
In the dark and gorgeous starry sky, the Sun spacecraft slowly flew into the dim star field.

The sun of the Insect Emperor galaxy is light red, while the surface of the Insect Emperor star is covered with purple vegetation. The atmosphere is a faint purple atmosphere. The entire planet will emit a faint light in the dark night.

And outside the planet, there are seven large and small "moons", which are small satellites of the insect king star.

Densely dense flying insect nests are suspended in space, protecting the entire insect king galaxy to the point where the water is impenetrable.

"It's terrible, the number of these insects is so large that it is staggering!" Wang Xiaoya walked along, feeling lingering.

"If they launch an attack, we must be finished!" Grand Duke Baolan shivered.

"It won't be over. At most, we break through the space and enter the anti-universe. I believe that the bugs have not evolved to such a degree that they can chase us into the anti-universe!"

"Yes, yes, we can still enter the anti-universe, and the bugs will definitely not be able to catch it!" Grand Duke Baolan sighed.

"Reassure everyone. I think that since this worm emperor is a swarm ideology, it is estimated that he will not lie. Since it has agreed to form an alliance with us, it is the truth. Unless we tear up the verbal agreement, it is unlikely that they will attack us!"

The Sun spacecraft successfully entered the atmosphere of the insect king star.

Suddenly, a purple insect nest moved slowly to the front of the Sun spacecraft, and then led the Sun spacecraft to land in front of a vast lake.

A mass of Roshan, several miles in radius, stands on the lake. Roshan has countless holes and spouts thousands of purple gas.

"What a behemoth, this is the insect emperor?" Wang Xiaoya was surprised.

"It should be!" Wang Dali had seen Grand Duke Chang Ye's real body, which was bigger than the one in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this is the Insect Sovereign, he asked us to wait!" Chang Ye said.


Wang vigorously looked at the insect emperor and found that the insect emperor’s mental thinking was undergoing drastic changes. The insect emperor’s spirit was as vast as a white sun.

Of course, this group of spiritual body is not as good as one's own Sun Heart Shield, but it is already extraordinary.

The swarm consciousness is also on the path of collective evolution.

"What is it doing?" Wang Dali was curious, wondering what exactly this insect emperor was going to do.

"She is trying to create a clone, just like me. Before, I have shared some of my evolutionary experience and the method of creating a clone with her!"

"So that's it!" Wang Dali smiled and said, "Are you lonely? Are you looking for a friend for yourself?"

"Of course, I believe that in the entire universe, there are by no means a few super life forms like me, because it is a galaxy, and I have been discovered so far, as well as the one in front of me!"

"It makes sense. So far, how life is born is still an ultimate proposition. We only know that there are magical winds of anger in the universe. In all directions, a spring breeze of energy is formed throughout the void of the entire universe. Whenever affected by the wind of anger, as long as the conditions are right, the most primitive life will be bred in the billion trillion galaxies, and life will continue to evolve. Facts have proved that the evolutionary path of life It's diverse, humans, zergs...different shapes!"

"Where does the wind of anger come from?"

"The core of the big galaxy, or is it anti-cosmic space?"

"How is it formed, what is the mechanism, and why is it like this?" Chang Ye was curious.

"I don't know, this has involved the deepest philosophical question of pros and cons of the universe. Perhaps there is one sentence that can answer you, Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, and three produces all things!" Wang Dali replied.

"Sure enough, it is a profound truth, earth people, really wisdom!" Chang Ye had to admire, this sentence comes from the earth China, Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, is the view of mankind on the origin of nature and all things, is definitely the crystallization of outstanding wisdom .

"Teached, your majesty the great sun emperor, your understanding of the universe has surpassed that of the worms. You humans are a respectable race. Your evolutionary path has opened up a new mindset for our zerg!"

The voice of the insect emperor, in the form of spiritual energy waves, shook the air to form a sound, and at the same time, the mental thinking was mapped into everyone's mind.

This is a female voice, very pleasing to the ears, almost the same as the voice of Long Night, naturally full of incomparable charm. This should be unique to superior life and can make lower life yearning.

The huge body of the insect emperor suddenly opened, and a avenue appeared, leading to the inside of the insect emperor's body.

Wang Dali turned his eyes to see, only to see a strong magnetic field of life rising into the sky, not only radiating to all directions, but also rising into the sky, rendering the sky bright.

In the strongest magnetolight of life, there is a fleshy sac. Chen is in the center of the insect emperor's body, integrating spirit and wisdom, just like the human pineal gland, which exists in the front of the brain, condenses the spirit and forms self-consciousness.

"That's the insect emperor? Is she going to differentiate into a second clone like Duke Chang Ye?" Wang Xiaoya was surprised. She had seen the flesh sac from a distance, and it seemed that there was an extraordinary life in the human form.

"It should be like this. For the superior beings, the true body and spirit can actually be separated, as long as they have a deep enough understanding of matter, energy and spirit!"

Like a pilgrimage, Wang Dali walked towards the flesh sac step by step.

Any superior life form should be worthy of respect. This is a tribute to the existence of life itself!

After a while, everyone came to the meat sac. Through the meat sac, everyone could see that this thing was actually a uterus with a nearly perfect female human figure curled up inside.

"It turned out to be a perfect woman?!" Wang Xiaoya was surprised.

"Yes, this is the shape that I created based on my understanding of the genetic genes of human female life. She has all the characteristics of human beings, and can even nurture human life!"

The voice of Chonghuang fell, and the flesh sac immediately burst open, like a ripe melon, a beautiful beauty stood up, in the starry eyes, with incomparable novelty and joy, she walked slowly to the front of Wang Dali and his party.

This body is so perfect, without the slightest flaw. She is like a masterpiece of God, and she is not enough to describe her natural beauty.


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