
With a flick of Wang Dali's finger, two drops of blood hit the longan. Suddenly, the longan was red.

"It's really moving!"

Wang Dali was surprised. He really didn't realize what the mystery of the longan on the stone wall was, how could he recognize people by dripping blood?


The ground shook for a while, the stone wall slowly sank, and a huge passage appeared, dark and faint, not knowing where to lead.

Wang Dali's heart palpitated suddenly, feeling that there seemed to be something terrible in Longling.

"Why, are you scared?" Angel Liangbing glanced over.

"How can it be?"

Wang Dali shrugged, "Master Liangbing, is this dragon civilization's life form a real dragon?"

"Dragons began to form and multiply at the beginning of the universe. Therefore, they completed the transition of life a long time ago and became high-level beings. Energy and pure spiritual forms, but most of our common dragons are flesh and blood forms, usually in the form of snakes and lizards. This is also the Eastern and Western dragons you see. As for the dinosaurs, they just have a little dragon inferior bloodline. The low-level crawler!"

Liang Bing glanced at him: "Don't you have a database? Just search it!"

"Database is not omnipotent, searching for too many things makes my head hurt and consumes energy, and now, the connection is also a bit problematic!" Wang Dali pointed to his head.

"It seems that those two spaceships have entered the sun!" Liang Bing suddenly said, "Then you are a bit dangerous. You can't load the light of the sun's judgment, and you can't double the power of judgment. Your battle will be greatly reduced!"

"Isn't you there!" Wang Dali didn't care. When did he count on the loaded power, that was not his true strength.

"I cover you!"

Liang Bing vowed, "Follow me for a while, don't run around, I feel there is something unusual in it!"

"I know, Your Lady Queen!"

Wang Dali made a please gesture.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." Liang Bing was very proud, showing an expression that counts you, and walked into the passage carelessly.

Liang Bing walked forward aggressively as if walking on a T-shaped platform, his wings flapping slightly behind him, and suddenly, on the stone wall ten meters apart on both sides, a series of bronze spears were shot out of honeycomb-like holes.

The spear that fired was vigorous and swift, tearing the air and making a sharp whistling sound. The tip of the spear seemed to be quenched with poison, emitting strands of poisonous gas in the air.

Wang Dali followed behind him, his back was chilly, and all the bronze spears went to Liangbing, and he was not targeted by the agency.

At the moment of his death, Liang Bing raised his slender hand and made a stop.

A miracle happened. The spears that shot less than one meter outside of him stopped instantly, shook a few times, and countless bronze spears hovered to the left and right and in front of Liangbing. The density was like a wall of arrows.

"Cut, Dragon Civilization is just as capable... After so many years, I have known to play these mentally handicapped heavenly crafts! There is nothing new, this kind of thing can deal with ants, and deal with high-level lives. It is not a star or a half!"

Liang Bing smiled disdainfully, and shook his jade hand lightly.

In a moment, all the bronze spears fired upside down, hitting the holes on both sides of the stone walls, crackling and exploding, and countless stones fell down, deafening.

Part of the spears flew along the front of the passage, and countless organs were triggered wherever they passed.

The spear was thrown down by a big net, and all of it was hugged, and then a ball of flames sprayed out from the stone wall, burning the spear.

Liangbing ran forward, as fast as a gust of wind.


Under Liang Bing's feet, the stone slabs collapsed one by one, bursts of poison gas gushing out of the ground, and Liang Bing completely ignored the ground that was stepped on, volleyed and dashed forward.

"How can this kind of indiscriminate mechanism stand me!"

Liang Bing brandished the sword of flames, and white light passed by, and all the way forward, all the institutions on both sides of the stone wall were destroyed.

Wang Dali looked dazzled, and he knew a little bit more about Angel Liangbing’s character and style. Angel Liangbing’s stink, willful, violent, clever and cunning, but impulsive...

"Damn, it's too violent, fierce--"

"Love it to death, this is the beauty of violence—"

"Fancy this violent angel, hanging to the sky--"


Like Wang Dali, audiences all over the world can see their hearts swaying. Angel Liangbing is too violent. Although it is violent, Angel Liangbing embodies the ultimate beauty of destruction.

Angel Liangbing kept advancing, and any attack would have no effect on her.

Along the way, there is only destruction, destruction, and destruction again!

Suddenly, countless cone-shaped dark green children flew out of the gloom, tracing strange curves, and hitting Liang Bing's fierce mouth.

The waves in front of her are turbulent, and deep grooves are faintly visible.

The Anqingzi hit the turbulent waves, bounced off one after another, and fell to the ground. After a while, a pile of Anqingzi accumulated on the ground.

The super camera eliminates the invisible state, flies to Liangbing, and shoots freely.

Liang Bing glanced at the camera, frowned, photographed Anqingzi who was caught in the waves, and shouted arrogantly, "Damn, shoot your aunt's breasts!"


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