The Extraordinary Exploration of Global Live Broadcast

Chapter 115: Comprehend the boxing technique!

By the gem lake, the thunder dragon with a body of more than 30 meters raised its slender neck and gnawed at the branches and leaves of the big tree.

The mammoth came to the lake and stopped.

Wang Dali and Xiu'er stepped down from the mammoth in a relaxed and curious mood.

Online audiences exclaimed repeatedly because the video camera was shooting a Thunder Dragon at close range.

Brontosaurus is also called Confusion Dragon. It is a huge monster in the dinosaur family. The key is that this kind of dinosaur is herbivorous and has a docile temperament, which is very popular in the world.

From the perspective of people, Thunder Dragon is already large enough, and compared with the tiny human body, there is a huge gap. Every time people look at Thunder Dragon, people will feel shocked.

From the size difference, the shock is natural.

Xiu'er looked up at a thunder dragon walking by as curiously as a baby. The slender neck seemed to rise into the sky.

"Ouba, the Thunder Dragon is so huge, won't it eat people?" Xiu'er still felt a little weird.

"It, like a giraffe, eats grass. As long as you don't provoke it, it won't care about us!" Wang Dali comforted, took off his clothes, and jumped into the lake in one fell swoop.

"Xiu'er, come down too!"

Wang Dali shouted.

"How is this good?" Xiu'er blushed and was cute.

"Come down, you haven't taken a shower for a few days, don't you think it smells good?" Wang Dali sneered.

"Where is it?"

Xiu'er was flustered, and quickly sniffed her arm, but didn't notice any odor, she couldn't help stomping her feet: "Oba is good or bad, how can someone smell it?"

"Isn't there, that's fast too!" Wang Dali laughed loudly, plunged into the water, fluttered a few times, and was very happy.

"Oba, watch out for dinosaurs and water snakes in the water!" Xiu'er shouted.

"No, you can tell by looking at Ben Ben!" Wang Dali pointed his hand, and saw Ben Ben started a dog-climbing stroke in the water, which was quite pleasant and cheerful.

Xiu'er couldn't help it anymore, but she couldn't take off her clothes, so she ran directly into the shallow water and wandered in the water a few times.

Wang Dali swam for a while, walked ashore, found some firewood, lighted a bonfire, and put his coat on the side.


Wang Dali strode up, recalling the dragon fist in his mind, making gestures and making gestures.

"666, what is Dali brother doing, looks so stupid—"

"Are you doing Tai Chi? It looks ugly—"

"Dancing? Kind of like a fool—"

"Brother Dali is stupid and cute. Isn't Dali choreographing? If yes, people will definitely support—"

"Haha, this is Chinese Kungfu, I was cute by Brother Dali——"

Wang Dali Wuxia pays attention to the jokes of some audiences. Well, there are some guys who come from professionals who are usually bragging and bullshitting. They didn’t mean anything at all. They just wanted to be quick and comfortable. So, if you are serious, then Just lost.

"That's not right, how come the movements that I have made are so loose that I don't have the leisurely and far-sightedness I imagined?"

Wang Dali suddenly realized that his actions were far from the dragon fist he had acquired in his memory. The dragon fist in his mind was in a leisurely and far-reaching form, which seemed to have both form and spirit. Every action can make people think of something.

For example, the first action looks like the ancients worshiping the heaven and the earth, and the second action is to look up at the sky and hold your hands high, as if to embrace the heaven and the earth.

Wang Dali simply closed his eyes and meditated, looking at the memory of Longquan again and again. Soon, Wang Dali saw that the fame was coming.

The whole set of dragon fist has 108 movements, one movement is one posture, also called style.

The first twelve forms are the first stage, and then the twenty-fourth form is another stage, and so on, the thirty-sixth form, the seventy-two form, the eighty-one form, and the one hundred and eighty form, a total of six Stages.

The last move is complete, and the first move is naturally taken over. With such a perfect cycle, the punches are endless.

Wang Dali pondered for a while, and jumped up.

"I wiped it, this dragon fist turned out to be to hold a long breath and do a hundred and eighty movements!"

"This is impossible!"

Wang Dali suddenly had such a strong idea.

Yes, definitely more than possible.

You know, how can a person make a hundred and eight movements in one breath? Unless this one breath is long enough, long enough.

Who is the pervert who made this set of dragon fists—the guy is not human! Haha, thought that a person is the bachelor of ten thousand years, can breathe for so long in one breath?

When Wang Dali realized this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Okay, there is no way for him to do the 108 moves, but maybe he can still practice the previous twelve or twenty-four moves.

Opening his eyes, Wang Dali cleared his distracting thoughts and took a deep breath.

Action start

The movements were leisurely and swift, and there was a somewhat ethereal charm.

Form 1, Form 5, Form 11, Form 12

After these twelve movements were completed, Wang Dali's face was flushed.

The muscles, muscles and bones all over his body were trembling, and the calf was trembling vigorously, not listening at all.

On the body, with 205 bones, 639 muscles, and 6 billion muscle fibers, the intramuscular capillaries with a total length of two circles around the earth all relax incredible.

Therefore, Wang Dali's performance outside was sweating all over his body.

The sweat of soy beans soaks the whole body, the sweat is like pulp, like rain, and even the body's heat is quickly dissipated, and the sweat evaporates wisps of water that can be seen by the naked eye.

Wang Dali still wanted to perform the thirteenth action. However, it was already at the end of the slaughterhouse and was unable to hold back any longer. He exhaled, his breath was filthy, and it was a bit fishy, ​​as if the filth in his body was discharged.

"I rub, what's the matter, twelve moves in one pass is more tiring than a long-distance run of 10,000 meters?"

Wang Dali was shocked. He could feel it. The twelve movements made the whole body's muscles and bones, blood vessels, meridians, and nerves all been developed by exercise.

So now, every inch of my skin, every inch of fiber, every inch of tendons is trembling, every inch of blood vessels are dilating and contracting, and even every pore is cheering and leaping, and sweat is still in the body, making the body dirty. Speed ​​up the discharge.

For a moment, Wang Dali felt his internal organs, which were unprecedentedly relaxed and strong. It seemed that there was a warm and warm energy that was constantly moisturizing and circulating in the internal organs. ,, ..

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