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"Emperor Star's sun, exploded—"

"I knew that the **** empress Youmi, she brought devastating disasters to the emperor galaxy—"

"Your Majesty the Emperor doesn't know what's going on—"

"The Emperor Star is over, and the Vatican Star is over—"

The super camera has been close to Emperor Star, and the observation of the entire galaxy is very good. People have seen the explosion of half the sun and the spectacle of antimatter jets.

I also saw the destruction of the Emperor Star and the destruction of the Vatican Star.

There is no doubt that this is a very shocking process of destruction and creation, and a new cloud full of strange energy was born.

This cloud group is similar to the magical Fried!

People suddenly realized that maybe the magic star field Fried was born like this!

The brilliance of churches at all levels throughout the Sun Civilization Empire dimmed rapidly at first, but then quickly lit up until it remained at a relatively low constant value.

The people who were praying immediately breathed a sigh of relief and cheered.

"Great, the emperor is fine—"

"I'll just say, how can your majesty fall so easily? Your majesty is immortal—"

"Long live the empire, the empire is immortal—"

People shouted, joy from the heart, as long as the brilliance is still there, the emperor is there, and the essence of brilliance is the essence of the emperor.

"Very well, the emperor has not fallen!" In the control hall of the City of Shadows, the powerful and nobles applauded one after another. This is exciting news.

However, the crisis has not been completely resolved.

"Hurry up and search for the traces of the empress Youmei and the emperor!" Wang Xiaoya immediately ordered.

"Yes, yes, hurry up, open all our heavenly eyes, and search for the traces of Empress Youmei and His Majesty. In addition, the Gate of Shadows must be on standby at any time. If there is a situation, immediately support!"

The teacher sighed and felt very guilty: "Facing a possible creature like the empress Youmei, we people can only clean up the mess after your majesty has fought, and we are very useless to face the empress. Not qualified to fight against that kind of life!"

"Before the emperor, how are we different from the ants? That female devil is right. We are the ants. Although we don't want to admit it, it is true!" Black Rose Grand Duke looked sad.

Watching the emperor fighting alone, but others are powerless, who can understand the feelings of guilt, remorse, and helplessness? !

"Can't find... or can't find it!"

"Keep looking..."

All the methods were used. The sky eyes of the whole galaxy all aimed the optical lens at the position of the original emperor galaxy to scan in all directions.

However, the newly-born cloud cluster is still expanding rapidly. When the cloud cluster squeezes into the outermost galaxy, the speed of the cloud cluster's expansion slows down and penetrates all directions, forming a stable cloud cluster.

This cloud group has not had time to be named.

The entire solar civilization empire was waiting, but Wang Dali could not be found. Of course, the goddessed queen Youmei could not be found either.

People don't believe that the empress Youmei has fallen, so it is impossible for a big demon to fall.

But it is strange, why did she not show up?

This puzzled the people of the empire, so the only explanation was that she had been hit hard, or she had dismissed the solar civilization empire.

"Found it, found it, found the traces of the emperor!" A sky eye found a human body floating in the dark void.

The human body, so small, is like a grain of dust relative to the vast universe. The empire's Sky Eye can find a dust in the vast clouds, it is not easy.

The lens zoomed in, and everyone's eyes were wet.

I saw Wang Dali floating peacefully in the starry sky, as if he was asleep.

"This is abnormal. Why is there no radiance on His Majesty the Emperor?" Grand Duke Black Rose frowned.

"Prepare the Gate of Shadows immediately, hurry, let's go over and take my brother back!" Wang Xiaoya couldn't sit still, she immediately led the guards and hurried to the prepared Gate of Shadows.

The door opened and shadows were cast into the starry sky.

Next to Wang Dali, a door of shadow was slowly projected, and the figure flashed, and Wang Xiaoya and his group filed out of the door.

They all walked in the void and came to Wang Dali's side.

"Strange, how did your majesty close the six senses? His spirit is operating at a deep level, and we can't perceive it!"

"He won't be fighting with the empress Youmi on the level of thinking, right?"

Everyone was taken aback. It stands to reason that with a stellar life body like the emperor falling asleep, it definitely represents a very serious injury.

"Let's help back first!" Wang Xiaoya sighed.

"Yes, let's get up!" The Black Rose Grand Duke, Cultivation Master and the others hurriedly supported Wang Dali and returned to the Gate of Shadows. In the next moment, everyone returned to Fried's Shadow City.

The reporters who came after hearing the news surrounded the entire shadow hall.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty, what's wrong with your Majesty, is it a serious problem?" the reporters shouted.

"There should be no serious problems. It is difficult to defeat your Majesty. You are relieved. To be specific, you have to wait for the doctor's diagnosis. Let us first let him go. Your Majesty will go to the hospital for an examination..."

Some reporters felt a little ridiculous when they heard that, as for the emperor’s current level of life, if he could not heal himself, who could heal? It seems that the situation of the emperor is not optimistic!

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