The air was quiet, and the air flow became more and more stable and regular.

What was Fan Jing's purpose in calming the atmosphere? Did he want to judge his position and movement by the influence of movement on the air flow? That was too ridiculous.

People are not bats, and wind can't bounce back like ultrasound. To put it bluntly, the wind is just the movement of gas relative to the observer in macroscopic performance. With eyes closed, people can't sense the wind in the distance.

Except for the S-level wind attribute ability of the Fan family - the body of the wind demon.

It can do such a thing.

Any change in the wind can be sensed immediately even if it is hundreds of meters away, without delay and without feeling that the information is complicated. It is an instinctive ability like vision, similar to having an extra sense.

The only S-level wind-related ability in the world, but Fan Jing is not, he does not have this ability.

In other words, Fan Jing's perception method has a delay, just like listening to the sound to locate the attack with a speed close to the speed of sound, Fan Jing's perception method has no meaning for his speed and attack.

However, Fan Jing cannot be unaware of this.

So, there is something he doesn't know...

In the eyes of everyone, the two people who were still standing in the same place after the competition started, took action at the same time.


Without any trace of wind and thunder, the two figures quickly disappeared from the spot, and the dark red Tang sword and the blue sword collided with each other.

"Bang!" The crisp sound of blade collision sounded, and after a moment of confrontation, the swords and swords separated from each other, and the two took a step back, and then, the high-frequency sound of swords and halberds sounded!

The rapid collision of blades and blades, the faint burst of sparks.

There is no aura that shocks all directions, and no large-scale powerful moves.

Just swinging the sword in the hand, the sword skills and knife skills clash!

Just like the fight between the two when they first met.

In the audience, many people's adrenaline surged, and the hair on their arms stood up.

"... Why do I feel that the style of their fight has completely changed?"

"Yes, I have seen these two people show such skills in previous competitions. Aren't their weapons just used to cooperate with superpowers?"

"Too fast, really too fast, the reaction and movement are too fast!"

This is different from the feeling of watching the competition before. It is not as thrilling as the powerful superpower bombardment, nor is it as dumbfounded as when Susanoo appears.

The simple cold weapon confrontation gives people the most direct impact.

That feeling of blood throbbing and instinctive trembling...

"But, training swordsmanship and knife skills, improving physical skills, these are things that only low-level psychics will do when they have no choice, right?

"They both have high-level psychics, and they are still so young, why do they have to go far away and waste time doing these things?"

Someone expressed his doubts to the people around him.

Others nodded in agreement: "Yes, for geniuses like them, as long as they master their psychics a little bit, they can easily surpass 99% of people. "

During the confrontation, Bailian watched Fan Jing's movements with his Sharingan, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

'Become stronger, stronger than last time...'

Compared to Fan Jing during the first fight, Fan Jing, who now closed his eyes, had a higher level of reaction and movement.

It felt to Bailian that he had awakened his observation Haki.

According to what Fan Jing said before, this seemed to be a move specially created to target his illusion, right?

In this case... Bailian, who was also aroused with some fighting spirit in his heart, suddenly pressed forward in this frequent confrontation.

This action of his raised the danger of the contest between the two to another level.

Because Fan Jing did not choose to retreat.

"Bang, bang, bang--! "

The number of sword blade collisions was not as frequent, but the lethality of the confrontation was greatly increased.

The confrontation between the two was always shrunk in an extremely small area. Even if they dodged, they deliberately did not let themselves leave this area.

Gradually, Fan Jing, who was originally uninjured, gradually had more scratches on his clothes, and shallow wounds began to appear on his arms, shoulders, chest, waist, and side face.

Above, the referee Gu Chang was very alert.

"It was really thrilling." He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These two people were really ruthless. Every knife and every sword was aimed at the other's sexual desire.

He was about to die, but he had no intention to kill.

To be honest, it was difficult for him to stop a fight of this nature in time.

After all, according to the usual judgment criteria, every move they fought was quite thrilling.

If this continued, if one of them suddenly made a small mistake, his head might fall off. This had nothing to do with whether to hold back or not. When the eyes were faster than the brain and fighting based on instinct, the hands could not be stopped.

But it was actually okay. Even if the head really fell off, there were people in the medical team who could save it.

"..." Fan Jing's breathing rhythm was a little messy. Now he was under a lot of pressure.

I thought that after strengthening his perception ability, he could at least be on par with Bailian in hand-to-hand combat, but he was still suppressed.

Finally, a fierce cyclone rose between the two, interrupting their confrontation.

Fan Jing's figure kept retreating. Just now, he took the initiative to use his supernatural power to interrupt the confrontation between the two.

What a monster... In the hand-to-hand combat with Bailian for the first time, he was also at a disadvantage, and he also used his supernatural power first.

So, was it that Bailian did not go all out last time, or that Bailian has also become stronger?

Or maybe it's both... He is not the only one who has improved.

While adjusting his breathing, the spiritual power in Fan Jing's body is turning faster and faster, and the airflow is constantly compressed in the blade in his hand.

With the ordinary fighting method, there is no hope of winning, and you must desperately find that glimmer of opportunity to end the competition in an instant.


A harsh and noisy sound suddenly sounded, and Fan Jing's body tensed up.

In the competition between Bailian and Wenren Qinglian, he had already seen how fast Bailian was in this state.

At the moment when Bailian rushed over, Fan Jing swung a sword at him.

"Xun Sword Style, Horizontal Slash!"

The wind blade compressed to the point where it could cut steel spread rapidly in an arc toward Bailian.

With his Sharingan, Bailian saw the incoming wind blade. Suddenly, several pieces of wood appeared from the ground in front of him, spreading forward like an arch bridge.

Without stopping, Bailian ran directly onto the wooden bridge, and the wood in front of the bridge continued to extend as he walked.

The wind blade chopped directly onto the wood, passing through it.

However, before the wooden bridge fell, Bailian had already jumped up and came to the top of Fan Jing.

With his Sharingan, Bailian aimed the Chidori in his left hand at the target.

At this time, Fan Jing was not panicked at all. Bailian in mid-air could not use the force. Although he did not know why Bailian did this, it was his chance.

The spiritual power in his body was turning, and Fan Jing pointed the tip of his sword at Bailian. While activating his supernatural power to prepare for an attack, he was also extremely cautious and prepared to retreat to guard against Bailian's backhand.

Bailian didn't care when he saw the spiritual power turning in Fan Jing's body with his Sharingan.

Because he was faster.

As Bailian fell, the form of the Chidori in his left hand began to change.

"Chidori Sharp Spear."

"!" Fan Jing's face changed. The situation he perceived was completely beyond his expectations. His instinctive reaction made him turn his sword to block, but-


Like the sound of flesh being pierced by a sharp blade, Fan Jing's shoulder was pierced by a strange blue "energy body" with electric current.

If it weren't for his sword, which deviated from the attack trajectory at the end, this blow would have pierced his heart...

"Bang!" A huge wind pressure suddenly broke out, and Fan Jing's body flew backwards directly.

Fan Jing stopped and covered the wound uncomfortably. Not only was he bleeding, but he also felt a strong sense of numbness in his body.

What kind of move is this...?

It was obviously a lightning-type electric current, but it could cause damage as if it had a physical body, and it suddenly extended such a long distance...

Since they met, Bailian has been surpassing his cognition. Whenever he thought that was Bailian's full strength, the other party would always show some new and incredible moves.

"... Bailian, how much more do you have hidden?"

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