humans tend to lose more.

Blue dragons are not that easy to kill.

And because it is a temporary gathering place, the location of Dragon Castle is not fixed, and there is no transfer point.

The wizards have no coordinates, let alone the knights. People will use primitive methods to get to the Dragon Castle, flying magic carpets, riding horses, and even using their feet.

Also because the Dragon Fort is not fixed, only a few well-informed people will know where the nearest Dragon Fort is.

This gave rise to a profession called guiding.

The guides often organize a group of knights who want to go to the Dragon Castle, and the wizards form a reasonably sized team to go to the nearby Dragon Castle.

By the way, you can do some shopping, such as selling food, weapons, etc.

The reason why a certain number of people is required is because it is very close to the place where the blue dragon is active. If you go further forward, you may be attacked by the blue dragon.

Blue dragons fly the fastest among the five colored dragons. They occasionally fly onto the road and rob human teams. They are not human knights. In order to show off their martial prowess, they only kill dragons with matching strength.

Dragons will only attack humans who are weaker than themselves.

So there are advantages to having a larger team.

In Lhasa, a small remote city in the north, there are many people doing this kind of business.

The wind and sand in Lhasa are very strong, and a full third of the city is covered by wind and sand in a year. The main industries in this city are camel breeding and restaurant opening.

This is the desert next door, so raising camels is a matter of course. As for opening a restaurant, there shouldn't be any restaurants in such a remote northern town.

But because a large number of dragon hunters arrive here every year, these dragon hunters spend a lot of money, which promotes the restaurant business.

There are several prominent families in Lhasa, one of which is the Sony family. The current leader of this family is called Fer, Sony.

A great knight who is nearly seventy years old.

The Sony family is engaged in the restaurant and camel business, as well as the guide business. The guide who led the team was Phil. Sony, Phil's granddaughter, Miss Li Ni, Phil's distant nephew, Billy, and several knight guards from the Sony family.

Although dragon hunters come to Lhasa City almost every day, due to the need to ensure the size of the team, they generally require more than twenty titled knights, plus three or four wizards above the great wizard, before they can set off.

Plus business sharing.

Therefore, the Sony family's business usually waits until everyone is gathered before starting, that is, starting again after a while. It usually takes one month to forty days for a round trip.

Because Longbao is not fixed, the route and distance will change.

The original agreement was to set off this morning, but two title knights left temporarily due to something else, and the team became incomplete.

If you really encounter a blue dragon on the road, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Of course, if you encounter an old blue dragon, no matter how large it is, it will be doomed. At most, you can disperse and escape to increase the chance of survival.

Because of this consideration, Fair and Sony decided to delay their departure. Anyway, for the knights, it is the same whether it is day or night.

Knights have the ability to see at night.

But after waiting until the evening, no one joined the team, so many people became impatient.

"Miss Li Ni, go and ask Mr. Feier whether we are going to leave today. If not, let us walk back to the restaurant to rest. Sitting here is too boring."

A title knight said loudly.

He is very strong, powerful, exudes a rough and heroic aura, and is an authentic adventurer.

"Yes, we have been waiting here all day," many knights also complained. In addition to the eighteen titled knights, there were also some great knights, but there were no senior knights.

The wizards were much quieter. They wore wizard robes, and some wore hats to hide their faces. They were used to sitting quietly and would not feel impatient.

"Only when the number of people has arrived can a certain degree of safety be guaranteed. Grandpa is also doing it for your own good, so don't embarrass him, okay?" Miss Li Ni said very hotly with her hands on her waist.

Miss Li Ni is in her early twenties, beautiful and healthy, with a hot figure. His personality and temper are even more spicy.

She is just a high-level knight, but she dares to talk to a group of knights like this, which shows how hot she is.

"Miss Li Ni, although you are very beautiful, we are not here to see you, but to hunt dragons. So can you please ask Mr. Fair?"

One of the title knights said half-jokingly, causing a burst of laughter.

Most of the adventurers are rough and arrogant in character. They don't like noble ladies, but they admire bold and aggressive women like Miss Li Ni very much.

So even if Miss Li Ni is so aggressive, not only do they not feel uncomfortable, but they also find it useful.

This may be a shame.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask again." Miss Li Ni was really speechless to these guys and could only scratch her head.

Because it was a desert environment, her blond hair was dry and had some sand in it, making it look like a chicken coop, but she didn't care.

Anyway, I'm used to living in the open air.

Miss Li Ni twisted her slender waist and headed north to meet her grandfather, Mr. Fair, Sony.

Mr. Fair, Sony is nearly 70 years old, with silver hair and beard, but ruddy face, still energetic, and looks very capable.

"Grandpa, those people are urging you again." Li Ni strode over and said to Mr. Fair.

"Although you are short of two title knights, it's okay. Besides, the time is almost up." Mr. Fair nodded. Then he said to a young man: "Billy, you get ready to go. Li Ni, you go and notify the adventurers to get ready to go."

"Okay." Li Ni nodded simply, and then strode back.

Billy, Mr. Fair's distant nephew, he looks very, very strong, like a calf, a very honest young man.

"Okay, Grandpa Fair." Billy nodded quickly after hearing this, and then went to work. But before leaving, he glanced at Miss Li Ni's back and showed admiration.

Soon after, the team was ready to set off.

"Wait a minute, take me with you." In the afterglow of the setting sun, a handsome young noble trotted over and waved.

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