
"Brother Dali is going to die--"

"This is actually a city for hunting star people. With so many star people hunting, what's the matter with Brother Dali——"

"Hurry up and run away on the mothership—"

"Leave the green hills without worrying about not having firewood--"

"The hunting star is really powerful, look at this planet, the population is estimated to be more than tens of millions—"

"The population of tens of millions is actually not too much, but it can't stand the strength of others. Brother Dali must be careful—"

"There is a good show, Brother Dali, this is the rhythm of going deep into the tiger's den——"

"Damn, Brother Dali was miserable--"

"This time, Brother Dali is going to be a low-key person. On other people's turf, it is estimated that he will be a ground mouse once—"

"No, our Dali brother is a great hero everywhere--"

"Innocent and flawless, Brother Dali must be lurking, waiting for rescue--"


The audience began to complain, and the mothership quickly flew across the sky, then skimmed over several mountains, and finally stopped slowly over a valley surrounded by mountains.

In the middle of the valley, a huge tower was built.

The tower is several miles in diameter and hundreds of meters high, like a mountain. The mothership landed slowly, and it was parked on the high tower, and the tower and the groove under the mothership completely matched.

Only then did Wang Dali understand that the tower was originally from the descendant of the mothership.


The hatch under the mothership opened automatically.

Wang Dali stepped off the mothership and stood in the tower.

This is a huge and empty building. Wang Dali walked down the tall stone steps and walked for a while before reaching the middle of the tower.

The stone steps connected to the middle of the tower, and Wang Dali saw the empty square one after another.

The light shone from the mothership above, and the tower seemed extremely quiet.

Along the way, Wang Dali did not find any hunting fighters.

"Everyone, the very strange tower. Inside the tower, it is terribly quiet. I haven't seen the hunting star. What is going on?"

Wang Dali felt a little confused.

Isn't it true that there are no idlers to play in the high tower?

"Da da……"

There were clear footsteps in the empty square.

With a thought on Wang Dali's heart, the armor on his body immediately became invisible, and the heat in his body was reduced.

These hunting stars can generally use infrared to sense life bodies.

Soon, a hunting soldier came over.

Although this hunting star was wearing a metal armor, his body was a bit slender, and he was bulging in front of him, and he knew it was a female at first glance.

She raised her head and glanced at the mothership above her head, showing incomprehension.

After thinking for a while, she walked up the stone steps and entered the mothership.

Just as Wang Dali wanted to catch up, he took this guy down and asked about the hunting star. On the square, another seven hunting warriors, all males, were holding spears.

A fierce light flashed in Wang Dali's eyes, and he took out a few darts and threw them violently.

The cold light flashed past, and the seven hunting warriors spurted blood from their necks and fell one after another.

The dart turned in a circle and flew back to Wang Dali's hands.

"The hidden weapon of the dart is really a good tool for sneak attacks!" Wang Dali let out a ray of light, evaporating the blood on the dart.

On the stone steps, the female star hunter ran down, shouting, raising her hand and shooting a few sharp arrows.


Wang Dali smashed away with the spear, rushed up three times, five divided by two, and brought the opponent down to his uniform, but did not kill the opponent.

Escort the female hunter star to the stone steps and enter the mothership.

"Ava, isn't there a frozen alien queen in the frozen room of the mothership? Release her!" Wang Dali said to Ava.

"Your commander, that creature is very dangerous, are you sure you want to let it out?" Ava said cautiously.

"Of course, it is precisely because of the danger that it must be released. This is the territory for hunting star people. I want to drive away tigers and devour wolves and create chaos here!"

"All right!"

Ava took control of the spaceship. Soon, in a frozen room, the temperature rose, and a frozen alien queen began to thaw.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The alien queen roared and climbed out of the mothership. It came to the stone steps. Suddenly saw blood underneath, it immediately climbed down the stone steps.

The Alien Queen actually drags a huge fertility system, like the belly of a praying mantis, long and big, and something seems to be wriggling inside.

Coming to the square below, the Alien Queen found the bodies of seven hunters.

Wang Dali poked out his head carefully from the mothership, sneered.

"Commander, you are too bad!" Ava pouted.

"Haha, I have to do everything I can to the enemy. I am just using the human way to treat the human body, and I don't know how much chaos this alien queen can bring to them!"

Wang Dali watched the Alien Queen, and saw that the Alien Queen had eaten all the corpses of the hunting stars, and after a while, it started giving birth.

A total of seven growing aliens were born from its huge "belly".

Each one is tall, they sneered at the alien queen, and then ran to the exit of the tower. They have to explore the environment and look for prey.

"Brother Dali, you are too cruel—"

"Even if you put an alien on the hunting star, if you are lucky, it may cause chaos—"

"It's probably useless, just one face, these aliens will be wiped out and clean--"

"They seem to be very clever, they should be able to attack in groups, maybe they can kill the hunters who are alone—"


People are complaining, and Wang Dali's thoughts have been following the alien.

Just at the corner of the exit, seven aliens roared and threw down a female hunting star, and after that, the aliens dragged her into the dark corner and waited for the next prey to approach.

"There is a play!"

Wang Dali was greatly surprised. These aliens seem to be particularly smart and strong. Could it be that they have incorporated the genes for hunting stars?


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