Brother Dali also opened a new book "Xianwu's Fist Fights Ten Thousand Realms", and those who are interested can take a look.


"The warriors of the tribe are here!"

The guide stepped forward and pointed to the far uphill. Wang Xiaoya looked around and saw a dozen barbarians rushing towards him riding a beast twice the size of a lion.

A total of 38 barbarian warriors, each holding a two-meter-long axe, mounted on the giant lion beast, and surrounded Wang Xiaoya and his group of seven.

"Where are you from? What's going to happen to our Barbarian Tribe?" said the leader of the warrior.

"I said, Barthes, relax, this is the distinguished guest I invited from the south!" said the guide.

"Not a businessman?" Barthes said.

"We are nobles. If allowed, of course we are also businessmen!" Wang Xiaoya stood up and laughed.

"Hello businessman, what can you bring us?"

"Faith?" Oliver said.

"We barbarians don't need faith, our faith is dead!" Barthes roared.

"Okay!" Oliver stuck out his tongue and stepped back.

"Although I don't know whether you need faith or not, I can be sure that you need food!" Wang Xiaoya opened her hands and said, "We need a resident, a resident that can be recognized by you and will not be disturbed. For this, we are willing to Give all the food we have!"

"Really?" Barthes was surprised.

"Yes, but can you guarantee that the station will not be disturbed by you?"

"Of course, of course, as long as there is food, no one will bother you!" Barthes said immediately.

"I don't believe you very much. I heard that in the tribe, no one would dare to violate the words of a wizard!" Wang Xiaoya said.

"You don't believe me?"

Bart was furious and drove the giant beast to Wang Xiaoya, and the giant axe slammed down.


Wang Xiaoya raised her sword to block, but she completely blocked the giant axe.


"It's really disappointing, you just have the strength? Are you starving all the time, so you don't have the strength? Hurry up, or you won't even be able to beat me!"

On Wang Xiaoya's long sword, sun-like brilliance slowly overflowed. This brilliance was so warm that the raging cold wind was heated up.

"What kind of power are you?" Barthes fell in cold sweat, and the other barbarian warriors saw that something was wrong, and immediately drove the giant beasts to run up while waving their giant axes one after another.

"Go away, I don't need anyone's help!" Barthes roared, staring at Wang Xiaoya for a while, then retracted the axe, and said: "Well, girl, I admire your strength and courage. You deserve our tribe. Sorcerer's call!"

"Very well, I believe that our arrival has given everyone a chance!" Wang Xiaoya took the sword.

"Come with me!"

Barthes drove the giant beast and returned to the tribe with the team.

The tribe stands a variety of gold totems, these totems are carved with rough patterns such as snakes, eagles, tigers and leopards, all of which are made of gold.

"It's rich in gold!" Oliver stunned secretly.

Along the way, there were stone houses built in the tribe. Some barbarians played with children, while others practiced shooting guns beside the stone houses. Everyone came out curiously to watch when strangers entered the tribe.

"Oliver, take out some grain and distribute it to the children!" Wang Xiaoya said.

"All right!"

Oliver immediately called the mercenaries, opened some food bags, and stuffed the food into the hands of some barbaric children. Barbarians and children were not afraid of people at all, they squeezed up all they could eat, and in a short while, they took away a lot of food.

After walking for a while, everyone stopped in front of a huge stone hall.

The stone hall is more than ten meters high and is divided into two floors. The front end is two huge totem stone pillars. From outside the stone hall, Wang Xiaoya can feel a thick and heavy force coming out of the stone hall.

"This is the sacrificial hall of our Barbarian Cattle Tribe!" Barthes said to Wang Xiaoya.

"Where's Master Wizard?"

"I am here!"

The voice was low and hoarse, and everyone quickly saw that an old man wearing a black robe and holding a bone stick came out of the hall.

"Master Wizard, these people are from the south. They said they want to make a deal with us!" Bart said.

"Deal?" The wizard looked at Wang Xiaoya's group and finally turned his gaze to Wang Xiaoya.

"What is the deal, let's hear it!"

"As you wish, we need a station, a very safe station, and can be sheltered by the tribe, for this, we are willing to take out all the food in our backpack!"


Hearing the word food, all the barbarians swallowed unconsciously.

"Yes, leave the food. The ancient stone temple on the hillside to the west of the tribe belongs to you, but you have to pay attention. Without our permission, you are not allowed to enter the tribe village!"


Wang Xiaoya looked to the west, and there was indeed a stone building on the hillside a kilometer away.

Immediately Wang Xiaoya put the food on the ground, led everyone out of the tribe, and came to the stone temple to the west.

"His Royal Highness, why did you give them all the food?" Oliver was curious.

"Have you never heard a word?"

"What are you talking about?"

"If you want to get it, you must give it first!" Wang Xiaoya smiled.

"It makes sense, but there is no food, what shall we do?" Oliver shook his head.

"Remove the gold crystal parts from everyone, and I will build a small portal first. With the portal, food will not be a problem!" Wang Xiaoya ordered.


Brother Dali also opened a new book "Xianwu's Fist Fights Ten Thousand Realms", and those who are interested can take a look.


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