Wuta City has fallen, and the entire newly built city has completely collapsed, and most of it has sunk into the ground, leaving only a small half of the ruins on the surface.

People can no longer care about panic, because greater crises are ensuing.


The good **** Hamut looked forward and saw that the evil camp headed by the evil **** Baal had come hundreds of meters away from the ruins.

The number of evil camps is beyond imagination. The evil **** Baal is leading the way. Behind him are tens of thousands of evil creatures, including various black wizards, black warriors, and inhuman creatures.

The good **** Hamut flew out from the shadow city and fell in front of the ruins of the city. There were only a few thousand people in the entire camp, standing behind the good god.

The two camps faced each other in front of the ruins.

Standing behind Hamut, Wang Dali felt the atmosphere solemn.

A battle of wonder is about to begin!

"Hamut, we're seeing each other again!" The voice of the evil **** Barr came, and Barr took a few steps forward, spread his arms, and began to pretend to be cool.

"Yeah, I met again. I didn't expect to meet again on the battlefield of life and death!" Hamut stood up with a lot of emotion.

"What do you live and die? You haven't seen it until now. Our struggle has lasted from the birth of Fried to the present. In the long years, the dead and alive are the insignificant ants, only the two of us. One, has survived to this day, we are Fried’s immortal king..."

"You may be right, but you have forgotten the fact that we are also the cause of the Fried disaster!"

"The trouble?"

The evil **** Barhaha laughed: "Who said that we are a disaster, even if it is a disaster, Fried prospered because of us, and Fried’s life trembles under our will, we are the master, since It is the master, then survival and death should be controlled together!"

"You are not in control, you are ruining at will!" Hamut shook his head.

"Whatever you want, our will is Fried's will, and the creatures here should bear it. Birth and death, existence and destruction, are all leisurely!"

"You are tyrannical!"

"It's meaningless, Hamut, you still, as always, can't understand me destroying all beings!" The evil **** Barr shook his head disdainfully, "Today, I don't have time to discuss with you what is good and evil. I'm just here to destroy you, Hamm. Especially, do you know that the last time you dragged me into that **** deep void, I am here to take revenge today. I want to calm my anger. All the **** around you will die!"

"You won't succeed!"

"Really?" Barr smiled and glanced across all the creatures in the good camp. Finally, his eyes were attracted by the City of Shadows.

"This city of shadows finally appeared. I have been searching for this city of ten thousand realms for many years. When I destroy you all, this city is mine. With it, the entire universe will crawl under my feet. Trembling—trembling!"

"The City of Shadows will never be owned by evil guys, not before, and never in the future!" Hamut shook his head.

"Don't be so sure, it used to be because the shadow emperor that ignorant guy was obstructing, otherwise I would have dragged the shadow city into my evil realm long ago!"

The evil **** Baal was full of spirits, with his arms raised, and issued a declaration that shook the emptiness in all directions: "Look, the great shadow city will be assimilated in my evil realm. My Baal, will reign over the entire sea of ​​stars. All the creatures will be Praise evil, and regard evil as the mainstream consciousness, and all the hypocritical things such as kindness and justice will be overwhelmed by me under the silt of the long river of time, and I will never stand up!"

As he said, black and red radiance gushes from the evil **** Baal, and the radiant layer fan-shaped, spreading in all directions, and the void changes color wherever he passes.

The brilliance especially spread to the sky and invaded the shadow city.

The shadow creatures on the Shadow City were immediately scared to hide, but when they were attacked by the brilliance, they immediately changed and turned into a small fish, only the size of a palm, jumping on the ground.

"No, the shadow elves are cursed by the evil!" Aragorn jumped up suddenly, furious, he crossed Wang Dali, rushed to the middle of the two camps, and yelled: "Damn evil **** Baal, what are you doing? With the shadow elves, the entire shadow city will be shut down, do you want to occupy or destroy, you shameless, brainless pig!"

"You dare to insult the great evil god, you are living impatiently!"

A weak **** came out, his eyes widened, and two evil eyes fell on Aragorn. In an instant, Aragorn became a blue pig howling in horror!

"Damn, damn, you evil bastards, justice will judge you!" The Blue Pig issued a panic complaint.

"I rub, the battle of occultism is incredible. If you are not careful, you will capsize in the gutter!" Wang Dali was shocked, turned his head and whispered to Taimir, "Aragorn, this little pony, won't really change. Is it a pig?"

"He has become a pig, but it is not permanent. He will recover in a hundred years at most!" Taimir whispered.

"The day lily has been cold for a hundred years!"

"It's okay to change back as soon as possible. Let other magical creatures cast spells to dispel the evil curse imposed on him. Generally speaking, finding a fairy is the most effective, because the wish of a fairy is the best at getting rid of the curse!"

"So that's it, that's okay!" Wang Dali sighed in relief.

I saw the magic spring fairy suddenly in the crowd, pointing with a magic wand, far away, Aragorn immediately changed back to the original, in fear, Aragorn suddenly retreated.

The good **** Hamut exudes a faint golden brilliance, displays his supernatural power, and shouts commands.

"In the name of the good **** Hamut, the realm is forbidden!"

In an instant, the evil radiance was immediately dispelled, all curses under the radiance were driven out, and the elves in the Shadow City were all restored.

The evil **** Baal became angry from embarrassment.

"Very well, very well, Hamut, banned the domain, right? You banned your domain as well, you stupid fellow, you are digging your own grave!"

Baal waved his arm fiercely, and the evil creatures behind him immediately screamed: "In the name of the evil god, kill these hypocrites!"

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