The last match of the second stage, Bailian went to the competition venue on time.

At this time, Rong Fei was already standing there, but his face looked a little gloomy. Seeing Bailian coming, his expression became even gloomier.

To be honest, he also knew that the last match of the second stage would not be easy, but he didn't expect to be so unlucky.

He happened to be matched with Bailian.

If he hadn't wanted to disgust Fan Jing before, he wouldn't have wanted to mess with Bailian. Thinking of this, Rong Fei couldn't help but curse Fan Jing a few times.

Because of this, his father also said a few words to him.

In fact, the point is not to cause trouble, but mainly because no one could have thought that an unknown country bumpkin would have such strength.

Therefore, when he saw that his opponent in this competition was Bailian, he was not feeling well.

But even if his father was the head of the Rong family, he could not change his opponent.

He could only use some of his family's connections and ask a referee from the Zhang family to "admonish" him.

But it seemed to have no effect.

When he thought of this, Rong Fei looked at Bailian with annoyance.

A temporary referee stood in the middle of the two people, and when he saw Bailian and Rong Fei standing in the designated positions, he was about to speak.

Rong Fei spoke first, and said in a mocking tone: "Hey, Bailian, you don't have anything else to show except illusion, right? Don't always use your cheap illusion."

This is his way of provoking.

The pre-war declaration, also known as the pre-war trash talk session, will also be announced to the public as part of the competition.

Geniuses like Bailian often care most about this kind of doubt and contempt for their strength. If they consider their face, they will probably succeed.

Someone in the Rong family has analyzed that Bailian's illusion cannot be resisted before the mental power reaches the mysterious realm, and this is just a conservative estimate.

In other words, no one can get rid of Bailian's illusion in this selection.

However, Rong Fei doesn't want to lose like a fool and be pointed at by others.

After all, there are many people in the circle of the imperial capital who don't get along with him.

"If you are afraid of illusions, just keep your eyes closed." Bailian said calmly.

Hearing this, Rong Fei's expression froze. If he kept his eyes closed, how could he win?

"As for other means..." Bailian paused, with a slight contempt in his tone.

"Are you good at digging trees? Are you still thinking about doing it again."

"! What did you say..." Rong Fei was directly angry, his face flushed a little, and his heart was directly broken.

The previous incident was embarrassing enough, and now, when Bailian mentioned this situation, it made him even more uncomfortable.

"Can we start? If the competition lasts longer than your bragging, you will be embarrassed."

Hearing this, Rong Fei's face became even uglier, and he could only keep calming down.

The referee saw that Rong Fei did not say anything, so he raised his right hand and began the countdown seriously.

"The competition begins!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Rong Fei immediately activated his superpowers, and groups of orange energy groups emitting violent fluctuations appeared around him.

Rong Fei's S-level annihilation superpower is essentially to generate a special energy and give this energy special properties.

And the properties that Rong Fei mastered are explosion, erosion, and destruction.

But in fact, as the family superpower that the Rong family is proud of, the strongest property of annihilation is decomposition.

"Take it, Bailian!" Rong Fei shouted, and all the more than ten orange energy balls were attacked at Bailian at once.

Because he didn't dare to look at Bailian directly, he could only use his peripheral vision to judge the opponent's position, so his supernatural power could not accurately pursue.

Seize the initiative and use large-scale attacks to suppress the opponent-

This is the tactic set by the family for him to compete with Bailian.

At the same time, Bailian's Sharingan watched Rong Fei's movements, and his hands began to form seals, and finally slapped the ground.

"Wood Release, Tree World Birth."

Suddenly, countless trees emerged from the ground, and when the trees spread, they also blocked Rong Fei's attack.

"Boom!" More than a dozen violent explosions blew out many gaps in the sea of ​​trees, but they were quickly covered by new trees.

"Here comes this trick again!" This time, Rong Fei, who had learned a lesson, jumped directly into the sky.

Facing the trees entangled below, he kept throwing gray

The energy ball destroyed the trees and finally landed on the forest below.

The violent movement slowly subsided.

On the other side, the referee was already in mid-air, with a floating ice block under his feet and two medical staff behind him.

He looked at the forest that suddenly formed below: "Fuck, are you kidding me..."

He was only a temporary referee for the second stage of the competition, so he had not seen Bailian's previous performance and was not mentally prepared for this situation.

"Is this the fifth level?"

And not only were they affected, but even the tall earth walls around the venue had trees growing.

Standing in the tall sea of ​​trees, Bailian looked down at Rong Fei below.

"You want a chance to cash in, I'll give it to you. So, just do your best to please me."

Hearing Bailian's playful tone, Rong Fei was even more irritated, and his chest was shrinking.

"...Who doesn't know how to brag? You just rely on your ability to restrain me." Rong Fei laughed angrily. No matter what, you can't lose in momentum.

"It would be great if your strength was as tough as your words, number seven." Bailian chuckled.

Then, he made a seal with his hands.

A wooden figure began to extend from the tree under Bailian's feet, and finally slowly turned into Bailian's appearance.

"Don't come back if you can't win."

The Wood Clone glanced at the original body, then moved his hands and feet, and jumped down directly from a high place.

"......!" Rong Fei looked at the other "Bailian" who jumped down in surprise.

He was a little confused.

The Wood Clone slowly walked towards Rong Fei, muttering to himself.

"Hey, you really can use your clone. It's fine if you do hard labor at ordinary times, but you even want your clone to do the whole process for you in the competition. You are really a black-hearted original body..."

Clone! ?

Just a small clone?

Rong Fei's face turned dark, and he looked up at Bailian above with a sinister look.

"Are you humiliating me and the Rong family?"

"Forgive me." The Wood Release clone smiled and explained, "That's just his personality. He didn't mean to humiliate you on purpose. He just treated you as a joke."

"You, you are a clone..." Rong Fei gritted his teeth and looked at the Wood Release clone.

"..." Bailian, who was standing above, glanced at his Wood Release clone.

Even if you are a clone, you don't have to care about your image, but you should at least consider the impact of your behavior on the original body...

In theory, the personality of the clone should be the same as the original body.

Why are all his clones like this?

"Why don't you perform for a while and surrender when you are tired?"

In the sun, the Wood Release clone looked at Rong Fei and smiled politely:

"Anyway, in my opinion, you can't beat me."

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