When the referee announced the end of the match, everyone in Fudofeng couldn't help but cheer, they achieved their goal of becoming a national champion, and now Fudofeng has become the new king!

After the results of the match, the people of Lihai looked extremely frustrated but with a hint of relief, they lost to Fudo Peak again, and this time they lost more completely.

Yukimura looked at the scoring screen of the game stunned, and did not come to his senses for a long time, until Sanada walked up to him and called Yukimura guiltily, he did not react.

"Sorry! Yukimura! I still lost and didn't give Lihaida the last chance! Sanada lowered his head and said in an extremely annoyed tone.

"You've done your best! It can only be said that we really have a big gap with Fudongfeng, so we can only train hard and challenge them again next year! Yukimura has now accepted the end of defeat, but he has not given up hope.

"I know, Yukimura! After that, I will redouble my efforts and there will be absolutely no slack! Sanada said in a firm tone.

On the other side, the main candidates of Fudomine had already come to Akaji's side, and everyone had a smile on their faces, even Tezuka and Yakuzu, thinking that they were never favored by everyone, all the way to the top of the country today, and the efforts made were only known to them.

At this time, the organizer also announced through the radio that the award ceremony would be held next, and Yukio Kurobe and Oni in the audience had gotten up and prepared to leave, Ghost was going back to prepare for the overseas expedition, and Yukio Kurobe was to report to the head coach as soon as possible what he had observed today.

Irie and Mitsuya were ready to say hello to Akaji and them before leaving, and soon the organizers set up the stage for the award, and in front of all the audience, the first person from Tachikai Dai came on stage to receive the runner-up medal and trophy.

Then the crowd of Fudongfeng walked onto the stage, and suddenly many streamers and salutes appeared around, and it was very lively, and after the atmosphere calmed down a little, the leaders of the organizers stepped forward and shook hands with everyone one by one, and then put on championship medals and garlands for everyone.

Finally, in front of all the audience, Akaji stood in the middle of the crowd of candidates, holding high the trophy belonging to this year's national champion, and all the media present also perfectly recorded this moment with their cameras.

While everyone was cheering and celebrating, Mitsuya and Irie approached Akaji and informed him of the decision of the International Tennis Association and the World Championship organizers, which Akaji was not much surprised, he had already expected that if he were in Germany, maybe the organizers would turn a blind eye, but unfortunately he was ranked 30 outside the neon.

After informing Akaji about this, Mitsuya and Irie also said goodbye to him and prepared to return to the U17 training camp, but before leaving, Mitsuya gave Akaji a small note with the contact information of U17 head coach Mifune, which was just handed over by Yukio Kurobe to Mitsuya.

Akaji looked at the note in his hand and gradually had a new idea in his mind, but this still needed to be confirmed by him and Mifune, and it was too early to think about it.

For a whole day, the members of Fudofeng were like crazy, singing and dancing, so unhappy, Akaji didn't care about them, after all, Fudofeng won the national championship, let them be happy and relax today.

However, Yukimura, Jibe, Fuji and the others found Akaji and asked if they would hold a joint stay later, but Akaji did not answer immediately, but told them to wait a few days first, he had to confirm one thing first.

The next day, when everyone went home, Akaji took out Mifune's contact information and dialed the number, in fact, Akaji was still a little confused, just where Mifune was staying, it didn't look like there was a phone.

But not long after, Mifune's breathy voice came from the phone, and Akaji didn't think much about it, anyway, there are so many unreasonable things in this world, why do you care so much.

"Akaji boy! Contact me so soon, do you want to ask about the World Championship?

"I have heard about this, to be honest, it did not surprise me, I am looking for you today to ask you something!" Akaji said in a polite tone.

"Oh? You kid can actually ask me for something? Say it and listen! Mifune said with some curiosity.

"That's right, I believe you also know that there are many talented players in our middle school class this year, so I want to take advantage of this holiday to send them to your side to hone them!" Akaji directly stated his purpose.

"So it's this thing, no problem, even if you kid doesn't say it, I have this plan, but are you sure you want them to come to me?" And not to a training camp? Mifune was a little curious about why Akaji would think of sending people to him, knowing that his back mountain was called a hellish existence by the people in the training camp.

"That's right, it's you, although the training camp is the most scientific training method, but I think it won't help them much, but the special training method on your side may have a different experience for them." Akaji said seriously.

"Hmm~ Even if your kid has vision, then send them all, how many people are there?" Mifune said with some satisfaction.

"30 people in total, then trouble the head coach!" Akaji thought for a moment and replied.

"That's a lot of people, okay! The address you know anyway, bring it directly! Mifune readily agreed.

Then the two exchanged a few pleasantries, then hung up the phone, yes, Akaji was not going to do a joint lodging this time, and directly sent people to the back mountain hell of U17, saying that it was life-threatening training there.

In fact, Akaji has found that the strength of Tezuka, Yukimura, and Kurato has reached a bottleneck period, and even according to the perfect training method given by Akaji, it will take a long time to break through to the world, so he is ready to let them try it at Mifune, maybe this will stimulate the growth of the player even more.

But before that, he had to let the people of Shitenhoji get used to it for a few days, and when they parted this morning, Akaji gave Watanabe Shu the training method he had spent the afternoon sorting out, and Watanabe Shu expressed his gratitude to Akaji very cautiously after seeing it in general.

In this way, a week passed, and Akaji felt that it was almost the same, so he contacted his companion, Sakaki Taro, Watanabe Osamu and Ryuzaki Pansy, and told him to send the contestants to U17 training, except for Watanabe Shu was a little surprised, the other three were more or less mentally prepared.

Ryuzaki Pansy has now completely looked away, and although she did not positively admit that her previous approach was wrong, she did not limit the growth of the first year anymore, and even Akaji said that she would send them to U17, and she readily agreed.

A day later, everyone selected by Akaji gathered together, got on the bus prepared by Akaji, and drove towards the back mountain of U17, where Shiraishi, Ishida Gin, and Shinobu Ken were all hearing about the existence of U17 for the first time, so they were a little overwhelmed.

The others were calm, they knew that Akaji had already been to U17 before, and it was estimated that so many of them could go to U17 because of Akaji.

The people chosen by Akaji this time were: Fudomine Shosho selected all the members except Akaji, Tachikai Daishō selected all the members, all the first-year members of the Youth Academy, all the members of the first year of the Ice Emperor, Senishi, Minami, and Dongfang of Yamabuki, Tetsuya Hara, Shiraishi, Ishida Gin, and Shinobu Kenya of Shitenhoji Temple, a total of 30 people.

As for the others, if they are in the third year, it is estimated that they will be recruited into the U17 after graduation, don't worry Akaji, the remaining talent is not much strong, I am afraid that I will not even be able to play on the No. 1 court, and it makes no sense to go.

When the bus came to the foot of the nameless mountain, everyone followed Akaji out of the car, including Tezuka, everyone was now unconsciously nervous, but Akaji did not waste time and directly led everyone to the back mountain.

After passing through the passage that Akaji had originally walked through, Mifune's rude scolding voice came from ahead again, which made everyone except Akaji stunned, but seeing that Akaji did not stop, he could only follow.

Finally, after everyone walked out of the cave, the scene in front of them shocked them, a group of high school students lying on the ground, their bodies were full of abrasions and bruises, which could no longer be described in a tragic word.

Ignoring everyone's shock, Akaji stepped forward with a smile to greet Mifune, who saw that everyone had arrived, and waved his hand impatiently, signaling that Akaji could leave.

That is, Akaji knows Mifune's character, otherwise he will definitely give him a light shot to taste, but with Mifune's strength, I am afraid that he does not put light hitting in his eyes at all.

You must know that in the original book, this guy is wearing clogs, jumping from a helicopter and still being safe, and his physical fitness is definitely not much worse than that of a high-ranking professional player.

However, Akaji still said a few words in Mifune's ear before leaving, but Mifune pondered for a while after listening to Akaji's words, and then began to greet the new junior high school students, and a miserable life awaited them.

On the other side, Akaji returned along the same road and came to the training camp, because the First Army is still on an expedition and has not returned, Akaji, the No3, can be said to be the boss in the training camp.

However, Tadashima still remained in the training camp, his fear of flying already existed now, and Akaji was already planning to try to see if there was another way to solve this problem, otherwise the expedition was a trivial matter, in case the ship delayed the world race, it would be a big deal, although there was no tardiness in the original book, but who can say for sure now.

After that, the three coaches also came out to say hello to Akaji, let him move freely, and do whatever he wants, as long as he does not violate the principles of the training camp, which is a privilege given to the strong.

For more than half a month, Akaji rarely relaxed, chatting with Tanegashima every day, paying attention to the personnel changes of the No. 1 Stadium, and inquiring about the situation of the junior high school students on the back mountain by the way.

It wasn't until Ghost returned from an overseas expedition with members of the First Army that the training camp became lively, because everyone knew that a new round of the First Army Shuffle Battle was about to begin, and this time it was also an important factor in determining whether or not to play in the world competition.

At this time, on the back mountain, Mifune called all the junior high school students and two high school students in front of him, these two high school students were Ito and Yamada, who had stayed in the back mountain to train since they were defeated by Akaji and Oni last time.

Now they are much more honest, and they have seen the situation clearly, knowing that they have completely lost in their senior grades, and they no longer have their right to speak in the training camp, so they did not provoke the new middle school students some time ago, only when they did not exist.

Mifune took out two U17 black uniform jackets that had been prepared long ago and threw them to Ito and Yamada, and told them to put on the coats and go down the mountain to the training camp, and someone would tell them what to do.

After more than half a month of hard training, all the temperaments of junior high school students have changed a lot, especially Tezuka and Yukimura, the two have faintly broken through to a half-step world-class, but they have not completely stabilized, and the Tibetan rabbit seat has already shown signs of a breakthrough.

Although Mifune's training method is very dangerous, it can force out the accumulated potential of the players to the maximum extent in a short period of time, but the method is a bit rough, and it is easy to leave sequelae or dark injuries if you are not careful.

Fortunately, Mifune's experience did not allow such side effects for the junior high school students, and everyone sorted out their belongings very neatly, and then came to a mound, dug out their rackets, and went down the mountain together.

Soon in the training camp, the battle for the last ten places in the first army began, but Tezuka was told to wait temporarily after they came to the training camp, and there would be special arrangements later, and Ito and Yamada went directly to get the first army spot.

An hour later, the battle was over, and the bottom ten of the first army did not change much, except for the addition of Ito and Yamada, and everyone knew that tomorrow's top ten shuffle battle would be the main thing, so they all went back to their dormitories to rest.

Even the junior high school students, the training camp has arranged dormitories, until now they know that the place where they stayed before was not the U17 training camp at all, this is the place, the traces have begun to complain about Akaji.

But having said that, in fact, everyone is still very grateful to Akaji, after so much time on the back mountain, they also already know the identity of Mifune, the head coach of the U17 training camp, Akaji can send them directly to him to train, obviously going through the back door.

The next day, the atmosphere of the entire U17 training camp became hot again, and everyone was waiting to watch today's First Army shuffle battle, even Tezuka and they arrived around the venue early.

At this moment, the top ten people of the First Army finally appeared in front of everyone, and the middle school students were surprised to see the familiar figure standing in the No3 position.

Of course, they were not surprised by the identity of the top ten of Akaji's first army, but surprised that Akaji was actually only No3, how strong the top two players should be!

It's a pity that they didn't see No1's Byodoin, the guy is still traveling around the world, and there are rumors that Byodoin was slashed by lightning some time ago, and I don't know if it's really fake, only Akaji knows, it's the real thing, it seems that Byodoin has met Amadeus.

Soon the battle of the first army shuffle began, and the fierce competition opened the eyes of all the junior high school students, especially the style of play of Atsushi Tono, which made them unacceptable.

However, Akaji told them that this is common in the world, and many players choose to deliberately hurt their opponents in order to achieve their goal of victory, and the world is far more cruel than they think.

Akaji's words made Tezuka and them all silent, originally in their opinion, Kurato and Yakuzu were already cruel enough, but compared to Tono Atsukyo on the field now, it was obviously much gentler.

Soon the shuffle battle was over, and Ito and Yamada finally entered the top ten again, after all, the strength was there, but this time they ranked No5 and No10, and Koshichi and Irie dropped to No11 and No20.

Koshichi was defeated by Ito, and everyone in Irie can be sure that he lost on purpose, and the coach can arrange for Yamada to fight him, it is difficult to say whether it was Irie who took the initiative to ask for it.

It is also worth mentioning that the challenges of No2, No3 and No4 were all given up by the opponents, especially the opponents of Oni and Akaji, and their voices trembled a little when they gave up, as if the other party was some prehistoric behemoth.

In this way, except for Akaji, all the candidates for the French World Championship have been determined, although the list has been submitted before, but it is only a 30-man roster, and many people actually have no chance to play.

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