
"Be careful, ancestors!" Sui shouted and threw Chu Bunan down.

This old guy who has lived for more than a thousand years, although he doesn't look old now, his eyebrows are very old, and he is depressed, and he is particularly not afraid of death. The mechanical warriors have been shot out, and he doesn't know how to dodge.

"Your Majesty, it's here, that knight must be here, that's right!" Chu Bunan was extremely excited.

"Okay, everyone is guarding the door, don't come in!"

Wang Dali was really afraid of those mechanical warriors rushing out. If they threw a bomb with huge lethality, it is estimated that these half-strength superhumans around him would be killed or injured.

Especially some young people in their teens and twenties can't stand the wastage.

For the Blackrock tribe, they are all the future.

Wang Dali stretched out his light wings, and in everyone's shocked eyes, like a blazing holy light, rushed into the inner hall.

"Your Majesty, rushed in..."

"He actually has a pair of light wings of Amagorius--"

"Sure enough, the legendary emperor is the most powerful warrior!"

The entourage was all stunned. A Wang Dali's combat effectiveness was not very good, but when he saw Light Wing, everyone suddenly realized.

I still underestimated Wang Dali, the Emperor of the Sun.

Can someone who can inherit the emperor's brand and become the emperor of the sun be a simple character?

"Ancestor, do we want to rush in?" Sui cried.


Chu Bunan shook his head and said immediately: "Listen to your Majesty. It seems that he is sure. You should keep a close watch. When your Majesty stabilizes, you will rush in again!"

Chu Bunan knew that Wang Dali was taking such a risk, and he was really thinking about the young people around him, such an emperor, there really is no one.

Blessed is the Blackrock Tribe.

The hall is very empty and huge, with a height of one to two hundred meters and a depth of seven to eight hundred meters. It is extremely dark and surrounded by stone walls with exquisite cloud pillars and exquisite murals.

These are all very old things, with a profound historical and civilizational background.

Wang Dali was a little surprised to see this.

It is hard to imagine that the sleeping place of a Templar knight could also be made on this scale.

Seeing the huge mechanical spider lying on the top of the dome, Wang Dali was stunned. He estimated that these murals were not made manually, but made by ordering machinery.

As soon as Wang Dali came in.

The eyes of the giant spiders immediately lit up. Their eyes were red, like rubies in the dark night, suddenly emitting fan-shaped red light waves.

The whole inner hall immediately lit up, all red.

The light waves were layered on top of each other, and Wang Dali saw the air vibrating slightly, and immediately heard a sharp and piercing sound.

"Extreme sound waves!"

Wang Dali was taken aback, and the streamer armor on his body immediately began to automatically adjust and adapt.

Outside Shimen, Chu Bunan and a group of accompanying soldiers covered their ears and screamed in pain. Their ears, nose, and eyes seemed to be bleeding.


Wang Dali turned his head and saw that several mechanical warriors rushed towards Wang Dali, sending out laser beams in their hands and hitting them.

Wang Dali teleported, then moved at high speed to dodge.

The surrounding stone walls blasted rumblingly, the stones fell down, and the mechanical spiders on the dome also rushed down.

"Depend on!"

For a moment, Wang Dali arrived behind the mechanical warrior, and the sun **** spear pierced the mechanical warrior's head. Electricity surged, and Wang Dali teleported again, piercing another mechanical warrior's head.

Several mechanical warriors were quickly paralyzed.

The mechanical spiders pounced one after another, Wang Dali turned over and jumped on the back of one of the spiders.

The spider had a large dining table on its back, and the spear pierced it down, and the spider immediately collapsed.

Other spiders rushed quickly.

Wang Dali flew up into the air, opening his mouth and howling suddenly.

Waves of sound waves spit out from Wang Dali's mouth and spread to all directions.

This sound is very strange, it is actually in the sound wave, containing a trace of mental power, wherever it passes, the air swells with layers of waves, and it constantly interferes with the ultimate sound wave emitted by the spider.

Ever since, the ultimate sound wave was destroyed.

The unbearable people outside Shimen felt much better immediately.

"Rush in!"

Chubunan called immediately.

Everyone immediately rushed into the inner hall, unleashing extraordinary force and destroying the mechanical spider.

Sui pulled out the energy lightsaber on his waist, roared, and jumped high, three meters long, with a single knife, splitting the mechanical spider in half.

Wang Dali was a little surprised when he saw it.

These young transcendents are actually very much like the Jedi Knights of Star Wars, and a lightsaber can wash the world.

Dozens of mechanical spiders were quickly cleaned.

When Wang Dali was about to go deeper, a huge high wall suddenly shook and began to collapse. Under the high wall, a huge mechanical head protruded from the wall.

This is the head is so huge, ten meters high, and it is completely a metal big head. Its two eyes shoot out terrifying light waves, which scans the inner hall up and down at once.

"Back, back, this is the head of the Titan, which can emit a death roar, but also a death ray!" Chu Bunan yelled immediately, turned and retreated outside the Shimen.

This inner temple is no longer safe.

Wang Dali did not go, but stopped behind.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the eyes of the mechanical head and fell on Wang Dali's body. The emperor's mark on Wang Dali's forehead suddenly gave out a huge light, and a huge shadow was projected in front of him.

The mechanical head calmed down unexpectedly, staring blankly at the projection of the emperor's brand.

"Haha, when there is a door, I know that the Emperor Sun brand has an incredible effect!" Chubunan stopped running. The situation of Wang Dali showed that the emperor's brand was working.

This terrifying mechanical head seems to have recognized the emperor's brand.


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