After Yakuzu came to the sidelines, he saw Mitsuya who was also standing on the sidelines, and he was slightly surprised, because this was different from what Akaji said yesterday, but he didn't care, but he was more excited, but he heard Akaji mention that Mitsuya was very strong.

Akaji, who was in the coach's dugout, looked at Yakuzu, and a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he knew very well that with Yakuzu's current strength, it was impossible to win against Mizu Valley, but this match would definitely make Yakuzu's strength break through.

Just when Akaji was thinking about how much Yakuzu's strength would improve, a long-lost system voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - the change in advance, because the host let his team members comprehend the ability resonance in advance, and reward the Asura Shinto training method!"

Good guys, I'm really good guys! Akaji didn't expect that the system would give him this hand, and completed another hidden task, although the reward was not to improve the degree of fusion, but the training method of Asura Shinto was more precious.

Originally, Akaji was still thinking about how to get the training method of the Asura Dao from Mifune Entry, and even he wanted to visit the father in the Rokkakur, he should have known, but he didn't expect the system to send it directly.

This system is also really enough, after the regional competition, gave himself a piece of a different dimensional fragment, and then updated the side missions, won the championship of the capital competition, you can get another different dimensional fragment, and then it was silent every day, I didn't expect that there were unexpected surprises now.

However, Akaji does not plan to enter the Asura Road, and he will not take the path of selflessness, with the help of the system, he will embark on a tennis path of his own, but his own players can consider it.

Tezuka and Chitose don't talk about it, it is certain that the path of selflessness goes to the end, although the words of wooden hands understand selflessness, but then it depends on the situation, as for Tachibana and Tibetan Rabbit, you may be able to try it, but it is not certain.

It is very suitable for Yakuzu, after all, in the original work, he also entered the Asura Dao, only after comprehending the eighth sense of Alaya knowledge, Akaji intends to teach him the Asura Dao training method after his strength reaches the peak of the national level and thoroughly masters the light shot, presumably with his talent will not be very long.

Akuzuhito - Eighth Sense Alaya

Just when Akaji was meditating because of the sudden system reward, the singles three-way match officially began, and Yakuzu was very lucky to get the first mover right.

Yakuzu stood on the bottom line, took out a tennis ball from his pocket, looked at the breezy Mizuya on the opposite side, "cut" a little unpleasantly, and then threw the tennis ball high, and at the moment of swinging, the powerful explosive force gave the tennis ball super kinetic energy, flying towards the opposite half at a very fast speed.

Mitsuya saw this ball and nodded secretly, a very good serve, both strength and speed far beyond his peers, but for him it was still tender, came to the drop point, and casually played the tennis ball back.

And Yakuzu, like a cheetah, quickly ran to the net with a very low center of gravity, and then jerked at the flying tennis ball in an extremely strange posture, and the tennis ball flew straight to the feet of Mitsuya.

Mitsuya didn't care about Yakuzu's weird posture, apparently he had gathered relevant information before the game, and swung the racket again to hit the tennis ball back, but this time the power from the racket was much stronger than the previous one.

In this way, the two began to engage in a fierce confrontation in front of the net, but unlike Yakutsu's blind onslaught, Mizuya was mostly on the defensive, obviously building a data model of Yakutsu.

The companion on the sidelines was very surprised when he saw Yakuzu's performance on the field, because he could see what huge potential Yakuzu hid in his body.

So, the companion left the chair that the members bought for him for the first time, and slowly walked to Akaji's side, and Akaji also moved his position slightly when he saw this, allowing the companion to sit down, after all, although he is very proud, but for a senior like the companion, the minimum respect for him is still there, of course, Ryuzaki Pansy's words are okay.

"Boom~-san, the Fudofeng you led really gave the old man a big surprise to me~" After sitting down, the companion said with a smile.

"I heard the seniors of Mitsuya mention that they all call you companions, so I call you that too, okay?" Akaji said with a smile.

"No problem, Akaji-san, you can call me whatever you want, even if you call me a bad old man~" The companion said a little jokingly.

Akaji thought of his partner's mischievous personality, and he also sighed slightly in his heart, this old man is too skinny, but it may be because of this mentality that he can see more of the brilliance in the players.

"Companion, you came here specially to praise us just to praise us for moving the peak, right?" Akaji was a little curious about his companion's purpose.

"Your Fudofeng's strength is worthy of praise, in the case of being in the first grade, there are actually so many good hands, Akaji-san, you have a talent for being a coach~" The companion said in a kind tone.

Akaji did not reply, but continued to look at the companion, waiting for the other party to say the real purpose, and the companion was slightly surprised when he saw Akaji's appearance, but continued anyway:

"The player who is playing on the field now, I remember it is called Yakuzu, right?"

Akaji nodded, and at the same time roughly understood in his heart why his companion came to him, in the original work, the companion master appreciated Yakuzu's talent very much, and used all means to let Yakuzu embark on the road to tennis, although it was only half successful in the end, but it can be regarded as laying a certain foundation for Yakuzu.

"Elder Companion, you are right, his name is Yakuzu Ren, I don't know what you want to say when you mention Yakuzu?" Although Akaji had already guessed the purpose of his companion, he still asked in a flat tone.

"Yakuzu-san's physical talent is extremely high, even the old man I have hardly met in my life, it can be said that he is a sports genius that is rare in ten years, I wonder what arrangements Akaji-san has for his future path?" The companion really came to Yakuzu.

"I know very well Yakuzu's talent, his growth is almost beyond all of us, I know what you want to say, don't worry, I won't waste his talent, his training plan is very perfect, don't hide from you, even today's match, I specially arranged for him to match with Mizuya seniors."

The companion was stunned after hearing Akaji's words, and then a look appeared on his face, it seems that even Mitsuya has been used by this little guy in front of him, but in this way, it is not good for him to say anything more to let Yakutsu join Yamabuki.

That's right, the companion originally planned to bring Yakuzu back to his school and train him well by himself, but unfortunately, the meaning of Akaji's words was already clear, Yakuzu had a perfect training plan and did not need outsiders to intervene.

"In that case, then the old man I am also relieved, I am very happy to talk to Akaji-san, by the way, I have a small matter, I want Akaji-san's help." As if he had suddenly thought of something, he spoke to Akaji.

Not to mention the old and young who communicated on the sidelines, the score was already 40-0 at this time, and Yakuzu was clearly at a disadvantage, and he was about to lose his serve.

Mitsuya constantly delayed the confrontation with Yakuzu on the field, and Yakuzu knew in his heart why the other party was doing this, but with his current strength, he could not get rid of such a situation.

As Yakuzu showed his flaws again, Mitsuya did not hesitate this time and quickly hit the ball into the bottom left corner of Yakuzu, although Yakutsu reacted in time, but it was still too late.

“GAME! Yamabuki Middle School! 1-0! The

expression on Yakuzu's face became more and more unhappy, he didn't expect that he actually lost his serve without taking a point, and at this time, Mitsuya had almost established Yakuzu's data model.

However, even he couldn't help but sigh that Yakuzu's physical talent was too different from ordinary people, but fortunately, Yakuzu's current strength has not fully grown, otherwise it is estimated that it will be difficult to deal with it.

The match came to Mitsuya's serve, and after Mitsuya served, he began to move, officially starting his data tennis.

"The probability of catching up with the tennis ball is 97%, and the probability of pumping the forehand vigorously is 84%, but..." At

the same time, Yakuzu quickly caught up with the flying tennis ball and made a pumping motion, but at the moment of hitting the ball, he suddenly twisted his body and hit a diagonal kick, and then Mitsuya's voice sounded again.

"With the flexibility of Yakuzu-san, the probability of temporarily changing the action is 87%, and the probability of choosing a corner kick is 96%!"

As expected by Mitsuya, Yakutsu played a corner kick, and Mitsuya was already waiting at the drop point, and the direction of the return attack was also the position that Yakutsu hated the most.

"Body inclination 27, 79% probability of hitting the front of the racket, 91% probability of topspin, estimated speed of 164 km!" Mitsuya said as he came to the net and directly put a short ball.

"The ultimate running speed is 9.2 meters per second, and the probability of receiving a tennis ball is 3%." The sound of a tennis ball landing and Mitsuya's words sounded at the same time.


At this moment, Yakuzu maintained a weird receiving action, his face was full of fierceness, and this feeling of being manipulated made him extremely angry, almost exactly like that hateful red-haired guy.

But Yakuzu also knows in his heart that the strength of this Yamabuki Middle School player in front of him is definitely above him, and even if he can predict his path through data, it is not so easy to easily play tennis that he can't handle.

In this way, Mitsuya constantly plays a ball path that makes Yakuzu uncomfortable through data, and at the same time, Yakuzu's offensive does not seem to exist for Mitsuya, and every step can be easily predicted by it.



“GAME! Yamabuki Middle School! 2-0! "

“GAME! Yamabuki Middle School! 3-0! Exchange venues! "

“GAME! Yamabuki Middle School! 4-0! In

the blink of an eye, Mitsuya won four games, such a situation, even Tezuka on the sidelines was surprised, although he knew that Akaji specially arranged this match in order to let Yakuzu break through, but he did not expect that Mitsuya's strength was so strong, I am afraid that even he himself is not sure of victory.

And in addition to Akaji, Fudofeng's other main candidates also looked solemn, and they didn't expect that the gap in strength between Yakuzu and Mizuya would be so large, and they felt completely not on the same level.

In fact, although Mizuya is a national master, and even has reached the peak of the national level, how to say that Yakuzu is also a half-step national level, originally the gap will not be so big, but good death is not dead, Mitsuya is playing data tennis, as long as the prediction is accurate, for the straight to the ball style of Yakuzu is very restrained.

At this time, although Yakuzu seemed to be in good condition, the anger in his heart was about to burst his chest, and at the same time, unparalleled pressure also fell on him.

Just when Fudofeng was worried, suddenly Yakuzu's momentum suddenly changed, and a red-black aura erupted from his body, tightly wrapped around him.

"This is the breath of a beast?" Tachibana said with some surprise.

"No, this is the breath of a beast, or it can be called wild!" Akaji said flatly.

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