The crowd was so excited that they had to wait for the next battle.

In the special auditorium.

Those who are qualified to appear here are not simple people. They are all knowledgeable and have seen big scenes.

But after they realized that Jingmi really couldn't absorb the black flame, the atmosphere was still a bit loud for a while.

Many of them looked surprised and looked at Wenren Xinyuan quietly.

Everyone here knows the power of Jingmi's ability. Not to mention the various attacks composed of spiritual power, even the earth and gold-based abilities with entities will lose their meaning as attacks after being cut off from spiritual power by Jingmi.

And such a powerful characteristic is also the important reason why Jingmi has such a reputation among the psychics.

There is no way to deal with the quiet ability, which is also the most important reason why the Wenren family can compete with the other three families with tens of thousands of members.

Otherwise, even if you are very powerful and destructive, as long as you have weaknesses, it will not be a problem for the family, and there are many means to use...

But the appearance of this strange black flame means that the Wenren family's "invincible" quiet ability.

It has a real weakness...


In the duel arena, a shock suddenly burst out from the black ball wrapped in black flames.


The huge impact broke a gap in the black ball, and even the ground was blasted with a more than two-meter-deep scratch, and the figure of the girl rushed out from it.

Bailian was waiting for this opportunity.

Wenren Qinglian, who had escaped, had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief before he heard the familiar sound that suddenly sounded not far away, like the sound of thousands of birds singing.


Wenren Qinglian looked over subconsciously, and saw a figure wrapped in electricity, as fast as a ghost, almost rushing in front of her.

The Tang sword in his hand flashing with electricity, and the strange pattern in his scarlet eyes that she had never seen before...

"!" She reacted as if she was in a state of stress after just one glance.

Her eyes immediately avoided the Sharingan, and she wanted to refocus on that move, but she didn't have that much time in a hurry.

Because facing Bailian's sword so fast, Wenren Qinglian didn't even have time to draw the sword at her waist, and could only raise the scabbard and block it hastily!


With a sword that didn't hold back, coupled with the huge kinetic energy it carried, the Tang sword and the scabbard collided heavily!

At the moment of the collision, the two people seemed to have exchanged speeds. Wenren Qinglian flew backwards instantly, while Bailian adjusted his position and stopped lightly in the original place.

The girl flew backwards and before she could adjust her body shape, her back hit the raised yellow earth heavily.

"Ah!" Wenren Qinglian groaned in pain, and felt as if her back had lost consciousness, and her hands holding the scabbard were also trembling slightly.

Wenren Qinglian endured the discomfort of her body, adjusted her body shape, staggered a few steps on the ground, and barely stopped on the ground.


Then, she immediately activated her supernatural power, and the scene in her eyes turned gray again, and only the general outline could be seen.

Fortunately, Bailian did not seem to plan to pursue the victory immediately-

Just as Wenren Qinglian was thinking this, she noticed a slight movement from the woods on the side, and she immediately drew out the sword with her trembling right hand.

Although she was not very good at swordsmanship, once Bailian got close to her, only the sword could effectively resist.


There was no sound of Chidori, just an ordinary instant body technique, Bailian appeared at Wenren Qinglian's side almost instantly.

"Doppelganger!" Wenren Qinglian reacted extremely quickly, twisted her wrist, and stabbed Bailian's abdomen with a sword.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Sparks flew everywhere, and the swords collided three times in the blink of an eye. Wenren Qinglian lost her balance and almost lost the sword in her hand.

Wenren Qinglian was completely unable to resist Bailian's close combat, and with the influence of the technique in her eyes, after three simple moves, let alone reacting, she couldn't even see Bailian's movements clearly.

"Oh no, I have to get out of here immediately!" Wenren Qinglian gritted her teeth and no longer retained the spiritual power that had been gathered in her body in advance. Although she would be injured if she attacked at this distance, she couldn't care so much now.

But what Wenren Qinglian didn't know was that this kind of move that required the gathering of spiritual power in advance was so conspicuous in the eyes of the Sharingan.


Wenren Qinglian, who was hit hard in the abdomen, flew away

Wenren Qinglian was kicked out, and under the severe pain, the moves that were about to be prepared also dissipated instantly.

At the moment when Wenren Qinglian was kicked out, a wooden wall suddenly rose from the ground not far away.

Then, Wenren Qinglian's back hit the wooden wall heavily.

"Cough!" Wenren Qinglian coughed out a stream of blood and opened her eyes with some difficulty.

She was in great pain and numbness all over her body. Just as she was about to stand up, she was restrained by several pieces of wood extending from the wooden wall behind her.

Moreover, she seemed to feel that the spiritual power in her body was being absorbed by these woods...?

'I can't give up yet... At least, I can't lose so badly...'

Wenren Qinglian gritted her teeth and endured the discomfort of her body. She raised her right hand and pressed it on the wood around her waist, trying to activate her supernatural power to destroy it as quickly as possible...


At this time, a Tang sword penetrated the wooden wall from behind, and the dark red blade also appeared in Wenren Qinglian's eyes.

"You lose."

Bailian's calm voice sounded behind the wooden wall.

The sharp blade pointed at the girl's neck, and a shallow blood mark had been cut.

It was the right depth to see blood but not bleed.

Wenren Qinglian paused, and the spiritual power running in her body also stopped quietly.

As the pain in her body gradually became clearer, the emotions that had been suppressed during the competition, as well as the powerlessness and unwillingness after the defeat, gradually emerged...

She withdrew the spell from her eyes, and her vision became normal again, but her clear eyes were a little more rosy.

"The competition is over, the winner--"

Above the duel field, Gu Chang, who had been silently acting as a referee, made a loud judgment.


Controlling the wood escape to untie Wenren Qinglian, Bailian pulled the Tang sword out of the wooden wall, and with a slight turn of his wrist, the tip of the sword was accurately inserted back into the scabbard hanging diagonally behind his waist.

The hand holding the hilt loosened, and the blade slid down slowly and spontaneously under gravity, and finally a light "click" sounded.

The spiritual array that isolated the duel field was also closed at this time, and the cheers of hundreds of thousands of people came from all directions. The screens of the major spiritual arrays were all pictures of Bailian.

But Bailian did not say anything, and calmly walked to the edge of the duel field, in the direction of the student rest area.

At the same time, the medical staff on the scene also came to Wenren Qinglian. She was not seriously injured, just a few broken bones and some internal injuries.

The psychic with healing ability treated her on the spot, and Wenren Qinglian recovered immediately and also walked towards the rest area.

She was defeated too quickly later. Thinking carefully, Bailian, who was "suppressed" by her for more than three minutes at the beginning of the competition, seemed to just let her perform first...

Even if her family didn't care about the result of the competition, she was so embarrassed that she would still care about not supporting the face of the Wen family.

She doesn't care much about strangers' comments, but for her family, she still wants them to be proud of her.

After all, the one who inherited the quiet ability is Wenren Qinglian...

Wenren Qinglian looked at Bailian's back with complicated thoughts.


PS: During the internship, I secretly typed the words in the office, and sent them out at once for 7k.

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