The registration of new students in the tennis department lasted for 3 days to complete, mainly because the number of applicants was too large, and they needed to be screened slowly, and some of the physique was obviously not up to the mark, and they could not pass the basic assessment.

In addition, because the previous two seniors have graduated, the student union specially found two more reliable freshmen to come to the tennis department as new managers.

Akaji didn't have any problem with this, anyway, as long as there were no major mistakes, when all the freshman lists were sorted out, Akaji really saw a few familiar names on it.

The six freshmen of Fudo Peak, Fudo Peak, but in Akaji's opinion, those who are slightly talented are Fubuji, Akira Kamio, and Tetetsu Ishida, and the other three can only be said to be a little stronger than ordinary people.

However, such a talent is enough, after Akaji's training, it is no problem to deal with regional level events, and the first few games of the capital tournament are estimated to be okay.

Akaji has long had the idea of forming a second army, so that Tezuka and they have more time to hone their strength, and even Akaji has specially prepared several special buses to the U17 training camp, not only Fudo Peak, but players who have been to U17 like the Ice Emperor, Lihaida, etc. can take time to take a special car.

And the coaches of the U17 are also very welcome to this, after all, there is no world competition this year, you can hone your strength and develop moves to the greatest extent, and when it comes to next year's world championship, the strength of the neon team will be incomparably strong.

Many of the freshmen joined the tennis club today with the title of national champion, so they were very excited to meet Akaji and the others for the first time, and it can be said that the members of the tennis club are now their idols.

And Akaji also announced that he would form a second army, so that more people would have the opportunity to participate in the competition, which made the freshmen cheer even more, and even some of the old members were full of smiles.

Soon the first main selection competition of the new year began, but unsurprisingly, there was still no change in the main selection personnel, but the ranking competition between the main selection was an eye-opener for the new students.

In particular, Yakutsu's light shot and Kite's dark shot almost didn't collapse the freshman tennis view, and this time even Akaji participated in the ranking match, and there is no doubt that Akaji still firmly occupies the No1 position, and Tezuka is still No2.

However, Yakuzu finally defeated the Tibetan rabbit and became No3, and the Tibetan rabbit seat was ranked No4, and what people didn't expect was that this time the No7 ranking was Chitose, the wooden hand became the No5, and Tachibana was No6.

The main thing is that the wooden hand's dark hit is too difficult to prevent, and this is still the case of the wooden hand remaining in the hand, which makes Chitose more urgent to open the seamless as soon as possible.

Akaji is to let Chitose calm down, want to open seamlessly, the most jealous impetuous, only if you do not forget the original intention, and full of love for tennis, it is possible to open.

It is worth mentioning that Tezuka has officially entered the half-step world-class, and there has been some progress in the development of the supreme field, and Kurazu and Yakuzu are also faintly about to take this step, Kite, Tachibana and Chitose are still at the peak of the national level, but it is only a matter of time before they break through with their talents.

At the same time, Akaji also gave the training method of the Asura path to the wooden hand and the Tibetan rabbit seat, Chitose and Tachibana Akaji felt that it was not suitable for walking the Asura path, Chitose did not say, Tachibana seemed to plan to further develop the breath of the beast.

After the ranking match, the selection of the second army began, and in the end, the members of the second year accounted for 5 places, and only Ibu Shenji and Kamio Akira entered the second army in the first year.

However, Akaji was not surprised by this, after all, these second-year members not only stayed with themselves and others twice, but also had professional trainers to guide them, and their strength was definitely much stronger than ordinary people.

As for Ishida Tetetsu and the four of them, Akaji was ready to observe and wait until he thoroughly understood their talents before making other arrangements, and now the current Second Army is more than enough to deal with the average dragon school.

When all the main selection and the selection of the second army were completed, many new students found that they could hardly see the main selection, and only Minister Akaji was always in the tennis department on weekdays.

Some of the old second-year members roughly knew in their hearts where the main candidates had gone, but Akaji temporarily forbade them and the new students to explain that after all, it was not a good thing for ordinary members to know the existence of U17 too early.

During this period, Akaji also specially formulated a training plan for Fukaji Ibu and Akira Kamio, and although the talents of the two of them were not as good as Tezuka's, they were at least on the same level as Takeshi Momojo.

However, Akaji does not expect them to play in next year's World Championship, after all, the number of people who will play is limited, and people who are stronger than them abound.

However, one thing surprised Akaji a little, that is, he received a call from Echizen Nanjiro some time ago, and the other party apologized for Echizen Ryuya, which made Akaji not know what to say for a while.

In fact, Echizen Nanjiro is also out of helplessness this time, Ryuya does not know the identity of Akaji, but he knows everything, if Akaji is really desperate to deal with his two sons, then even if he is the god of tennis, he can't stop it.

Originally, Akaji didn't plan to let Echizen Ryuya go just like that, but for Nanjiro's sake, he couldn't do too much, so he could only let Nanjiro tell Ryuya not to mess with him again, otherwise he wouldn't mind directly abolishing Ryuya.

With Chiji's current strength, he is not afraid of Long Ya's plunder and devouring, in addition, his golden sparkle is not an ordinary different dimension, and with Chiji's in-depth understanding, he found that just a trace of divine breath can resist the erosion of heavenly brilliance.

However, it was also after this phone call that the system prompted Akaji that the degree of fusion has reached 100%, the virtual personality has been generated, Akaji can fuse at any time, making his Heavenly Emperor Eye perfect, and ZONE's ability will be improved, allowing his physical fitness to be temporarily 120% played.

However, the system also warns of this ability, if maintained for a long time, it may cause irreversible damage to the body, which is actually the same as black holes.

This surprise came suddenly, and it also made Akaji's mood good, and Ryuya escaped the disaster, but if he came to U17 to die next year like in the original book, Akaji didn't mind giving him a deep memory.

In order to test new abilities, Akaji also went to U17 to find Tanegashima to compete, and after this match, Tanegashima looked at Akaji like an alien.

After Akaji obtains the flawless Eye of the Celestial Emperor, he also develops a skill that is somewhat similar to Yukimura's capture of the future, which Akaji names the intersection of future and reality.

In this way, a new round of regional competitions came unknowingly, and the second army of Fudongfeng successfully entered the final in the regional competition, and the opponent of the final was of course Qingxue.

Because it was the final, Akaji appeared at the match scene with Kurato and Yakutsu, and he would not only let the second army deal with Qingxue, but this time he also let Akaji meet three familiar faces.

They are all first-year freshmen at Seigakusaku, Takeshi Momogi, Kaoru Kaido, and Masashi Arai. That's right! It is the senior Arai who was educated by Ryoma in the original book, and there is another one that is a little familiar, but unfortunately Akaji does not remember his name, it is estimated that it is a dragon set in some original work.

This year's new minister of Qingxue is not the second, the vice minister is still Dashi, and they have one more position, that is, staff officer, which is the existence of half a coach, and the candidate is naturally Kan Zhenji.

However, this match did not see Fuji and Sadaharu Kan, Akaji estimated that the two of them should still be in the U17, it is worth saying that since Sadaharu Kan returned from France, the whole person has worked hard in training to make people scared, and I don't know what stimuli he has suffered.

It is said that the same is true of Lihai's Yanagiji, anyway, Akaji can't understand what is going on in their heads, but Mitsuya is very much in favor of this.

In the doubles match, Seigaku appeared in Masashi Arai and Masaya Ikeda, and yes, the person whose name was forgotten by Akaji was Ikeda, and it was also a bit of a weak scene in the original book, and was easily killed by Ryoma in the tryouts.

Fudomine sent Kawamoto Hisashi and Masanori Takeda, both second-year players, and needless to say, Fudomine won the doubles two.

And in the doubles one, Seigaku is naturally Kikumaru and Oishi, and Fudomine is sent by Fudomine Ibu Shinji and Kamio Akira, and although the result is a 6-1 loss, they still impress Kikumaru and Oishi.

The third singles is Kaoru Kaido, but in the face of the Tibetan Rabbit Seat, he has no power to fight back, but during this period he can play a half-finished snake ball, the Tibetan Rabbit Seat is obviously not serious, but like a child, let Begonia show all his strength aside.

And the singles second Takeshi Momogi is much worse, because his opponent is Yakuzu, although the current Yakuzu will not hurt people casually, but he can't have the patience to let Momogi Takeshi show his strength, and the result is that the match is over in less than 10 minutes.

Takashi Kawamura, who played in singles, had no chance to play, and Fudomine won the regional tournament with an aggregate score of 3-1, much to the excitement of Fukaji Itake and Akira Kamio, after all, this was their first time winning an event.

The other members of the second year of Fudofeng have matured a lot, and the champion of a regional competition can not make any waves in their hearts.

A few days after the regional competition, Akaji suddenly received a call from Akaji, who said that he wanted to ask Akaji for help with something, and Akaji suddenly realized after asking.

No wonder in the previous regional competition, Akaji always felt that something was wrong after seeing the members of the Qingxue, until Fuji's phone call reminded him of a person, that is, Fuji's younger brother, Fuji Yuta!

Yuta is the same as in the original book, others only know that he is the younger brother of Minister Fuji, and some people think that he can only enter the tennis club by the back door, resulting in him now being awkward with Fuji and arguing that he wants to transfer schools, but from the perspective of time, it is obviously much earlier than in the original book.

Akaji didn't know if there was a reason for this, but since Buji had come to ask for it, then he had no reason to refuse, to say that Yuta's talent was actually okay, but he was stunned by the guy at the beginning of the month.

However, Akaji also reminded Fuji on the phone that it was time to pay attention to some restless guys in the tennis club, especially those who were in the same class as Fuji, and it is difficult to say whether there are still some people who have been bullied by the previous senior and caused their mentality to be unbalanced.

Then Akaji and Fuji agreed to make an agreement, and then Fuji's sister Fuji Yumiko would come forward and persuade Yuta to transfer to Fudomine, now Fudomine is the strongest school in middle school tennis, I believe Yuta will not refuse, wait until the procedures are completed, almost before and after the tournament.

Sure enough, when the tournament was about to start, Fuji Yuta transferred to Fudomine to go to school, of course, he came to the tennis club to sign up as soon as possible, because Akaji had specially notified the two managers before, so Yuta joined the tennis club very smoothly.

There are no yin and yang weird people in the Fudomine tennis club, after all, no one wants to experience what it is like to be hit by a light shot, so Yuta feels good after joining.

But because the capital competition is about to start, the second round of the second army selection has long been over, and Yuta can't play in the capital competition, but Akaji still gave him a training plan alone, which can be regarded as giving a lot of face, ready to train people's younger brothers.

In the first few rounds of the competition, the second army of Fudongfeng was easily handled, which made everyone sigh again that Fudongfeng's strength was strong, even the second army could easily enter the semifinals, but in the subsequent matches, Chiji and others also had to participate, whether it was Qingxue or the Ice Emperor or Yamabuki alone could not be dealt with by the second army alone.

This time, the opponent of the semifinals was Yamabuki, and after the start of the match, Akaji came to his companion and chatted with him, and the companion knew very well that the current Yamabuki would definitely not be the opponent of Fudo Peak, so he chatted with Akaji.

This time it was Tezuka and Kite who returned from U17, so a strange scene appeared on the field, with Tezuka sitting in the Fudomine coach seat, and Yamabuki's coach sitting Akaji, and the companion looking like he was chatting happily with Akaji in his exclusive chair.

In this doubles match, Fudomine played Fudomine as Futoji Ibu and Akira Kamio, and Yamabuki as Shindo Inayoshi and Kita Kazuma, and the final match was won by relying on the temporary paralysis of Fukaji Ibu, the score was 7-6, Kamio Akira almost collapsed and was asked by Tezuka to go back to practice.

Speaking of temporary paralysis, Ibu Shenji mastered this skill in the first year under Akaji's guidance, and he also asked Tezuka about spinning so that it could be used faster.

And Yamabuki's doubles one, naturally Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental, Fudomine's Hisashi Kawamoto and Masanori Takeda were not opponents at all, and finally lost the match 6-1, and Tezuka also seriously criticized the mistakes in the match, and let them go back and redouble their training like Akira Kamio.

Now Tezuka has become more and more smiling in the original book, and even the majesty in the tennis club is not much worse than Akaji, but fortunately, Tezuka is not often in the tennis department, so the freshmen prefer the minister Akaji who smiles at all times, and the old members are thinking helplessly: This group of freshmen is really naïve.

In the singles three-match match, Kigo vs Muromachi ten times, and the result goes without saying that Kigo just used the ground shrinking method, which completely lost the hope of victory.

In the final singles match, when Chiseki saw that his opponent was Tezuka, his whole face collapsed, which really cost his old life, Tezuka is now recognized as the first person under Akaji in the middle school, even Yukimura and Yakuzu are one step behind, this is a seamless aura bonus.

However, in Akaji's opinion, Tezuka and Yukimura's strength should be between Bozhong, but the development direction of the two is different, and they have not officially fought each other, which makes people feel that Tezuka is slightly superior.

Although Chishi's strength has been enhanced a lot by Akaji's training method, it is a pity that there is a level difference between him and Tezuka, and Chiseki is now at most a half-step national player, and even Tezuka's field cannot be cracked, but Tezuka still gave him face, and the final score was 6-1.

What Chiji didn't expect was that the opponent of this final was not the Ice Emperor, but Qingxue, and when I inquired, I learned that Jibu, Shinobu and Ciro had not returned, on the contrary, Qingxue Fuji had already returned early, it should be for his brother's business.

It seems that the French party has made these guys not pay attention to the game before the Kanto Conference, and Akaji can only shake his head funny, after all, they don't move the peak too.

However, Akaji found that there was a figure of Birch in this tournament, and he actually did not follow Jibu, which is really a rare thing, Ryo Shinto has formed a doubles with Kazetaro, it seems that the power in the underworld made them partners in advance.

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