The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 747 God Held

Under the bright sunshine, the whole Pompeii seemed to be dyed with a layer of gold.

The Magic City of Pompeii.

In the universe, this magic city is ordinary. But now it is attracting much attention because this is the Magic City ruled by Luther Pompeii.

As Luther Pompeii gradually took root in the wizarding country, he was able to obtain a lot of special materials and attracted many wizards and knights to come to this city to trade in the Magic City.

Pompeii is no longer a secular Pompeii, but a magical Pompeii.

The most majestic and spectacular building in this magical city is of course Luther's, the New Pompeii Castle.

In this castle, there are hundreds of male and female servants, and hundreds of knights serving Luther around the clock.

Of course, because Luther rarely stayed in the castle, he was either running around the universe or staying in retreat in the laboratory. Therefore, servants and knights rarely see Luther's face.

During this period of time, Luther stayed in the castle, lingering with Miss Ruth and Miss Alice.

In the Kingdom of Prussia, it was a matter of course for outstanding lords and nobles to have mistresses. Therefore, Miss Ruth and Miss Alice did not feel much rejection of each other's existence.

Luther has no intention of finding anyone to marry, so he can just keep it like this.

On the sun terrace of the castle, Luther held Miss Ruth's waist, leaning on the railing and looking at the sun in the distance in a daze.

By now, Luther was over seventy years old. But time has not left any traces on him. He is still young and full of vigor.

Miss Ruth in her arms looks like she is in her thirties, mature and gorgeous.

This is because Miss Ruth only transformed into a high-level vampire when she was thirty years old.

Except for Luther and Miss Ruth, Miss Alice was leaning against the railing, drinking in broad daylight. Time has left no trace on her body.

Because now Miss Alice is a legendary water knight.

Although Luther had been in seclusion for so many years, he asked the Lich Dean to take care of his family before he went into seclusion. Luther's friends, family, and lovers were all taken care of by the Lich Dean.

According to the Lich Dean's methods, even his mother, Lady Sophie, and his sister, Mary, can become legends in their lifetime and live for a long, long time.

And a legendary strongman was already a top combat power in the previous Prussian era. And now ordinary people in Luther's family can become legends.

This is the so-called "one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven".

"What are you thinking about? Luther." Miss Alice looked at Luther with lazy eyes. This hormonal lady was still very charming.

It's just that now, she no longer shows her charm in front of outsiders.

Her charm can only be enjoyed by Luther.

"I'm thinking about the future." Luther withdrew his eyes and said with a smile. In fact, he is thinking about the future war, but he will not tell his family about this.

There is no need to worry the family.

"The future? You are already at the top of the entire universe. With Mr. Lich's help, you will have no problem living for a hundred thousand years, and you and I are only over seventy years old now. What's there to think about?" Alice The lady smiled and shook her head.

"Although life is indeed long, you can't live it haphazardly. You must have a plan." Luther said casually.

Miss Alice rolled her eyes at Luther.

Miss Ruth didn't talk much, she was relatively quiet.

"Luther, it's time to go." At this time, the voice of Dean Lich sounded in the void.

"Got it." Luther waved his hand and said.

"I really don't understand, you are already a most powerful knight, why do you still have so many things?" Miss Alice complained.

"The universe is very big, and the most powerful knight will also have things he should do. Miss Alice, please stop complaining." Miss Ruth said very considerately, but her expression was also reluctant to leave.

Men and women are always entangled and inseparable.

"Don't worry, I should be back soon this time." Luther also hugged Miss Alice, and then kissed the two girls on their cheeks respectively, before allowing Talling to teleport him away.

On the Phoenix Star.

Endless black clouds covered the entire sky. Thunder flashed between the clouds, and thunder and lightning fell with heavy rain, and the rain was blood.

The entire planet is blood red in color.

This is the blood left behind after the Phoenix was killed by the Wizarding Kingdom and the Shadow Council, polluting the entire planet.

This planet is called the Phoenix Planet, and there are also Phoenix Trials.

But this moment is not the time for the Phoenix Trial.

But Luther, the Lich Dean, and a coffin stayed on a small island on this planet.

This is a small island that cannot be smaller, perhaps it can be said to be an island reef. Dean Lich took out a recliner and lay down on it, while fiddling with his sunglasses, looking very leisurely.

Luther was a little concerned about the coffin.

Because I heard from the Lich Dean that the person lying here is very scary. He is the first generation and contemporary Speaker of the Shadow Parliament who holds real power since the establishment of the Shadow Parliament.

Known as the "Dark Speaker".

The Lich Dean should be the actual founder of the Wizarding Kingdom, but now the Lich Dean is staying with the Dark Speaker.

This had to make Luther think a lot.

"Don't think about it anymore. Jonde and I have always been friends, but we founded different organizations because of different ideas. He believes that to fight against the gods, strong power is needed, so the Shadow Council will do whatever it takes to pursue power. ”

Dean Lich saw Luther's psychological activities and explained casually.

It turns out that this dark speaker is called Qiong De.

"This Phoenix Star is jointly owned by the Wizarding Kingdom and the Shadow Council. Now that you want to absorb the power of the planet, of course you must notify him. We also jointly blocked everything on this planet and announced to the outside world that it would be sealed. That is Say, no one will know what you got here after this."

Dean Lich said again.

"The most powerful human knight in history who has gathered the power of all the powerful races in the entire universe. Luther Pompeii. It's really exciting to see how powerful you will be after you absorb the blood of the Phoenix."

The voice of the Dark Speaker was not gloomy and indifferent, but contained expectations.

expectations for humans.

"What a terrible inside story. It turns out that the relationship between the Wizarding Kingdom and the Shadow Parliament is like this." Luther muttered in his heart, feeling that his outlook on life had been severely affected.

"Let's begin, Luther. Absorb all the bloodline power, defeat the undead spirit of the Phoenix, absorb everything into your own body, and gain powerful power against the gods in one fell swoop."

Dean Lich said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Luther nodded.

Back then, Luther had killed one bloody monster after another, gained points one by one, and gathered millions of power to gain a little bit of the phoenix bloodline.

Of course Luther doesn't have to go to such trouble now.

Because although the phoenix blood in his body is still very thin, it has become very powerful after his cultivation over the years.

The blood of phoenixes can attract each other, like a magnet, attracting iron.

"Ah!!!!" Luther roared, and two powers surged out of his body. The flames were burning, and the strong wind was fueling the burning.

Luther soon disappeared, replaced by a flaming fireball. Afterwards, Luther soared into the sky and became the rising sun.

Immediately, Luther activated the phoenix bloodline in his body, and the flames became more powerful, as if they had truly turned into the sun.

At the same time, the phoenix bloodlines on this planet shot toward Luther in the sky.

One by one, the bloody monsters exploded and died. The pure power in them was shot at Luther, and the impurities fell to the ground. Not just bloody monsters, but also in the soil, rivers, mountains, and vegetation.

Every place and every inch on this phoenix planet has the remnants of the phoenix's bloodline. All the power of these bloodlines flew towards Luther.

And with the gathering of so many bloodlines, the flame transformed by Luther became brighter and larger. The temperature inside is even scarier.

Even the most powerful knights who are idle do not dare to get close to this flame.

Phoenix! ! !

A top-notch space monster.

This kind of monster is the most powerful and terrifying monster discovered in the history of the Wizarding Kingdom and the Shadow Council. In order to destroy this monster, the Shadow Council and the Wizarding Kingdom formed a joint fleet. With the help of many powerful people, this monster was destroyed. Phoenix kill.

If there is only one or several magic cities, they will be easily shot down by the Phoenix.

And Luther is now absorbing the blood of the Phoenix and using it for himself. What matters is whether Luther himself is strong.

Only when human genes account for more than 70%, humans can maintain their human form and are called blood knights or blood warlocks.

When the proportion of human genes is less than 70%, it is no longer a blood knight or a blood warlock, but a mutated and terrifying monster.

Twenty-five years.

Dean Lich and Miss Jenny planned for twenty-five years to let Luther absorb all the abilities of the powerful people in the entire universe, making Luther the most powerful human being in history.

Can such Luther successfully suppress the bloodline of the Phoenix?

Forming a gene ratio of 30 to 70.

This is the key to this evolution.

However, Dean Lich and Speaker of Darkness have great confidence in Luther.

"I just quietly gave him a detection technique, and his energy response is far superior to that of the Phoenix back then. Even without the blood of the Phoenix, he is already very strong. With the blood of the Phoenix, he is even more powerful. Mi Talin, you have really cultivated a real monster, who can be called the "God Killer".

The Dark Speaker looked at the blazing fireball in the sky and said sincerely.

"Luther is indeed very powerful, but whether he can truly kill the gods is still unknown. Only those who have killed gods can be called "god slayers." Although you and I have seen the horror of the gods coming, but for the gods How powerful it is, but we still don’t know everything. How powerful was the god at that time? 30% of the power? Or even only 10% of the power? "

Dean Lich stood up from the recliner, his tone unprecedentedly serious.

"The power of the gods is indeed unfathomable. Even if Luther Pompeii obtained the blood of the Phoenix and became a human being qualified to challenge the gods. But we also need a careful plan, and we cannot let this precious thing go in vain. to fight to death."

The Dark Speaker nodded and said.

"I have prepared a careful plan." Dean Lich's tone was full of cunning.

"What are you going to do?" the Dark Speaker asked curiously.

"Secret." Dean Lich betrayed his confidence at the critical moment and said in a childish tone.

There was no sound in the coffin, maybe the dark speaker was rolling his eyes, no, because the lich has no flesh and blood.

As the two lichs talked, the fireball in the sky got bigger and bigger. The scorching high temperature is already very, very high.

The intensity is currently not as powerful as the burning heat of a star, but it is enough to destroy a planet. Many of the most powerful knights cannot resist this high temperature.

Liches are not known for their physical strength. Although they can be resurrected infinitely, they lose a powerful body every time they die, which is really not cost-effective.

So the Lich Dean and the Dark Speaker immediately teleported to a satellite near the Phoenix Planet.

This is a very desolate satellite.

Standing on this satellite, you can clearly see the entire Phoenix Planet. The Phoenix Planet was originally a strange planet shrouded in black clouds and flashing with thunder and lightning.

At this moment, the Phoenix Planet turned into a sea of ​​fire. The fire burned the entire planet. From a distance, the Phoenix Planet became a big fireball.

This is a horrific scene of destruction.

Even the most powerful main gun of Eternal Magic City cannot cause such powerful destructive power.

This is already the power of the gods.

But the Lich Dean and the Dark Speaker were indifferent. They were also present when the Phoenix was destroyed.

The power exerted by the Phoenix at that time was even more powerful than it is now.

After all, the phoenix is ​​dead, and everything it left on this planet is just the fire it left behind for resurrection.

"Fire burns the sky. When the flames on the phoenix burn to its strongest, it can be reborn from the fire. We killed the phoenix many times back then, but it survived every time. Until the end. And now the road De, has also gained such power, coupled with his own strength, he is incredibly powerful. "

"If this is the power of gods, then we have personally cultivated a god. This god is the god of our Helder universe, the undefeated God of War. Luther Pompeii."

Dean Lich's tone became unusually fanatical.

The powerful force made him excited.

Because this is the power that can challenge the gods.

The gods' fear of wizards caused the wizards' civilization to be destroyed time and time again. After five reincarnations, the wizards finally cultivated a god who was more powerful than the wizards.

Held's god.

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