
"Hit, give me a hard hit, it's going to be finished, everyone is finished together!"

Wang Dali is angry, who allows only the enemy to be crazy? In this world, a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye are king, and whoever is better can survive!

"Commander, this is a wormhole tunnel. If it collapses, the consequences will be disastrous!" The ambulance shivered.

"If we don't fight, will the opponent stop?"

Wang Dali was annoyed and shouted: "If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, fight, give me a hard fight, right? If we don't fight, we will be beaten by the opponent!"

"All right!"

The ambulance thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and thought it was right. These souls hunting stars are really crazy. They don’t even want their lives. If they don’t fight, then the other party will fight. When the time comes, they will have no chance of survival. NS.

The Sun spacecraft quickly opened a giant cannon, the anode magneto-optical cannon was gathering energy quickly, and dazzling flashes of lightning were circling the giant cannon.

The cannon began to emit a dazzling light, and it looked like it was ready to go, very terrifying.

Several lasers hit the Sun spacecraft, and the spacecraft was immediately injured.

The spacecraft shook, and the body of the ambulance shook, and furious: "Damn, these hunting stars, this is deliberately not giving us a way to survive, okay, then everyone has fun together!"

In anger, the ambulance issued a launch order.


The dazzling anode magnetolight rushed out, and a spaceship was pierced, disintegrated immediately and turned into fragments.

Magneto-optical castration continued unabated, hitting the wormhole passage. The passage was already extremely unstable, but now it was bombarded by magneto-optical light and immediately collapsed.

The big collapse spread from the rear, and the hunting starman spacecraft flying fast from the hole were involved in it, and they were quickly torn apart by the power of invisible space.

The Sun spacecraft beeped suddenly, and the alarm sounded throughout the ship.

Ava sat on Wang Dali's shoulders and screamed in horror. The decibels of her scream were beyond imagination.

"Ava, stop yelling, think of a way, a dead horse can be a living horse doctor!" Wang Dali yelled, seeing the wormhole collapse rapidly spreading over, and the Sun spacecraft was absolutely unstoppable.

"How to do how to do?"

Ava suddenly yelled: "There is a way, we jump into the anti-cosmic space, but this will also be extremely dangerous, if you back, if you run into something, you will die very tragically!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just do it!" Wang Dali yelled, his thoughts penetrated the Sun spacecraft, and he had already touched it. The wormhole outside had spread over, and it only took a few seconds to swallow it. Drop the Sun spacecraft.

Damn it, it's a dead end, nine deaths!


Suddenly, Ava screamed, and the entire spacecraft immediately shook violently. Suddenly, the spacecraft disappeared into the wormhole channel. The next second, the wormhole collapsed and the spacecraft entered a strange space.

The infinite amount of color light, as colorful as a stream, rushes like a giant river outside the porthole.

The Sun spacecraft is like a small boat in a stormy sea, precariously wind and rain.

Countless indescribable light energies, light beams, and light clusters fill the entire vast and infinite space, and they are undergoing incredible movements.

Some light bodies and energy even penetrated the entire Sun spacecraft without any hindrance, penetrated the bodies of Wang Dali and the ambulance, and flowed into the distance like flying.

This is a world of light energy.

No, this is a world of particles. All kinds of light particles, energy particles, ray particles, black and white particles, colored particles, and God particles constitute an incredible world.

This is a "violent" world of energy storms.

However, it is too quiet here and there is no sound.

The Sun spacecraft, in such a "violent" world, was at ease, like a flat boat on Pinghu, unaffected by the storm.

It's as if Stormwind and the Sun are not in the same dimension!

When Wang Dali and the ambulance saw this scene, they were completely stunned.

"This is anti-cosmic space?"

Wang Dali was shocked and inexplicably, as far as he could think, Wang Dali felt the endless energy around him. It was a vast ocean of endless energy, like the chaotic sea, without any matter, only energy, and various spirits.

Yes, in the endless ocean of energy, the spirit is like ripples, little surging waves.

"Oh my God, this is a different space, it is chaos, it is the opposite of the material world, it is the birth source of demons, gods and other spiritual life forms. Have we actually come here?"

The ambulance screamed.

In the leadership module, the supreme wisdom of mechanical lifeforms once mentioned this world.

This is a terrible world, and at the same time, it is a magical world.

All short-lived, low-level life forms yearn for this magical world, because here, it is said that there is an eternal mystery and immortal existence.

Suddenly, in the sea of ​​violent energy, a huge octopus was startled.

This octopus does not seem to be an entity. Each tentacle is hundreds of miles long, rolling up an infinite amount of streamers and energy clusters in the sea of ​​energy.

A tentacle actually passed through the Sun spacecraft and penetrated through Wang Dali's body.

Wang Dali's spirit was shocked, and hundreds of millions of trillions of thoughts popped into his mind. These thoughts are all about octopus. Among them, they contain human mental thinking, peace, anger, and mania. , And more.

"This is a collection of spirits, no no no... It's more like the projection of an infinite number of spirits!!"

Wang Dali was shocked. The octopus felt like it was made up of countless spiritual collections or spiritual projections.

As I was watching, a huge "wave" hit, the octopus was hit by the violent energy like a mountain, and it exploded like a bubble, turning into infinite energy particles and spiritual waves.

"Fantastic, magical!" yelled the ambulance.

"You said, in this anti-cosmic space, is there a longer, more substantive life?" Wang Dali said.

"Of course there is. According to legend, demons, demons, and gods were born here!" said the ambulance.

"That's it, this place hides endless magical mysteries, but it is also very dangerous. If we encounter a devil, we will die without a place to be buried!"

Wang Dali gave a shock.


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