The Extra's Survival

Chapter 107: The Beginning Of The Nightmare[6]

Chapter 107: The Beginning Of The Nightmare[6]

The faint nervousness that Lucas had after seeing the huge number of monsters had disappeared.

He looked around the battlefield and saw that he was surrounded by a large monster, coming for him on all sides.

Lucas saw the bravery of Babak, the might of Hugo, the might of the entire knight unit and the lord of the territory who choose to protect the people rather than flee.

The knights of Warren could have fled with Charles but in the troubling times, they lend a hand in protecting their benefactor. Without Aler, they knew their young master would have died.

Lucas took a deep breath and calmed himself.

There is nothing to be afraid of nothing to be nervous of. He had been taught by Princess how to judge. Miss Ami and Sir Charles had taught him how to fight. The members of the Skies had taught him how to survive.

He wasn't a rookie who used to go on complaining and crying around his grievance.

'I can't afford to make a mistake that may cost me my life. I can't disappoint myself. I can't disappoint them. I need to go all out.'

Lucas's eyes became sharp and daggers flew out from the rings and hovered in the air.

The daggers rotated over Lucas's head glowed in crimson colour as Lucas used fire spells to heat them.

The daggers started to burn and shine, giving a red luminescent glow. His sword started to glow faintly as if crying for blood.

"Here I come!..!!"

Lucas ran across the battlefield with his newfound resolve and he swung out his sword enhanced by his charging momentum and cut the hoard of monsters into two halves.

The path on which monsters were coming was sliced in half with the descent of the crimson glow and the bodies of monsters were thrown off by the blast.

While Lucas sliced and slashed the monsters that come from the front, seeing his back wide open a kobold jumped from behind but before he could do anything a dagger appeared and sliced his head off in an instant.

Without his telekinesis, he would have to turn back to take the monster down but now he could just kill the minor ones who attacked from the back without turning back.

Following Lucas's motion, the dagger vibrated and rained down on the monsters and cut their arms and legs and sometimes their heads.

Blood splattered everywhere Lucas's daggers flew making a puddle of blood on the ground.

Sometimes the daggers were struck in their body for which Lucas have to personally take them out which was hindering his killing speed.

He has yet to reach the level where he can just twist their body with a mere thought.


The monster's pupils contacted as it was only able to get a glimpse of a black object passing through the head before it died.


"What is that.."

The knights and students looked at Lucas and admired him wondering what type of skills was that which was helping to fly the dagger and control them in the air.

Fredrick who thrust and priced the monster killing it, looked at Lucas and his brow furrowed as this was the first time, he had seen Lucas doing something like that.

"He had surely hidden it well," Fredrick muttered.

He wasn't sad about this revelation rather he was feeling quite happy for Lucas as he saw him dominating the monsters and killing them alone.

At the moment, Lucas looked like the son of God Of War who is slaying his enemies without a shred of mercy.

Lucas sliced many monsters into halves with his crimson glowing sword.

Some of the monster's upper halves collapsed on the ground with a thud. These monsters that were affected by the seed of darkness had higher resistance and when their upper body was cut, their lower half still crawled and reached toward Lucas.

Lucas is impressed at the monster's tenacity but he pointed the sword at the monster and pierces it.

'Even if I cut its head or cut its lower half it won't die. I need to cut in a vertical way not horizontal. From the look of it, it seems that it will attack even if lost arms or legs.'Lucas thought.

Lucas calmly observed the battlefield while slaying the monsters.

Even if the knights are slicing off their arms or limbs, it wasn't enough to stop them and they kept on attacking even while it was in pain.

These monsters are affected by the seed of darkness and might have one goal in mind which is to destroy no matter what.

The consciousness has been taken over by the seed of darkness and they were behaving like zombies charging ahead madly.

These ferocious monsters whose instincts were controlled and had lost their reasons were a severe threat. Even if you are not careless, a single mistake can be fatal.

"Tsk,.." Lucas clicked his tongue as he started to rack his mind as he looked at Fredrick fighting at a distance.

Seeing Fredrick using lightning, Lucas's eyes glowed as he thought of a plan.

"Yes, we can do this," Lucas muttered as his lips widened forming a smile.

"Fredrick..." Lucas shouted as he ran towards Fredrick while slaying the monster on their way.

"Yeah..." Fredrick responded.

Lucas came near Fredrick and spoke, "Use a wide area lightning attack."

"Hein." Fredrick looked at Lucas in surprise

Seeing Frederick's surprised look, Lucas explained his plans.

"Hmmm." Fredrick nodded and following Lucas's instructions leapt and jumped into the air.

Fredrick jumped up and raised his spear high up in the air and lightning started to surround it and threw it towards the ground.

As the spear hit the ground instead of a lightning explosion a shockwave of lightning spread through the whole area.

Electric shocks were released from the spear and they spread across the area.

The monsters near it weren't able to avoid the hit and got electrocuted and were stunned for a moment.

However, the monsters and beasts that were hit by the electric shock did not die. The knights thought about whether all of them were stunned for eternity or it was just a momentarily but Lucas didn't care and shouted.

"All of your attack. The enemy is paralyzed and can't move. Reduce their numbers while you can."


"Slay these bastards."

Fredrick landed on the ground and slashed the paralyzed monsters.

"Whoa! They all are stunned."

"What an amazing trick."

"Why haven't I have thought of something this simple."

Lucas effortlessly killed the stunned monster. It was easier than killing a baby as the opponent didn't up to any resistance.

As Lucas was given time to breathe, listening to the knights mumbling he muttered"Why the hell they are behaving like monkeys and shouting at everything that looks fancy as if they are watching a movie show. Isn't it diverting the attention?"

Lucas asked the question as he looked at the knights rambling on about everything that looks fancy.

"No, that wasn't their intent." Fredrick who tore the monster into two halves spoke.

"Hein." Lucas looked at Fredrick giving him a confused look.


"They are doing this thing to lift the spirit. Although it may make them look like an idiot, it helps when you are fighting a hopeless battle with no chances of winning. Losing spirit during a battle may change the side of the battle. These worthless small praises are their way to show their respect and admiration towards each other." Fredrick spoke with a solemn expression.

Lucas realized the importance and the weight one has to shoulder on being a knight. The concept of fighting for your people for a nation wasn't something he had experienced.

Although, everyone has patriotism for their countries and is willing to lay their lives for the cause of the nation but willing to die and put your life on the line for the cause of the nation is an entirely different thing.

"By the way, Lucas what are these skills you are using to kill monsters using the daggers," Fredrick asked as he looked at Lucas. He was amazed by the way Lucas used the daggers.

"This is a skill called flying dagger techniques. It was invented for just a show. You can see how fancy this technique is. You can already guess why most people don't use this by seeing it, it diverts whole your attention from controlling the daggers and if one lets his guard down for a moment, he will die that is why is not suitable for big fights." Lucas spoke a blatant lie with a straight face.

He had already made this excuse before, if someone may see this.

Fredrick nodded on hearing Lucas's words as they made sense.

"From where did you get it. I want something similar to these." Parth came running toward them and asked.

Since he is a dagger skill user. He wanted a skill similar to one Lucas was using.

Lucas kicked a monster torso and stepped on it as it falls and pierced his head. The blood splattered and fell on his face.

With blood taint face he looked at Parth when he heard his question.

Seeing Lucas's face covered in blood and his piercing sharp gaze, Parth took a step back fearing he has pissed off Lucas and asked something he shouldn't have.

After all, everyone has their secrets and generally, no one discloses where they get those skills.

"The skill was my family heirloom. It was saved in my family for generations." Lucas spoke casually.

Parth's lips twitched uncontrollably on hearing Lucas's words.

"You don't have to say if you don't want to but what with these bullshit reasons of family heirlooms. From when did skills are being saved as a family heirloom. At least you should give a reasonable excuse."Parth spoke with an annoyed expression.

Amid the fight, Fredrick burst into laughter on hearing both of their interaction.

'Fighting battle where you have friends to rely on is something else.'Fredrick muttered inwardly as he looked at his two friends.

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