The Extraordinary Exploration of Global Live Broadcast

Chapter 794: Settled in the atrium, a brand new page!

Poseidon slowly rises above the sea level, the sight is spectacular, and everyone is shocked instantly!

Such a big steel behemoth, ignoring the gravity of the earth, flew up, this is simply a miracle of science and technology, it is a breakthrough of anti-gravity technology in the volume of loading!

This is a living textbook for anti-gravity applications!

All mankind, the anti-gravity technology currently being applied, must learn from it!

It is said that there are already anti-gravity cars running on American highways, and Prussia in the West also has them. However, the anti-gravity "load" and "volume" seem to be restricted, and it is currently impossible to make huge breakthrough.

Poseidon swept across the sky and entered the ice sheet in the north of Antarctica. Wherever he passed, the ice sheet was shrouded in huge shadows. It is conceivable how huge this Poseidon fortress is.

"Optimus Prime, what are your plans for the fortress?" Wang Dali said.

"Perhaps, I can cooperate with the Krypton Council?" Optimus Prime tentatively.

"How to cooperate?"

"The gray dwarves have sufficient manpower, and they also have sufficient minerals on their territory. If they can cooperate with the City of Glimmer, it will be even better. The fortress is really short of everything now!"

Optimus Prime spread his hands, rather helpless.

In fact, the most shortage of fortresses is the manpower and resources.

"too slow!"

Wang Dali shook his head and said: "In the north of Antarctica, the resources have not been exploited. If we go to mine again, we have to wait until the year of the monkey. Then, go to Zhongting City. I still have a certain say in Zhongting City. Atrium City has established a strategic alliance to achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. The most important thing is that the energy and steel that the fort lacks can be provided in the atrium, as much as it needs!"

"Are you sure, Atrium City agrees? If we go there, will it cause trouble?" Optimus Prime was surprised.

"No problem, how about I first seek the opinion of the atrium management committee?" Wang Dali said.

"The atrium management committee welcomes the arrival of Poseidon!" Aphrodite, Pandora and others immediately applauded and expressed their welcome. They would naturally not object to the decision made by Wang Dali.

Members of the management committee called immediately and agreed.

Soon, Wang Dali received a message of agreement.

"This is great, sure enough, working with you is the best choice!" Optimus Prime immediately ordered the fortress to fly to Northern Europe.

The huge fortress came from Antarctica, flew over the latitude and longitude of the earth, and finally arrived over Oslo, the country of Visi.

The huge shadow covers most of the city, and people look up and feel shocked.

"Wow haha ​​really came!"

"Really magnificent, this is Poseidon!"

"Our country is about to rise!"

On the street, the Visi people cheered, and a parade held banners and slogans, waving flags and shouting on Oslo Square.

The slogan on the banner reads: Welcome mechanical civilization to Weixi State, and the people of Weixi State warmly welcome.

The banners were not only hung by the citizens spontaneously, but also hung by the control bureau. The citizens were rejoicing. The whole Oslo seemed to be a lot of lively, and reporters from many countries rushed to report.

Everyone knows that the fortress will enter the atrium.

The road to the cold forest has been widened, and buildings quickly lined up on both sides of the road.

On the road, crowded trucks were slowly moving forward.

Wang Dali stood by the fortress, overlooking the whole of Oslo.

The gate of the cold forest and the teleportation array are both in and out of large amounts of supplies.

In a short period of time, Oslo has become a new economic growth area for the entire West Continent.

This is the great charm of the Nordic Secret Realm, which attracts capital injection from all over the world. Only a large consortium has injected more than half of the huge capital in Atrium City.

"It's a prosperous human world, with so many people, crowded on such a small planet, this is a miracle!" Optimus Prime sighed.

"It's not so much a miracle as it is helpless!"

Wang Dali spread his hands, "The discovery of the secret world can indeed alleviate the pressure brought by the population. However, there are still too many people in this world who are on the poverty line, and even have no food!"

"So you are creating more jobs, opening up more fields of work, and looking for more land?"

"Manpower is sometimes poor. It's impossible to rely on someone. The best way is to rely on everyone working hard together. This is the social nature of our human beings!"

"In the final analysis, it is the insufficient distribution of resources. However, population is wealth and resources. This sentence is still true now!"

Optimus Prime looked at the sky, pierced through the atmosphere, straight into the starry sky, "Actually, it is not difficult for everyone to play a role, and everyone has a good job and good pay!"

"Do you have a good suggestion?"

"Of course there is. In fact, to open up a larger market and a broader world, even if there are several times more people on the earth, it will be stretched!"

"You don't mean colonizing aliens?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Yes, in fact, with the current technology, it can be done!" Optimus Prime said.

Wang Dali shook his head. "Human beings are far from ready. Their fragile bodies and short life spans are all obstacles to the interstellar road. If these are not resolved, interstellar colonization is just a joke!"

"With the help of our mechanical civilization, this process will be very fast!"

Looking ahead, Optimus Prime saw the mechanical fortress crash into a mysterious space domain, and the entire fortress slowly passed through. This kind of scene seemed to plunge into the world in a mirror.

Two minutes later, the mechanical fortress disappeared over Oslo, came to the sky over the Atrium City, and docked on the side of the World Tree.

The whole process was shocking.

Major TBVs around the world have done global tracking and shooting, and special reports appear on the screens of major TBVs around the world at all times.

Billions of people all over the world are watching this feat.

This is a huge leap between the secret world and the surface world, and it is also the first comprehensive friendly contact between mankind and alien mechanical civilization!

This is a brand new page in the chapter of human history and a milestone!

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