The Extraordinary Exploration of Global Live Broadcast

Chapter 874: The place of standing cones!


Wang Dali's speech struck the dream that all the Cai Ren wanted most, and hit the softest place in the heart of all Cai Ren, so it resonated.

A temporary speech made the Cai Ren present cry.

"The Lord God Envoy really has the ability to confuse people..." Elder Mu had to admire.

After the speech, he took over Helmet City properly.

According to statistics, the number of slaves in Helmet City is actually much larger than that of the apes. After the disharmonious apes are eliminated, the entire Helmet City has ushered in a new atmosphere.

Order is restored in the city, and Cairen has completed an annual show of singing by the turning serfs.

Cairen’s head, now it is Wang Dali, the envoy of God!

Everyone is full of gratitude and admiration for the divine envoy. Everyone is extremely loyal to the divine envoy. Some people are already propagating that the divine envoy is the envoy who comes to save all mankind and is the chosen one.

Sky Eagle Starship.

On the upper part of the spacecraft, a huge antenna was slowly aimed at the sky from the spacecraft, and a series of magneto-light invisible to the naked eye carried countless signals and rushed out into the universe.

Far in the solar system, inside the Luna Fortress, a beeping signal wave frequency sounded.

"Received a signal from the Skyhawk Starship!"

Optimus Prime was overjoyed and immediately ordered to turn on the huge screen, only to see Leo's funny face appeared on the screen.

"Hey hey hey... have you received it, this is a wild planet, the Skyhawk star spacecraft, I am the Skyhawk starman Leo, please answer when you receive it..."

The content of the message keeps repeating.

Optimus Prime immediately replied: "I have received it, this is the Earth, Luna Fortress, I am Optimus Prime!"

"Wow wow wow... finally contacted, Optimus Prime, it is the mechanical life form that Wang Dali found, hello, hello, I think, through the almighty Wang Dali, we should understand each other!"

"Haha, that's right!"

Optimus Prime was in a good mood.

"By the way, I have sent the signal coordinates here, can you come to support it? The Skyhawk Starship is still damaged and needs support!"

"It has been decrypted. At present, the Sun spacecraft is changing its course to support your location. It is estimated that it will reach your location within 20 earth hours!"

Optimus Prime explained.

"Very good, great, we are waiting for your support!"

Leo jumped up suddenly, screamed excitedly, and said to Rena who was on the side: "I heard it, when there are twenty earths, support will be here soon!"

"I heard it, this is good news!"

Reina picked up the communicator and immediately contacted Wang Dali.

In Helmet City, Wang Dali is giving orders in the palace to maintain the order of the city.

"What's the good news?" Wang Dali pressed the Skyhawk star communicator on his wrist, and the holographic light was projected, and the figure of Reina appeared.

"We have contacted the earth, within twenty earth hours, the Sun will reach the planet!" Reina said.

"Sure enough, great news!"

Wang Dali was overjoyed, if the Sun could find it, it would give him tremendous help.

"Ah, Lord God Envoy, who is this?"

Katie was taken aback. It was the first time she saw the Hawkhead.

"Don't be nervous, this is just a shadow!" Wang Dali waved his hand, passing his fingers through Rena's body, leaving no traces.

"The shadow can speak?"

"Of course, this is high-tech. Don't worry about it. What are you looking for?" Wang Dali turned off the communicator and put the hologram away.

"Yes, I have sent people out to contact the human tribes migrating nearby. Several tribes have agreed and are willing to return. They want a stable and free life!"

"This is a good thing!"

"Yes, this is a good thing, but we received a bad news from them. The city of Chi'ao in the north has sent a large army to crusade us!"

"Qiao City, is that also an ape-man city-state?"

"Yes, it is similar to Helmet City. Several escaped nobles from Helmet City ran to Qi'ao City and persuaded the king there. Therefore, there was an army of crusades this time. I heard that they were dispatched and gathered at least. Three thousand and five hundred elite fighters vowed to retake Helmet City!"

"Hehe, they are going to expand their territory, okay, let them come, we just finished them in one pot!" Wang Dali said.

"Yes, Lord Divine Envoy, I have already ordered to step up to prepare our own army. There are many armors and weapons in the armory of Helmet City, enough for us to equip an army of two thousand people!

"Is it enough?"

"Of course, as long as they are young and strong, they must be unconditionally enlisted into the army. Now, all the people in Helmet City are soldiers!"

"It turned out to be a miscellaneous army!"

Wang Dali suddenly, well, in this situation, it should not be too demanding. It would be nice to have a miscellaneous army.

"Let's pay close attention first. When the crusade is coming, tell me!" Wang Dali didn't care. When the time came, the King Kong great ape would go up first, and then the miscellaneous army would press it back. This became the last straw to crush the camel.

On this planet, it is estimated that no one cares about Sun Tzu's art of war.

It should be the same in wars, come directly, do it directly, the strong will win, and you will die!

Want to create a miracle of defeating the strong with the weak?

That's impossible, because miracles generally don't happen.


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