The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 95: Kill, poisonous acid lizard

Although Luther hopes to meet the Acid Lizard again and let the Acid Lizard learn the power of the Pompeii Knight who has completed the half-finished evolution.

But Luther didn't have much interest in other ordinary junior monsters. He encountered countless junior monsters along the way, but Luther still managed to escape through the guidance of Sun Face.

Just like playing games before, I dodge, I dodge, I dodge.

"You coward." Taiyang Lian jumped to his feet in anger.

But Luther was confident.

"As for the monsters, although eating meat is indeed good for us, we can't eat all the low-level monsters now. Why bother to fight with the monsters? It would be bad if we get injured. We hate getting hurt."

For this reason, Luther easily avoided many low-level monsters.

And if he fights all the way, Luther will not only be able to eat a lot of Warcraft meat to replenish his energy, but his combat experience will definitely rise sharply.

But Luther just didn’t.

Luther would never say no to this kind of fighting maniac style.

As long as we don't get hurt, we won't get hurt.

Until Luther walked for another five days and encountered a large swamp. It was not a place where Luther practiced toxin immunity, but a new swamp.

This kind of poisonous swamp has no foothold and is easy to trap. Luther does not intend to conflict with the monsters in it, so he can only take a detour.

But at this moment, a monster suddenly jumped out.

"Oh, it's really a narrow road for enemies." This time Luther became interested in fighting. He saw a tiger-sized lizard lying on the opposite branch. The lizard's body was covered with blue scales and its head was extremely sharp.

It is the poisonous acid lizard that Luther is obsessed with.

The road between enemies is narrow.

At this moment, the poisonous acid lizard was opening its mouth full of fine teeth, sticking out its tongue at Luther, and looking at Luther with eyes as if it were prey.


To the monsters in this forest, lone humans are prey.


This poisonous acid lizard was much more rash than the ones Luther had encountered before. Because this time there was only Luther alone, last time there were three knights.

The poisonous acid lizard opened its mouth and spat out a stream of green liquid, directly hitting Luther's face.

"It's the same thing again." Luther gently raised the knight's sword, and calmly put the knight's sword in front of his face, making a ding-dong sound.

The green venom collided with the sword surface of the knight's sword, making a crisp sound.

The snow-white knight's sword was immediately dyed with a layer of green, and at the same time, a burst of green smoke rose up.

A large amount of toxic gas began to spread.

Luther did not avoid it, but took a breath, with a disgusted expression on his face. The venom of this poisonous lizard was really smelly.

"Is there something wrong with this human being? He actually breathes my venom directly?" The poisonous acid lizard's pupils expanded instantly, and he was extremely surprised.

Be numb, be slow.

Without thinking much, the poisonous acid lizard launched an attack, jumped up, and attacked Luther. It stretched out its front paws and attacked Luther.

Because it was so fast, it seemed to turn into a blue light.

Last time, Luther suffered a big loss due to such rapidity. There was no time to react at that time, because the body could not keep up with the signal from the sight.

But things are different now.

Luther saw clearly and responded quickly. He held the knight's sword in his right hand, but his left hand was clenched into a fist. The fist was wrapped in the fighting energy of the earth, forming a hammer.

With an uppercut, Luther hit the poisonous lizard's soft belly hard.

"Ouch!" The poisonous acid lizard let out a painful howl, and its entire body was shot towards a tree like a cannonball.

With a "boom", the tree as big as the mouth of a bowl made a click and was completely broken. The poisonous acid lizard's entire lizard life was in bad shape, and he felt dizzy and dizzy.


The earthy yellow light flashed away, and Luther pierced the acid lizard's head with his sword, nailing the acid lizard to the ground.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The poisonous acid lizard did not die immediately, its tail flicked wildly on the ground, but it could not change the outcome, and it soon died completely.

"Okay, this trip was really not in vain." Luther shook his head, and was a little surprised by the result. This time he won a little easier, which was beyond his expectation.

But it's always a good thing.

"Now I look like a BOSS."

Luther was a little hungry, so he was lucky to meet this poisonous acid lizard. He found a place with a water source. Luther skinned and cramped the poisonous acid lizard, roasted it, and sacrificed it to the Five Internal Organs Temple.

Then he patted his butt and continued to Pompeii easily.

Because he was looking for harsh conditions when he came and basically headed straight north when he returned, Luther was very fast and returned to Pompeii twelve days later.

It has been more than half a year since Luther came out.

Pompeii’s farmland is full of crops, wheat, rapeseed, and some even planted with olive trees. The growth is really gratifying.

Of course, olive trees are not commercial crops that can grow in one year. They are still saplings, and not many are planted.

All in all, Luther is back.

I came back from the humid, hot, and poisonous forest full of snakes and beasts, and returned to Pompeii, which is full of rural atmosphere.

Smelling the smell of earth and countryside, Luther felt very comfortable, as if he had been resurrected.

This is my territory, this is my home.

My Pompeii, I'm back.

With great joy, Luther returned to Pompeii and entered the Pompeii Castle.

"Ah, where did the beggar come from?" As soon as he entered the castle, Luther saw little Maya, wearing a maid outfit, stepping on round-toed leather shoes and walking out with a big wooden basin in her hand. When she saw Luther, little Maya was immediately startled.

But little Maya was a strong maid in the castle who dared to be mean to Luther. She didn't scream and throw the wooden basin away, but put it down.

Then she took Luther's hand and said, "What's wrong with the guards outside the castle? Why did they let you in? Go quickly, otherwise you will be imprisoned by the guards."

Luther was very moved. His little Maya was just a bad temper, a little bit fierce, but she was still very kind and very peaceful to beggars.

Bah, I'm not a beggar.

"Little Maya, I'm Luther." Luther shouted hurriedly.

"Master Luther?" Little Maya was shocked and immediately shook off Luther's hand. Then she looked at Luther carefully and found that this disheveled guy was actually Luther.

Little Maya frowned and said with disgust: "Master Luther, where have you been? Why are you so dirty? Did you fall into the stinky ditch? Go to the stream outside the city to wash first. I won't serve you to take a bath."

"You are treating me differently. It's unfair." Luther shouted in his heart. Is this still the gentle little Maya who was very gentle to the beggar and held the beggar's hand without any disgust?

The shrew is back again.

"It's not decent to take a bath in the stream. Let the maids fetch some water. I'll just take a bath in the castle."

Luther sighed with frustration and waved his hand.

"Okay, I'll go get the maids for help." Little Maya nodded, then walked away in her round-toed leather shoes, but she quickly turned around and said to Luther, "Master Luther, the hall has just been cleaned. Don't come in if you're dirty. Otherwise, if you dirty the floor, we'll have to clean it again, which will be very troublesome."

Luther had already raised one foot, but now he could only put it down in dismay.

This maid is not cute at all.

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