
"Can you take us back to the city?"

The two little girls looked eagerly towards the city. From a distance, they could vaguely see the towering stone walls, but the distance of several miles made them unable to return in the beast tide!

This is a moat of death, not to mention a few miles, it is a hundred meters, as long as it is targeted by those wild beasts, it must be a dead word!

The two little girls were dirty and pitiful, looking like human three-year-old little girls.

"Good kawaii—"

"It turns out that the little girl of the gray dwarf is also so beautiful—"

"Brother Dali, hurry up and save them—"

"It must be saved, loli is justice--"

Some loving viewers asked Dali to save the two little girls.

"Well, you climb into the aircraft!" Wang Dali said.


Although the little girl didn't know what Wang Dali wanted them to do, she still followed the advice, climbed into the aircraft, and got in.

The aircraft had only one seat, and it squeezed two little guys. It was already crowded, and there was no room to squeeze an adult human, such as Big Brother.

"Put on the induction helmet!" Wang Dali said.

The older girl put on the helmet nervously, and after a while, the aircraft swayed slowly and floated.

"Ha, yes, calm down, stabilize your mind, and listen to me carefully!"

Wang Dali stared at the little girl's eyes seriously, and said solemnly: "This aircraft is controlled by your brain. As long as you know and think about flying, this aircraft can take you back to the city, you know?"

"Uh got it!"

The little girl understood. Suddenly, the aircraft stabilized and circled around Wang Dali, very flexible and stable.

"Very well, you have a talent for mind control, okay, go, fly all the way back to the city, don't stop!" Wang Dali waved his hand to let them leave.

"Then what do you do?" The little girl refused to leave.

"It doesn't matter, I can go back by myself!" Wang Dali smiled.

"I don't believe it, you lie to us, or else, I won't take this iron bump anymore, you take my sister back, and you will pick me up later."

The little girl bit her lips, as if she had made a lot of determination.

"It's not a small thing, it's really not easy to fool!" Wang Dali was speechless, and his light wings fluttered out behind him. Wang Dali's whole body slowly rose up until it was flush with the transparent glass cover of the aircraft.

"See?" Wang Dali grinned, and evilly smiled: "Please remember my name. My name is Wang Dali. I didn't lie to you. I can fly. So, go and fly back to the city. Don't think too much, save yourself!"

Wang Dali waved his hand and sent the two little girls away.

The two little gray dwarf girls were stunned long ago. They widened their eyes and stared at the light wing behind Wang Dali, and swallowed heavily, although their throats were already smoking and there was no saliva.

The aircraft made a round and flew towards Marble City.

Wang Dali let out a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked in the direction where the tide of beasts had receded, holding the spear of the sun god, and made a decision.

He is going to check out what the **** is going on with the beast tide, why is the beast tide formed, those wild beasts, there are several populations, why they will be peaceful, and they will act on a large scale?

This unscientific!

"Moved, the baby was moved and cried by Brother Dali——"

"Our brother Dali is as warm as ever, so cool—"

"A bad guy, Brother Dali, I despise you—"

"Brother Dali is really anxious. Looking at this increasingly indifferent and utilitarian era, there is no one except our Brother Dali——"

"Like, Brother Dali has always been Goodboy——"

People felt that Brother Dali was too heartwarming. Although, for Wang Dali, it was only a trivial rescue, but for the two little girls, it was an urgent and a great rescue.

I believe that the two little gray dwarves will remember today and Wang Dali for a lifetime.

Wang Dali looked up and watched the aircraft go far towards the high wall. There was no more accident along the way, and he was relieved.


With a roar, behind Wang Dali, a black leopard rushed over fiercely, a leopard swooped, with its fangs bared, it was about to bite Wang Dali's neck.


The audience was shocked and jumped up.

Wang Dali's figure flashed, and the tiny wormhole was moved and displayed, and something unclean appeared on the leopard's side.

It is estimated that the leopard is also a little confused, because the prey suddenly disappeared.

"Dare to play a sneak attack with brother?"

Wang Dali coldly raised the sun god's spear, snorted, and plunged into the black panther's throat.

The leopard roared in pain and fell heavily to the ground. The sun god's spear pierced the black panther's neck, blood gurgling out, and quickly formed a pool of blood.

The audience looked at Wang Dali, who was ruthlessly killing, and felt a lot of emotion for a while.

Only then did people realize that ordinary beasts were already a piece of cake in Brother Dali's eyesight, and these beasts, which were extremely deadly to ordinary people, were no threat to Brother Dali.

Brother Dali can kill it even by just one face!

This is the power of Big Brother, completely fearless of beasts like leopards.

Wang Dali cleaned up the leopard, put the sun **** spear on the grass and wiped it, feeling the surroundings, and said: "There are some wild beasts around here. The gray dwarves are probably dangerous if they encounter them, but they are not a threat to me!"

Wang Dali put away the sun god's spear, "Now, I will lead you to catch up with the retreating beast tide and explore the cause of the beast tide. Blessed are you, because I will lead you to the dangerous beasts. , It is very likely that I will become irritable and restless because of my arrival!"

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