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As one of the thirteen duke giants in the Yanghe Star Territory, Grand Duke Lunan's every move will receive the attention of countless forces at any time.

This interstellar announcement, like a super bomb, immediately caused a big shock in the stars.

Subsequently, what was even more surprising was that the Redstone Duke's Mansion followed closely and issued a big interstellar announcement.

The Grand Duke of Redstone announced that he has officially confirmed the emperor’s legitimacy. The emperor’s brand is beyond doubt. The Duke of Redstone has sworn allegiance to the emperor and exercises his civil powers, hoping to rejuvenate the solar empire, and strongly appeals to all the former imperial subjects and billions of people to come. Support the empire and allegiance to the emperor's Majesty Yunyun...

The two duke giants, such a move, shocked the entire Xinghai.

This is a clear code radio wave. Everyone in Xinghai, from the nobles to the place where the poor are gathered, immediately heard about it. Even in the extremely remote corners of the star field, beggars can search for this clear code radio wave with a simple radio receiver.

What's more frightening is that this radio wave is repeated indefinitely on multiple public channels around the clock, and it won’t work if you want to hear it.

Cow breaking!

so cool!

Lunan Duke’s Mansion and Redstone Duke’s Mansion ruled the city walls, tribes, dependent countries, and neighboring duchys that have reached influence. Under the compromise of private interests, they had to make announcements one after another, and they were energetically connected with electricity. Support the decision of the two ducal palaces.

He also claimed that the return of the emperor is the great fortune of the empire. The empire that has been split for more than ten thousand years is expected to usher in the dawn of new life!

Waves of interstellar announcements were issued, dazzling, and the entire star sea immediately caused a strong shock!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this shock is a landslide and tsunami, because one thing is a major event that has not happened in thousands of years.

Among them, the incident of the emperor's return stunned countless people in the sea of ​​stars. They couldn't sleep through the night, and they were both excited and suspicious.

"What, the emperor is back?"

"The two grand princes have declared their allegiance? So, this is true..."

"I'm going to Lu Xing now, I have to see the emperor with my own eyes to feel relieved—"

"It's great, the suffering of us poor people and ants is coming to an end. The emperor will definitely be the master for us, and he will once again bring prosperity to the world..."

Countless poor people rejoiced, and the more unhappy people were, the more they supported the emperor, because this was an opportunity to change their destiny.

In the Yanghe Star Territory, the history of the emperor is well known to everyone.

The strength of the solar empire has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even in the past ten thousand years, future generations have not forgotten it.

The people nowadays have a yearning for the great unification of the empire. You must know that during the heyday of the empire, science and technology and cultivation were all prosperous beyond imagination. Now, it is far away.

These two contrasts made people look forward to the emperor even more.

In the southern part of the Yanghe Star Field, on a beautiful planet of life—Vatican City.

The headquarters of the Emperor's Church is located here.

The Emperor's Church is a church that maintains the historical data of the Emperor and the orthodox of the empire. To use a popular metaphor, the emperor’s religion is an organization for the maintenance of imperial power.

The teaching has an extraordinary position in the star field.

Many years ago, there was an emperor who arrested a bishop of the emperor’s religion, tortured to extract a confession, and asked the emperor for secrets. This incident immediately caused an uproar.

The duke was quickly suppressed by the other thirteen princes, and his name was finally removed permanently. Therefore, there are now thirteen orthodox dukes.

The duke who didn't know the heights of the sky had long been sorrowful, and his descendants who had pity for him were also in despair and miserable misery.

Why do other dukes maintain the emperor's religion in this way?

Because the doctrine of the emperor has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is difficult to change, and there is no need to change it, because the power of the emperor and their nobles is one.

The nobles are the emperor's canonization, especially the duke. For countless years, they have been flying the banner issued by the emperor, and they are all proud of the nobles of the sun empire.

This is an extremely common retro-nostalgic thought, because the solar empire was once so powerful and glorious, but now it's down.

On St. Sonar Mountain, huge church buildings lined up one after another, and at a glance, they covered hundreds of miles above and below the mountain. This is the mountain city of St. Sonar.

The people here all believe in the emperor's teaching.

The doctrine of the Emperor's Church believes that the emperor is the ruler of the empire, the supreme authority, the symbol of the spirit, and the sacredness of the world. All people should support the emperor. Only in this way can the empire prosper forever and become a heaven on earth.

People who believe in the emperor’s religion have an unparalleled sense of identification with this doctrine. In fact, people who agree with the emperor’s doctrine are all over the old territories of the solar empire.

This is especially true of the Yanghe Star Region and several large star regions around it.

The more troubled the life planet and people, the more they agree with the emperor's teachings. People hope that one day, the emperor can stand up again and lead them to rebuild a glorious and prosperous world.

Early in the morning, an old bishop ran out of the shabby room.

He was wearing a nightgown, a felt-tip little red cap on his head, bare feet, and a radio-like machine in his hand, running along the long church promenade.

The old man yelled as he ran.

"Something big, something big!"

"The emperor is back, the emperor is back, haha, the event is coming back!"

"Hurry up and ring the big bell, quickly..."

The old bishop ran all the way, without seeing the weakness of a half-so-earth old man, and all the priests who were still dreaming were awakened.

The old bishop ran up the bell tower all the way, without taking a breath, pushed away the bell ringer, and came in person.


One after another, the bell rang throughout the city of St. Sonar.

At this moment, the people in the entire mountain city were shocked.

Almost at the same time, there were exclaims from all over the mountain city. Obviously, too many people received the clear radio waves from the Duke of Lunan's mansion.

"Lu Nangong announced that the emperor has returned, and he has sworn allegiance to the emperor!"

"The **** emperor is on top, the **** emperor is on top!"

Countless people cheered. The sound of cheers shook the entire mountain city. The entire mountain city quickly boiled. People ran out in their nightgowns, delivering exciting news.

Some hugged each other and wept with joy.

Also, beating the gong in a crazy manner to tell.

The whole mountain city has woken up!

The priests, looking at the sky, piously crossed with their hands in front of them, their spiritual beliefs, their Lord, their only sacred walk in the world, after the terrible unknown catastrophe for more than 10,000 years, came back!

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