The first time, the last time, the last time.

Huiping City, a residential area.

After awakening his superpowers, Bailian did not stay in school, nor did he participate in the enthusiastic discussions with other classmates, and went home directly.

Under a building, Bailian swiped his card to pass through the gate.

This is an apartment building, which is also a well-known high-end apartment in Huiping City. They are all large flat-floor apartments. The family of the predecessor used to live here.

Bailian did not inherit the memory of his predecessor after crossing over. He was the assistant of his father and helped him a lot after he "survived the disaster and lost his memory".

From the information Bailian knew, the parents of the predecessor seemed to be excellent researchers.

Working in a large technology company, the research is also related to superpowers.

The truth of their strange deaths has not been found out yet.

Bailian had no choice but to inherit some "legacy" belonging to his predecessor.

This includes this large flat and more than 10 million in savings.

After returning home, Bailian went straight back to his room after passing the empty living room.

He turned on the computer and began to look up detailed information about the secret realm and low-level monsters in Huiping City.

Unlocking the pupil technique requires the consumption of source essence.

For Bailian now, the best way to obtain source essence is undoubtedly to hunt low-level monsters in the secret realm.

Although low-level monsters generally have low combat power, he is just a weak chicken now.

Therefore, he needs to make a perfect plan.

By the way, he has to try to take advantage of it. Can he let others bind the monster so that he can complete the killing method to brush the source essence.

There are also many things to do.

However, unlike the pressure and anxiety when he just crossed over.

Bailian now is full of expectations for the future...


Time flies.

Two years later.

During these two years, Bailian did three main things.

First, he successfully persuaded Lao He, took a leave of absence from school, and made a detailed plan.

Second, he spent a year on basic training, during which he used the potions made by the alchemist to strengthen his physique as quickly as possible.

Third, starting from the second year, he continued to hunt low-level monsters in the secret realm to obtain source essence.

In the more than two hundred years since the revival of spiritual energy, secret realms have appeared on Blue Star one after another.

Different secret realms have different sizes and levels of danger, and the monsters inside are also diverse.

Humans divide the monsters in the secret realm into levels according to the degree of threat to people.

The first level is the weakest. Even ordinary men have the ability to kill ordinary first-level monsters alone after being fully prepared.

In contrast, the strongest monster in human history is the eighth level. It once walked out of the secret realm and destroyed half of the city in the west, causing more than 200,000 casualties.

At this time, Bailian was bravely hunting monsters.

Huiping City No. 3 Public Secret Realm, Outer Area.

"Patrol green devils, come quickly..."

On a dark and damp path, weeds grew vigorously on both sides.

This is the patrol route of a goblin tribe.

In a lush bush somewhere, Bailian held a compound crossbow, waiting for the arrival of prey.

He has been squatting here for more than half an hour.

According to past habits, the goblin patrol team should have arrived more than ten minutes ago.

Suddenly, Bailian paused.

Then he slowed down his breathing.


At the corner not far away, three short green figures appeared.

They were ugly, with green skin all over, and they all held simple wooden weapons in their hands.

Through the tiny gaps in the bushes, his dark eyes stared at one of the targets, and Bailian's eyes were as steady as a pool of stagnant water.

Although the distance was more than ten meters, he could see the wrinkles on the goblin's skin clearly.


The crossbow arrow flew through the air at a very fast speed and hit a goblin's head directly.

[Kill ordinary goblin, source +1. ]


The sudden change scared the other two goblins.

Before their slow brains could react, Bailian rushed out of the bushes. The compound crossbow in his hand had been thrown away, and replaced by a Tang sword.

The straight and firm blade, the cold light is compelling!


Seeing the tall figure with superb equipment coming straight at them, the two goblins panicked instantly.

The distance was very close, and Bailian's speed was very fast, so they had no time to escape.

In a strong panic, the man standing in front

The goblin on the other side didn't even put up an effective resistance, and was directly cut across the neck by Bailian's sharp blade!

Blood splashed from the wound, and some of it fell directly on Bailian.

The disgusting smell of blood hit him, but Bailian had long been accustomed to it, and his eyes did not change at all.

[Kill ordinary goblin, source +1. 】

After killing a goblin, Bailian's movements did not pause at all, and he ran towards the last goblin!

He changed to holding the knife with both hands and resolutely chopped down the head of the last goblin from top to bottom.

The successive deaths of his companions had frightened the remaining goblin, but facing the threat of death, the instinct for survival still made it raise the round-headed wooden stick in its hand.

It blocked the Tang sword.

Bailian was not surprised by this.

Although these green-skinned guys are short, in terms of their strength, they can definitely easily crush an adult man.

"Hey~" The blade was embedded deep into the wood, and the goblin, who was originally full of fear, immediately changed his face.

It showed a look of relief and complacency.

But the next moment——


The goblin was kicked up by Bailian!

The goblin fell to the ground after being hit hard, and before he could get up, a Tang sword pierced its heart directly and nailed it to the grass.

"... Kid, you are more than ten minutes late, and my legs are numb from squatting."

His left foot stepped on the goblin's right arm holding the weapon, and his right knee, which was half squatting, pressed against its struggling body.

Bailian slowly moved the handle of the knife until it stopped struggling completely.

"The jungler came earlier than you, be careful next time..."

[Kill ordinary goblin, source quality +1. 】

Hearing the prompt from the inner world, Bailian's tense muscles began to relax, and he slowly got up and pulled out the Tang sword.

Bailian exhaled slowly, wiped off the blood that splashed on his bangs, and showed his handsome features and neat hair.

In the past two years, his appearance has become more and more outstanding.

"Three source essences, just a little bit left, I should be able to unlock the Sharingan today."

Holding the Tang sword that was still stained with a little blood.

Bailian swung it skillfully, and the blade regained its brightness.

Turning back to the bushes, he took out the compound crossbow and scabbard, inserted the Tang sword into the scabbard, and tied it back to his waist.

There were a lot of bloodstains on his clothes, but Bailian didn't care. He walked around the goblin's body and left here along the path.


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