The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 707 The Strongest Attention

The entire universe is very, very big.

The Wizarding Kingdom and the Shadow Council are the two major overlords, and there are a few neutral forces such as the Green Dragon Kingdom. In such a large environment, countless wonderful things happen every day.

In this entire universe, legends don't make news. Because every day someone becomes a legend, and more than one.

If anyone becomes the strongest, it will become big news. But the number of the strongest has never been large, because the conditions required for the strongest are too harsh.

Take knights as an example. Strong physical fitness, excellent fighting will, and great luck are all indispensable.

Even if he is a legend, the possibility of becoming a powerful knight is pitifully low.

Under such circumstances, outstanding talents who have the potential to become the most powerful knights will receive attention.

But the entire universe is really too big, and it would be meaningless if geniuses could not grow up smoothly and die early.

It can be said that the entire universe has news about geniuses almost every day, how geniuses have risen and geniuses have fallen.

Because there are too many geniuses and the stars are too bright, there are very few geniuses who can get attention.

But if one star among the stars suddenly bursts out with light like an emperor, it will be different. All attention will be focused on this star.

And Luther is in such a situation now.

Compared with the countless geniuses in the universe, his light is unstoppable. With the chain of seven days and seven laws, he became a knight with a deposit title in one fell swoop, and was personally trained by the dean of the legendary knight academy.

This news is a bit big.

Fabres Magic City!

This is a magic city with "eternal" power. Its scale, weapons, defense, and logistics systems are far more powerful than the main battle magic city.

The person who rules this magical city is called Hedel Fabres, a powerful wizard wife.

This lady is also Miss Kate's mother.

Because of the special inheritance rights of the Fabrese family, there are not many Fabrese family members currently living in the Fabrese Magic City.

It's six people at a time.

Mrs. Heidel, Kate and Kate's four brothers and sisters.

Mrs. Heidel is a tall, powerful wizard with a stern face. She has a calm nature and excellent wizard qualities.

Mrs. Haydel went out not long ago and came back today. She returned to the city lord's mansion, settled in the living room, and called the head maid in the mansion, Mrs. Haili.

"Haili, have you heard of a man named Luther Pompeii recently?" Mrs. Haidel asked, sitting on the sofa.

"Madam, do you also know about Luther Pompeii?" Mrs. Haili said in surprise.

Mrs. Hailey didn't know what Mrs. Heidel was doing when she went out this time, but according to Mrs. Heidel's character, she shouldn't pay attention to such things.

So surprised.

"All I hear these days is this little guy's name, and several of my friends want to find out about him. And I heard that he is little Tina's boyfriend, and Kate doesn't get along well with little Tina. So I asked you, how is their relationship? If the relationship is good, I want Kate to send a message and study Luther Pompeo's body. I promise not to disclose Luther Pompeo's body information. Not to cause irreversible harm to Luther Pompeo and be willing to pay a valuable amount of experimental funds.”

said Mrs. Hydel.

Nowadays, when a powerful wizard like Mrs. Heidel wants to study the body of a knight, knights below the powerful level will rejoice.

Everything is free.

But this matter is very troublesome for Luther Pompeii. Since the other party has the most powerful lich as a backer, it may not be uncommon to become her experimental material.

Neither can force.

I can only try favors, and I still have a lot of money.

Mrs. Heidel was indeed very interested in Luther's body and was willing to pay a high price.

"This name has indeed appeared very frequently recently." Mrs. Hailey nodded, and then said: "As for whether Miss Kate's relationship with Luther Pompeo is good or not, I don't know. You'd better send Miss Kate to ask in person. Just ask."

"Yes." Mrs. Haidel nodded, and then ordered the tower spirit to teleport Kate in.

"Mom! What do you want from me?" Kateji made a grand appearance, holding an ice cream cone in her right hand and licking it, wearing a pajamas casually.

Mrs. Heidel felt a headache when she saw Kate Ji eating ice cream. This daughter is considered a spoiled child, and she and little Tina are called the snack duo.

Became a weirdo among the top families.

But speaking of it, little Tina is a bit more silly and cute, while my daughter is not as good as her predecessors but more than her inferiors.

Mrs. Haidel, who was calm by nature, had more mental activities. After looking at Kate, she repeated what she had just said to Mrs. Hailey to Kate.

"I can help you pass on a message, but the success rate is not high. Because this guy Luther Pompeo is not short of money. He will not go to the point of selling his experimental materials to make money." Kate Ji bit off the last ice cream. , and then licked his fingers.

"I understand, just send a message for me." Mrs. Haidel nodded and said.

"Yeah." Katji hummed.

Then Kate was teleported away, and Mrs. Haidel said to Mrs. Hailey: "The heir mechanism of our family is very cruel. I didn't think highly of Kate at first among my five heirs, but now Kate's best friend Tina can compete with her." If people like Luther Pompeo get involved, it’s unclear who will win in the future.”

"If Luther Pompey can become the most powerful person and fully support Kate, then the next generation head of the Fabres family must be Kate. Not only that, let's talk about the Fersig family itself, which already has the most powerful family. Strong Frost Knight, Mickey Fersig. If Luther Pompey can really become the strongest, it will affect the power of the two top families, and then affect the entire wizarding country. ”

"What an incredible guy. Although he is only a titled knight now, his rise has already affected all aspects."

Mrs. Hailey nodded, fully agreeing with Mrs. Haidel's point of view.

"This is the influence of the strongest, so the whole universe is paying attention to the emergence of the new strongest, and then paying attention to the geniuses who have the potential to become the strongest. The top families are trying their best to cultivate their descendants, and they are also working hard to find their origins. Wei Han’s genius is in the family.”

"The Fersig family is really lucky this time to be able to lock in people like Luther Pompeo in advance."

Mrs. Hailey sounded envious.

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