
"Audria, here we are!"

Simba said to the girl, turning around to introduce to Wang Dali: "This is Audrey, the lord of the dinosaur empire, the master, the president of the council!"

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Lord, my name is Wang Dali, and I am the special advisor of the first star store!" Wang Dali smiled and bowed.

The girl looked up and down Wang Dali, showing a look of shock.

"You turned out to be an extraordinary person?"

"Lord Lord has good eyesight, yes!" Wang Dali smiled.

"Wang Dali, I know this name. Those who are rescued by us often put this name on their lips. You are in their hearts and it is very important!"

"Perhaps, they can come here because of my reasons!" Wang Dali said.

Simba stepped forward and whispered a message in the girl's ear, and the girl was suddenly surprised.

"Well, the first star store you mentioned is the original Qi'ao City?"

"Yes, Lord Lord also knows that ape-man city?"

"Of course, the ape-man once fought with us. Our dinosaur empire does not welcome those ape-men. However, my people sent back news that some humans who did not know where they came from occupied the city of Qi'ao and made great efforts in construction. Is it true to build a huge city like never before?"

"It's true!" Wang Dali nodded.

"So, where did you come from, why we Morris, never met you, and you have a peculiar civilization that we don't understand!"

The girl shook the desert eagle in her hand.

"Lord Lord, do you want to hear the truth? I'm afraid that if I tell the truth, you may not believe it!" Wang Dali spread his hand.

"Go ahead!"

The girl glanced at the old scholar behind her, and said sternly.

"We came from the starry sky and came to this land!" Wang Dali pointed upwards.

"Among the stars, what's in the stars?" The girl was surprised.

"Like here, there is a piece of land, mountains and seas!" Wang Dali said.

The old scholar suddenly stood up excitedly and walked in front of Wang Dali. He was inexplicably surprised: "It is possible. Our oldest book records such things. Someone fell from the sky on a flying iron ship. The rescued people have talked about it, and they are indeed sitting on iron knots that can fly in the air into the jungle!"

"So, is it true that this earth is a ball, as recorded in the ancient books?" The girl frowned.


The old scholar hesitated.

"I rub, this group of natives, who also call themselves scholars, laugh so hard as babies—"

"The natives are natives. They don't even know what the land they stand on is like, and they dare to pretend to be high -"

"The insights of the indigenous people are really not very good. This so-called university scholar is a bit inferior—"

"Brother Dali, hurry up and slap your face hard--"

"The level of technology on this planet is indeed not very good, it is estimated to be equivalent to the barbaric era of the earth -"

"Technology is not good, and knowledge is not good, but it can't stand for others to control dinosaurs—"


The audience fiercely complained and belittled Dexing's technological level.

Wang Dali also complained in his heart, but it was the people on earth who complained about Dexing. Is it worth complaining about it? It's like modern people, to complain about the poor level of science and technology of ancient people, what is there to be proud of?

"Wang Dali, what do you think, is the earth under our feet a ball?" the old scholar asked.

"Old man?"

"I'm Hyde, Audria's teacher!" The old scholar laughed.

"That's it, well, I happen to know the old gentleman's question!" Wang Dali pointed to the sky and said, "I am very serious to tell you that when I landed on the spaceship, I looked down from the sky. The earth and ocean we are in is indeed a huge sphere, but it is very common in the universe. My hometown is a planet with more than nine billion people living on it!"

Maiden, no, Audria was dumbfounded.

"You said, you came from the sky in a huge iron ship?" Audrey said.

"Yes, on this point, don't doubt it. If the boss has any questions, go to the first star store and it will be clear!"

Wang Dali pointed to the pistol in Audria’s hand, and said, "This is a desert eagle. Its power is too small. If it is magnified a thousand times, its power can crash a hill, and the space I ride in The spacecraft, the most powerful shelling, can sink a vast land to the bottom of the sea!"

"What you said is true?" Old scholar Hyde looked serious.

"It's true, more real than real gold, but with your IQ, are you willing to believe it? I believe you all know that Xia Chong can't talk about it!"

"I believe, and we are not summer insects, our ancestors also had a great civilization!"

The girl was not convinced, ran to the side, found an alloy plate that was as clean as new, pointed to the countless words on it, and said: "Look, the record above, our ancestors, actually came from the sky!"

Wang Dali took a look and found that this metal plate was about the solar civilization and the Skyhawk Star civilization, but there was relatively little information.

"Well, this star field used to be solar civilization, so it is not surprising that people with solar civilization come here to thrive and thrive!"

Wang Dali spread his hands, let alone here, because more planets, including the earth, have been visited by people from the solar civilization.

"You are from outside the sky, then you can definitely save our dinosaur empire!"

Audria suddenly grabbed Wang Dali's hand and held it tightly, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said nothing to let go.

Simba was dumbfounded.

Hyde sighed.

"What's the situation?" Wang Dali couldn't figure it out. With such a noble identity, this girl held on to herself. Which one was going to sing?


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