"Wang, how about it, is our plan okay?" Jushi Senny said the action plan again.

"Very well, all arrangements are clear, then start acting!"

Wang Dali clapped his hands. Soon, the crowd split into two groups, one wave to the pier and one wave to the dungeon.

Twilight falls, under the remote city wall of Victory Port.

The iron fence at the sewer entrance has rusted, and sewage is flowing out of the sewer. Seven people including Wang Dali, Sunny and Fa Ge took down the iron fence.

"It's here?"

Wang Dali frowned.

"That's it, I got the map. In order to get this map, I paid the greedy sewer dredge and let him take it with him. There is absolutely no problem!"

"Well, lead the way!"

Wang Dali’s powerful five senses made him more sensitive to smells. Wang Dali’s nose is now called a dog nose.

That's right, Wang Dali's current sense of smell is so powerful.

The odor is uncomfortable, and when the mind is moved, the streamer Femi suit is immediately fine-tuned to isolate the user from the foul air.

"Li Zai, don't you find it unpleasant?" Fa Ge was wrapped in a cloth strip on his nose, acting as a mask.

"I have a tortoise's breath, and I am not afraid of the smell!" Wang Dali chuckled in a low voice.

"You are amazing!" Fa Ge gave a thumbs up.

Everyone got into the sewer and lit torches to light up.

Wang Dali lowered his voice and introduced: "Dear viewers, I am broadcasting the dungeon siege now! Blessed are adventure and rescue enthusiasts. This time, we have to fight with the soldiers of Victory Harbor to rescue the survivors who were thrown into the dungeon. , This task is quite arduous!"

"666 like brother Dali——"

"All difficulties must be overcome, and the rescue must be successful—"

"The safety of the survivors depends on you—"

"Regardless of whether it is an insurance company, the authorities, or the private sector, the rewards are in place. Brother Dali, you have successfully sent any survivor back to the civilized world. The generous rewards are yours!"

"Please, please rescue people. I can't imagine how tortured them in this dungeon—"

"Only Brother Dali is the savior, we must succeed—"

"People all over the world are watching, Brother Dali, please work hard—"

"First, I'll give you a round of rewards, and cheer for you—"

With the first reward of the Eye of God occupying the live screen, countless reward messages followed.

Small red envelopes, big red envelopes, small swords, big swords, space battleships, battlestars, and even the Eye of God are all rewarded.

The Eye of God is equivalent to one million U.S. dollars and can be so generous. Except for some large trenches lying on black gold in Arab countries, it is estimated that there are only certain large trenches, large families, or large enterprises in Western countries.

Wang Dali is not surprised at this, because among the large number of survivors, most of them are people with a rich family background and a wide network of contacts. Their influence is very wide. Their families, friends, and related companies generously Offering rewards and rewards is no longer an exception, but has become a common phenomenon.

Everyone knows that Wang Dali will use the money he received for charity.

It has become the norm for rich people to do charity in the world. Since they are all doing charity, it is better to vote for Wang Dali. His Dali charity fund has now become a very well-known charity fund.

According to rumors, at least half of the funds in Wang Dali’s World Bank account are donated to Dali Charity Fund, which is hundreds of millions of dollars, making Dali Charity one of the most financially rich funds in the world. .

Wang Dali is very welcome to give rewards. Of course, to save people, even if Wang Dali does not give or offer rewards, he will still spare no effort.

The sense of benevolence and righteousness that is rooted in the soul of the Chinese nation, helping the crisis and helping the poor, made Wang Dali not allow himself to stand by and turn a blind eye to the suffering of the survivors.

The rescue team traveled through the sewer for ten minutes.

"Here, there is a dungeon ahead, be careful, there are soldiers guarding the dungeon!"

"Flame off!" Wang Dali ordered, and the two torches were quickly extinguished.

Wang Dali listened, and he found two soldiers patrolling outside the iron fence leading to the dungeon.

"Hush, wait here first, I'll go out and get them done first" Wang Dali ordered a few words, and everyone nodded quickly.

Carefully lowering the iron fence, Wang Dali turned over, got out of the sewer, and came to the dungeon.

A survivor who was imprisoned in the iron jail opposite saw Wang Dali with surprise on his face and almost called out.


Wang Dali hurriedly put his finger to his mouth and motioned not to make a sound.

The soldiers on patrol turned around, and suddenly saw Wang Dali, and was taken aback.

Wang Dali rushed on, swept his legs, the soldier fell down, panicked, and was about to shout loudly. Wang Dali hit the door with a punch, and the poor soldier went dark and dizzy.

Hearing the sound, another soldier trot out from the corner of the aisle with a musket.

Wang vigorously grabbed the musket on the ground and threw it out.

In the super camera shooting, the lens closely chased the musket that was spinning and flying in mid-air.

Cang Dang!

The **** of the musket hit the door of the soldier who turned out, and the soldier immediately fell and fainted.

This series of actions is simply as fluent and sophisticated.

"Brother Zhan Dali can be a thief—"

"It's as powerful as our Yingguo's endurance—"

"The timing, strength, and accuracy are impeccably grasped, so wonderfully--"

"Very deep knowledge--"

"It's a well-planned Hollywood action blockbuster—"

Countless online viewers couldn't help but cheer.

Wang Dali waved, and the rescue team quickly emerged from the sewer and gave Wang Dali a thumbs up.

Two muskets were picked up and the survivor in the cell was released.

"Oh, Mika, thank you for saving me!" The other party hugged Wang Dali and thanked again and again.

"Where are the others?" Wang Dali said.

"On the other side, there are four soldiers guarding there!" The survivor pointed to the passage on the other side of the dungeon.

"Well, you take off the clothes of the two fainted soldiers and put them on, then tie them all together, stuff your mouth, don't let them bark!" Wang Dali ordered a few words.

"Good strategy!" Fa Ge hurriedly took off his clothes.

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