
The glow that lasted for more than half a month finally gradually dissipated, and the super camera was recondensed in a quantum entangled state, and the live broadcast function continued.

The empire that has suffered for more than half a month finally ushered in a moment worth looking forward to!

In the past half month, people were surprised to find that the brilliance of churches at all levels has not completely dissipated, at least some still remain, and the brilliance visible to the naked eye is still tenaciously concentrated in the church.

This discovery immediately detonated the major media, and people finally found a trace of solace, publicizing the possibility that the emperor had not completely fallen.

It was this consolation that allowed the empire to survive the most difficult half of a month.

Now that the super camera has recovered, people are surprised to find that the entire Magic Eye star field has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As if a new star field is being born, in the void of the universe, huge clouds of energy and matter form a brand new star field, lying between the Andromeda Nebula and the Milky Way.

Most of this star field is gray, and at least a small part of the energy light cluster is a precursor to the star's ignition.

Perhaps after tens or even millions of years, stars will be born in it.

The anti-universe energy and matter ejection made the magic eye form a brand-new cloud.

The Dark Demon Starman seemed to be missing, and all life seemed to disappear here.

The support spacecraft of the Solar Empire that came from the Milky Way slowly flew into the clouds and surveyed all the way.

The spacecraft Sun flying in the cloud group, the empire's superior warrior, released his thoughts, searching for the cloud group with a radius of more than 1.5 light-years.

"How is it, did you find anything?" Wang Xiaoya asked.

"It's right in front, that super camera is right in front!" It was Duke Black Rose who was speaking. She was the leader of the Anbu, and her strength was among the best in the entire empire.

"Quickly go over!" Wang Xiaoya said hastily.

The Sun spacecraft soon came into a void, and saw the super camera suspended quietly in the void like a particle of dust.

The crowd took back the super camera, sighing.

"How could this happen? Is this only one camera left?" Wang Xiaoya murmured. She held the super camera and put it back into the void.

"His Royal Highness, this should be the place where the supernova exploded!" Black Rose Duke looked around and found that this piece of void was empty, clean, and there were various energy clouds in the distance beyond the void.

"Quickly search, have you found the Queen Keisha, as well as the traces of my brother, Queen Keisha and others!" Wang Xiaoya hurriedly issued an order.

The Sun sends out detection waves to detect all suspicious life within 0.5 light-year radius.

After a long time, the operators on the spacecraft looked disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, sirs, we didn't find anything suspicious!"

"Really..." Wang Xiaoya was a little bit incredulous, and said: "This is impossible. The brilliance of churches at all levels has not been completely extinguished. This shows that my brother has not completely fallen!"

"Perhaps, that is the remnant will of the emperor's majesty. That doesn't mean anything. In fact, we don't fully understand the mystery of stellar life!" Black Rose said justice.

"Your Excellency, don't even you fully understand it?"

"No, how immortal life forms are immortal, that is a profound proposition, how to get the emperor to return, we don't have any idea for the time being!"

"Beep... Discover the super life form, discover the super life form! Ava's voice resounded throughout the Sun spacecraft.

"Where did the super life form come from?" Duke Black Rose was shocked, her thoughts traced back to the void, and she suddenly came into contact with a number of life forms whose life energy was as vast as the sea, and she couldn't help being shocked.

Those super life forms are as huge as planets.

They are like floating islands in the sea of ​​stars, shaped like whales, with wings, and full of graceful posture in the leap. They carry a piece of land on their backs, and the air is absorbed by them to form a huge ecological circle.

"It's a phoenix!"

Duke Black Rose was surprised.

"Ava, quickly detect them and project their images!" Wang Xiaoya said immediately.

A beam of light is projected down to form a three-dimensional hologram.

In the holographic image, twelve giant mayflies, which were as huge as planets, jumped out of the void one by one.

"Look, they must have just swooped in from the distant deep space of the universe, but why do they appear here?"

Grand Duke Black Rose doubted.

"Perhaps, they are here for my brother?" Wang Xiaoya guessed, and said: "My brother and a mayfly have a wonderful telepathy. Could this be the reason?"

"It looks like it is!" Grand Duke Black Rose suddenly realized, "There are wonderful telepathy between the mayflies. Since they also have telepathy with the emperor, they must be here for your majesty!"

"Look, they are coming to us!" Wang Xiaoya was surprised.

I saw the figure of twelve mayflies gradually appeared in the deep space outside the Sun spacecraft. They flew over gracefully and stopped in front of the Sun.

What's strange is that the long-distance music rang in the void, which is the wonderful emotions produced by the thoughts and spiritual activities of the mayfly.

This is Kun Lei's understanding of certain emotions in the universe.

The super camera photographed the twelve mayfly figures from far away, and passed them to the Milky Way, along with the spiritual wave, to the Milky Way.

Through the super camera, people once again witnessed the arrival of this super life form, this time, there were a total of twelve mayflies instead of one.

The spirit wave of the mayfly came through live broadcast, and people were stunned when they heard the emotional music of the mayfly.


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