Emperor star.

One after another starships anchored in the square in front of the imperial palace.

A high-ranking imperial nobleman walked out of the starship and greeted his colleagues.

This time, everyone came to report on their duties in response to the emperor's summons, and all those who could come were those with high authority in the empire.

The first is the royal family, and the second is the nobles, including dukes, marquis, earls, and viscounts. There are more than two hundred people. In addition, there are outstanding generals and generals, and the upper echelons of the nine institutions of the empire.

As soon as the priest and many archbishops stepped off the starship, they were surrounded by a large group of nobles.

"Mianxia, ​​what is the purpose of the emperor's summoning this time?"

"I heard that the Star Wars Group is going to be established, isn't it?"

"Do you really want to start the expansion mode?"


Everyone asked, the teacher listened, and he laughed: "You guys are very well informed, yes, today's topic is nothing else, it is about the formation of the Star Wars!"

"Wow, it is true. The young majesty is so determined to forge ahead. It is a great blessing for my empire, don't you think?"

"Yes, that's right, the empire has been more than 10,000 years old, and it hasn't expanded an inch of territory outwards. It's a pity to think about it. It's better to have an emperor. This cohesion is strong!"

"I know that it will be expanded soon. Look at the stormy waves that your Majesty has set off recently. First, the manufacturing of armaments has been set off everywhere. I heard that clone fighters, biochemical fighters, robots and mecha manufacturing are all expanding production. After that, churches were built in various places, and then the opening of Siweinet and Monet, all showing the courage and ambition of your majesty!"

"It's true. Such things are unprecedented and huge undertakings during the reigns of successive emperors!"

"The war factory I control is already using petri dishes to cultivate cloned soldiers and biochemical soldiers. Every six months, the output will be overturned..."

"In my field, 5,000 churches, large and small, have been built. Your majesty’s sacred brilliance has almost covered the entire territory under my rule. Such a speed is simply incredible. Some of them can already be connected to the thinking network. A small number of people are already trying to extract magic net energy and cast small spells!"

"The same is true for my territory, the emperor's will has been carried out so thoroughly!"

"I heard that where the emperor's will will reach where the sacred light reaches?"

"That's right, that sacred brilliance is where the emperor's will and power lies. I have studied it. The composition of that brilliance is a kind of magical composite particle. Each of those particles is branded with the emperor's brand! "


When everyone heard it, they were all dumbfounded.

Especially the members of the Earth delegation who walked behind and kept silent.

This time the convening order, a total of twelve people from the Earth Federation came. They are the Twelve Standing Committee members of the Federation, representing the highest authority of the entire Earth Federation.

The Twelve Standing Committee members, the heads of state from the European Union, Russia, China, the United States and other countries and regions, are representatives nominated by countries and regions.

They were surprised by the discussion of the nobles.

Others don't know, but they clearly understand the situation of the Earth Federation. In the past half year, the export trade of the Earth to the Solar Empire has increased three thousand times!

Not three times thirty times, not three hundred times, but three thousand times, it is shocking to think about it.

The import of various minerals and the import trade involving military industry have risen astonishingly, reaching ten thousand times.

The production of mecha and robots in Poseidon Fortress and Luna Fortress will be turned over every three months. Every 30 days on the earth, a large mecha production base will be completed, and mecha and machinery will be officially put into use. Human manufacturing.

The number of robots and mechas exported to the Solar Empire has reached 890 million units. These are not mobile phones, but robots and war mechas capable of war.

Among them, the procurement and investment of the Dali Consortium play the most important role. It can almost be said that the Dali Consortium uses its own power and incredible leverage to lift up the manufacturing potential and war potential of the entire planet.

It seems that all of these are in preparation for a huge and incomparable war.

Now, this fog has finally been lifted... Wang Dali, not to fight a civil war, let alone counter the rebellion, but to start a pioneering mode, leading all the interest groups of the entire solar empire to expand the vast interstellar world.

This is undoubtedly a national war, an interstellar war, and a great colonial era. Thinking about it, I feel passionate. In this era, anything is possible...

"The great era we predict is coming!" The head of Hua Guo No. 1 was excited.

"It's a great opportunity!" The EU's head of state cheered up and gave the No. 1 head, the Russian president, and the US president a bear hug.

The crowd climbed up the stairs, entered the imperial palace, and gathered in the imperial palace's side hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a big round table, and everyone was talking in twos and threes, and they all sat down.

"Your Majesty, the emperor is here!" Artria Yang said.

Everyone was quiet immediately, Wang Dali walked into the side hall, waved to everyone, and sat on the main seat.

"Everyone, please sit down!" Wang Dali said.

"Thank your Majesty!" Everyone sat down, all sitting upright.

"Well, it's all here, do you know why I called everyone here?" Wang Dali said.

"But for the establishment of the battle group?" Grand Duke Baolan laughed, and everyone nodded, apparently having heard the wind.

"Yes, it is for the establishment of the battle group!"

Wang Dali stood up, with a serious expression, took the document from the chief guard, and said: "I have decided to form more than one hundred interstellar groups and launch interstellar exploration and colonization in January of the following year. war!"

"More than a hundred Star Wars?" Everyone was surprised.

"Each battle group must have at least 100,000 natural persons. The total number of cloned fighters, biochemical fighters, robots and mechas is ten times more than that of natural persons. They mainly undertake tough tasks, and natural persons generally serve as backup forces and management!"

"This idea is very thoughtful!" Everyone nodded.

"You can start the name of the battle group yourself, organize it, and report to the Colonial Strategic Development Committee. The members of this committee are everyone here!"


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