
"Your Majesty, has something happened? Why didn't you return the Emperor Star?" The ambulance was puzzled.

"It's okay, it's okay, since you have arrived at the Emperor Star, so let's go to the Imperial Palace first!" Wang Dali tried his best to calm down. This is the empire and his own territory.

Whether it’s back to Emperor Star!

After several discussions between the nine ministries and the House of Lords, everyone was eventually moved out. In order to maintain the authority of the emperor, no one was allowed to live on this planet.

Only the emperor and his servants can live on it.

Because the emperor does not come back often, the emperor star is cold all year round, and only some robots are on duty and maintenance all year round on the emperor star.

Wang Dali breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are no people here. Otherwise, the Empress Youmei will start to rush, and she doesn't know what crazy things she will do.

The Sun flew into the atmosphere and landed on the square of the imperial palace.

The strange thing is that the empress Youmei is still not mad!

After Wang Dali's thoughts turned a hundred times, he immediately understood the mentality of the empress Youmei, she was confident!

Through the thinking network, the emperor's will has been transmitted to the entire empire. In an instant, all the power departments of the empire and the upper and lower houses were shaken.

The emperor Youmei, chasing the emperor to the emperor star, how terrible is this?

Soon, on the Vatican Star, the constellation gates opened, and people began to evacuate urgently. Starships flew out of the atmosphere and fled to the solar system where the Emperor Star is located.

The order issued by the nine is, everyone, leave this solar system! The empire cannot guarantee the safety of the solar system where the empress Youmei exists!

Wang Dali stepped off the Sun and walked alone into the imperial palace.

The ambulance shook his head, drove the Sun into the sky, flew out of the Emperor Star, and returned to Fried. He didn't know that he had passed the death.

Wang Dali walked up to the throne, stood with his hands in his hands, and looked at the galaxy in the sky.

"Please come out, Your Highness You Mei!" Wang Dali said.

A purple light flashed, falling behind Wang Dali, the purple light converged, and Empress Youmei appeared.

Empress Youmei is still so beautiful that she is not like a mortal. She looked at the galaxy and said: "It's not bad here. The piece above the palace is a crystal. You can see most of the Milky Way from here, and even the farther galaxies beyond the river. To hundreds of thousands!"

"Your Highness's eyesight is really good!"

"Of course, my thinking sweeps the galaxy, it's not a joke!"

"Then, your Royal Highness came to me this time, does he want to collect my life imprint?"

"Of course, my empress Youmei, for so many years, I have never seen a life form like you. Your life imprint must be very bright!"

"That will disappoint you. You probably won't get the imprint of my life. Even if you launch a supernova explosion again, I won't let you get it!"

"You won't explode a supernova explosion here, will you?"

"Of course it can be here, you forgot. Many years ago, you used to explode some suns here?" Wang Dali said.

The empress Youmei was silent for a moment without concealing it, and simply said: "Yes, that explosion of many stars was caused by me. I was using a star-killing gun, which exploded a sun with one shot, and I shot ten consecutively. A few shots, a dozen suns, just like a balloon, bang—"

Empress Youmei made an exploding gesture.

"Do you know that half of the Yanghe Star Region was destroyed that time? The solar civilization was almost destroyed. How many lives did you die?" Wang Dali was angry.

"If you die, die. In this universe, life is endless, endless. Some ants are dead. Does it make sense?"

"That's how you look at life?" Wang Dali was annoyed.

"You are now a stellar life, but your mentality has not been adjusted. When you are born from the universe and have lived through countless epochs of the universe, you will be able to calmly look at the death and life of life, the loss and birth of life, There should be no sorrows and joys, because there is no need!"

"I can't understand your feelings, but I will never be so indifferent to life like you!" Wang Dali shook his head.

"No, you may be more indifferent to life than I am!"

"Never!" Wang Dali shook his head.

"Then I ask you, how do you feel if you accidentally stepped on an ant nest and killed a few ants?"

"..." Wang Dali was silent.

"You don't care very much?" Empress Youmei giggled, "I know it is like this. I have observed you humans and understand human nature too well. You are creatures full of contradictions, kind and evil, indifference and enthusiasm, hypocrisy And sincere, you all have it!"

"This is indeed human nature, but human nature still tends to be kind and lawful!"

"No, not caring is your characteristic. Just like you, do you care about the life and death of a colony of ants? No, in this case, you should understand my feelings very well. I am the empress Youmei, and you think I should care. Is the life and death of this group of ants in the galaxy humans?"

Empress Youmei shook her head and said with disdain: "Of course I shouldn’t care. If I care, it’s not just a few suns that will destroy the entire solar civilization, even the entire star field, the entire galaxy! You should know that I am Have this ability!"

Wang Dali was stunned and speechless.

It really complies with the old saying, the law of the jungle, don't let the hunter catch it.

"With your power, the sun can also be destroyed. You are now at the same level of life as mine. Shouldn't you also evolve your thoughts to a more mature level? Don't always do it for the trivial things of humans. Treat it as a big thing, a real big thing, believe me, you haven't seen it yet!" Empress Youmei said with disdain.

"Why don't you do it and don't want my life to be imprinted?"

"Of course I will!" The empress nodded, but didn't worry.

"That's sorry, I guess it will make you go for nothing. This galaxy is vast and empty, and there are few planets of life. I am not afraid of another supernova explosion. At that time, you will be injured more severely, so I urge you to think about it again. !"


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