The military is the guarantee of the abyss front.

Then the Psychic Bureau is the most critical link in ensuring the internal order of the country.

Problems such as monster riots and supernatural crimes in the secret realm are all under the sole responsibility of the Psychic Bureau.

When encountering a violent organization like the Holy Spirit Church, a good citizen like Bailian who abides by the law will report the situation to the Psychic Bureau as soon as possible.

The official of this world is also trustworthy.

And he is also worried that after killing the three believers, the Holy Spirit Church will have some special means to find him.

Entering the Psychic Bureau, Bailian briefly explained his purpose to the front desk.

The front desk staff immediately became serious and invited Bailian to an inquiry room.

After a while, a man in formal clothes came in.

He had a dignified figure, a handsome appearance, a pair of calm eyes, and a natural majestic temperament.

As soon as the other party came in, Bailian felt that there seemed to be a faint spiritual power that was sensing him implicitly.

"Hello, I am the deputy director here."

The man in formal clothes had a steady voice, and his speech speed was neither fast nor slow, which gave him a special sense of security.

"Hello." Bailian nodded politely.

It seems that the authorities are really sensitive to the Holy Spirit Church.

He just mentioned it briefly, and someone in this position came in person.

On the side of the inquiry room, behind this one-way glass, there were three full-time staff members observing and recording the situation in the inquiry room.

"Can you tell me more about what you said?"

The deputy director looked normal, but he was amazed at Bailian's youth in his heart.

And the deep spiritual power in his eyes.

Even when he was working in the imperial capital before, he had never seen a young genius with such spiritual power.

Bailian spent a few minutes to explain the details.

In the process of explaining, when he talked about killing the gluttonous slime and using illusion to kill the two people, Bailian saw the fleeting surprise in the eyes of the man who seemed calm in front of him.

Even the Holy Spirit Church might attempt to assassinate a student of No. 1 Middle School, Bailian told the other party, but he did not explain how he knew it.

And the deputy director did not choose to ask.

"As for the bodies, I hid them in the bushes near the scene. It should be in time to rush over now."

After finding the bodies, the Psychic Bureau has a special method to test whether it is a member of the Holy Spirit Church, which can also prove what he just said.

"We will send someone to look for it immediately."

The deputy director nodded, and did not say anything like asking the other party "Why don't you bring the bodies out?"

"Is there anything else you need to add?"

"No." Bailian shook his head, and then signed a document at the deputy director's signal.

Finally, the deputy director stood up and looked at Bailian, with sincere gratitude in his eyes:

"Little brother, thank you for the information you told me. Once these news are verified, our bureau will also have corresponding rewards."

As he said, he took out a business card and handed it to Bailian: "This is my business card. If you encounter any situation related to the Holy Spirit Church in the future, you can also call me directly."

Bailian took the business card, agreed, and then left the Psychic Bureau.

The three people next to the interrogation room also came out. One of them, a man with glasses, said to the deputy director:

"He can easily kill three fifth-level people at the age of seventeen. Although he is a fake member of the Holy Spirit Church, he is still scary enough."

"According to the information in the database, Bailian's level when he awakened his superpower was only E-level. Now it seems that his superpower has awakened for the second time."

"Second awakening..." The deputy director looked at Bailian's back, and his serious features showed a smile.

"Send someone to secretly protect him for a while, before the national selection."

The other three were surprised and looked at the deputy director, but only the man with glasses said:

"It's unnecessary. It's not him who is targeted by the Holy Spirit Church, and we don't have enough manpower."

"Just in case, such a good seedling will inevitably be noticed by the Holy Spirit Church. Try not to let him get involved in these troubles." The deputy director explained.

"A good seedling is indeed a good seedling, but is it so good?" The man with glasses continued to ask.

The other two were embarrassed and glanced at him with admiration.

As expected of an intern from a big family, he is really brave.

The deputy director glanced at him. If he hadn't been doing it for the good of the bureau, even if he was a relative, he would still be

Make things difficult for him.

"With the strength of his mental power, after obtaining the spiritual secret technique, it will not be a problem for him to turn his mental power into a mysterious one within a year and become a sixth-level psychic."

"!" The man with glasses opened his eyes wide in surprise, and said after a moment:

"That is indeed a bit necessary..."


The next day, early in the morning.

Before six o'clock, Bailian woke up naturally. This is the biological clock he has developed over the years.

After washing up and having a simple breakfast, he did not go out immediately as usual.

Starting today, he no longer plans to continue to train in the secret realm.

In the past six months, whether it is physical skills, sword skills, illusion skills, or fire-related supernatural powers, they have been almost impeccable.

Even the throwing of hidden weapons, he has reached an incredible level after a little practice.

With the Sharingan, he has made too fast progress in all aspects.

The power of the Sharingan may lie in this.

After training for so long, Bailian should make plans for the next step, such as the national selection of high school students with special abilities.

Bailian had nothing to do in the morning, so he read a little more.

"A Speculation on Abyss Consciousness Based on Swarm Thinking" is a writer's reasoning about the current situation of the abyss, but the words are all about human nature.

At eleven o'clock, Bailian changed his clothes and went out.

Headed to Huiping No. 1 Middle School.

This was the first time Bailian had stepped into this school after two and a half years.

He was holding his school card from the first year of high school, and he was allowed in after explaining a few words to the security guard.


The bell rang for the end of class.

After the practical class in the morning, Lao He walked back to the office.

When he was about to reach the office, he heard a colleague coming towards him and said to him: "Lao He, there is a handsome guy in the office looking for you."

Lao He was also stunned, and then responded.

Handsome guy?

The get out of class was just over, and the students of the supernatural department went back to rest. Could it be the students of the cultural department?

With doubts, Lao He pushed open the door of the office.

He saw an unexpected figure.

The boy was tall, handsome, and had an elegant temperament. Although he hadn't seen him for more than two years, Lao He still recognized him at a glance.

The boy was also attracted by the movement of the door opening and saw his former class teacher.

His hair was still sparse, but the top of his head seemed not as bright as before.

Bailian looked at Lao He and smiled sincerely: "Long time no see, teacher..."

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